Manariwa means “be refreshed” or “be renewed”, from the root sariwa, “fresh”. It reflects the idea in Romans 12:2 of being changed by the renewing of our minds. Words and ideas are the powerful tools of humans to create goodness and to produce infinite change in the inner person and in the human environment. The challenge still stands: be perfect!
Much if not all of communication, especially news commentaries, comes out of the mood of the times, as well as from a person’s mood. There is the economic or political lake (swamp, as in these times) that hard-hitting columnists swim up from to gasp air and vent out their critical views. And there is the […]
Truth died a long time ago with the first lie. Ever since, even the Creator has exhorted us to seek and ferret out the truth from the forests of lies that now encompass the whole globe. 2020 saw the global elite literally and practically locking down truth and suppressing the earnest search for it through […]
Introduction To fully appreciate 2022 and understand the exchange of fiery volleys we see and sometimes personally encounter as individuals and as a globalized society, we need to review the major role that one important character – a hero to many and a villain to many others – played in our history as a nation […]
We have reviewed the past 500 years since the most daring and successful expedition undertaken by Magellan’s Spanish fleet climaxed the Age of Exploration launched by the powerful European nations in the 16th century as they expanded their global empires through establishing more and more colonies within unexplored regions. We have also surveyed how the […]
The present health crisis has redefined worship in ways we have not even imagined possible during the dark history of the early believers who went underground, literally, and met in catacombs during great persecutions by Roman emperors. Remember how the powers (whether visible and invisible) could not diminish the zeal and sacrifice of those disciples […]