Manariwa means “be refreshed” or “be renewed”, from the root sariwa, “fresh”. It reflects the idea in Romans 12:2 of being changed by the renewing of our minds. Words and ideas are the powerful tools of humans to create goodness and to produce infinite change in the inner person and in the human environment. The challenge still stands: be perfect!
The Greeks have several words for the simple English word LOVE. Divine or unconditional love is agape. Storge is familial love. Affectionate or Friendly love is philia. Romantic or erotic love is eros. Of course, English has its own varieties, apart from the phrases above. There is adore, which can be used for divinity, for […]
Religion played a major role in diluting and diverting the hearts and minds of people from the true worship that Yah taught and experienced with Adam and Eve in the Garden. No, worship is not a one-way experience that humans alone have with their Creator. For if it were so, then Yah would be the […]
Do we talk to spirits? Do they talk to us? When we doubt, are we only talking to ourselves or also to them? When tempted, do we then tempt ourselves or are demons involved? How do we resist them, if so? And how do demons think? Do they ever worry or get nervous? Why is […]
If you were a martial artist, you are usually pitted against a similarly trained and classified opponent in terms of weight, experience and style, although extreme or mixed forms have taken away such boundaries. In street-fighting, however, you may encounter a stronger or weaker opponent, and end up winning or lying on the gutter. Measuring […]
The power to command demons is as true and as real as our names being written in the Book of Life. Both come from Yah and are granted according to His will and our faith. If you are not sure your name is not written there, how can you have any power over demons and […]