52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 25) – The Ark Lands on the Mountains of Ararat (Which Came First: the Flood or the Tall Mountains?)
“Then Yah remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark. And Yah made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided. The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were also stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained. And the waters receded continually from the Earth. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters decreased. Then the Ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month. In the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen.”
WEEK 25 (13th to 19th of Cheshvan, the 8th Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)
On the 14th of this month Chesvan, 14 days after we presumed that the mountain peaks appeared above the surface of the Flood, the Ark settled on the mountains of Ararat.1 Which mountain was it? Most people would say it was Mt. Everest because it is the highest peak in the world. But was it the highest in ancient times? Remember, there were no high mountains during the time of Adam up until the time of Noah when it had not yet rained. We said that without high mountain ranges, the present climatic and meteorological conditions would not exist. Furthermore, the expansion of the Earth during the Flood and its smaller radius (half of the present) allowed the Flood to cover the globe, when the waters fell from the sky and flowed out of the depths, to as high as 3 kilometers. The only way the waters would “subside” or “recede” would be for the Earth to expand. For what kind of force or mechanism would allow that water to be forced back and down into the interiors of the Earth, when the Earth had already pushed it out upon the surface at the start by some cataclysmic process and kept it there along with the water that fell from the sky. How do you put back toothpaste into the tube after you have squeezed it out?
So, if the waters stood for exactly 150 days and totally covered the Earth without any sign of it going down rapidly back into the Earth as fast as it had risen for 40 days or less, then it means the Earth had left no space within it for the waters to go back into while leaving part of it on the surface on the Earth as it now appears. Hence, practically all the water that flooded the Earth then is what is being recycled on its surface and in underground springs and wells, and, perhaps, with some water still rising up out of the inner Earth as it continues to expand. The recession and the appearance of the peaks that Noah described, therefore, can only be explained through the Earth expanding gradually and building the high mountain ranges that straddle the continents. The oceans, on the other hand, resulted from the breaking up of Pangaea at the ancient rivers systems and other parts that we said were formed through the cracking of the globe in the beginning. This simple mechanism presents a process that is both biblical and geologically-sound. It provides a more viable and elegant explanation of the so-called Continental Drift System that is said to result in the subsidence of continental plates underneath adjacent continental plates which then recycles solid materials into magma.
The Plate Tectonics Theory works only for a globe whose diameter is fixed. It assumes the Earth had originally one single continent (with also one single ocean) that broke up and spread and collided against each other. That may explain the movements of the broken pieces of Pangaea; but what about the huge oceanic basin that remain underwater? Did it also break and spread? If it did, would it not have negated or somehow affected the rather efficient spreading of the land masses that not only appear like jigsaw-puzzle pieces that broke apart but which could have also perfectly formed a single continent that totally covers a smaller Earth without oceans? We pictured this primeval condition of the Earth with no oceans and covered with water during the first few days of Creation before the land broke up and formed the rivers of the small seas. Modern Geology somehow knows the evolutionary beginnings of the Earth; however, it diverts into a rather unviable and shortsighted mechanism.

The assumption that rising less-dense magma beneath the denser crustal plates near the Subduction Zones where continental plates collide has no compelling mechanical ability to disturb the Earth’s crust aside from forming volcanoes, unless a massive and explosive force from within the core of the Earth does it initially through the release of massive thermonuclear energy. Only expansion of the Earth caused by such internal forces can cause that upward lift required to break continents, as well as to raise so much materials from beneath to form the oceanic basins that we know continue to break and spread at the Continental Ridges and spew tons and tons of magma. Yes, the oceans are expanding and there is also colliding of plates but not due to magma per se but through a generalized global-expansion mechanism that is also responsible for forming the mountains, hills, volcanoes and islands.
In short, then, when Noah documented the recession of the Flood, the appearance of the peaks and the resting of the Ark on a mountain while the water continued to recede, he was providing eyewitness evidence to this mechanism that we have already sufficiently proven through history, science, culture, cosmology and anthropology. The eruption of thousands of volcanoes during that period also helped to create an Ice Age brought about by billions of tons of volcanic dust blown into the atmosphere which brought down temperatures as the Sun’s energy failed to penetrate the thick darkness blanketing the globe. The violent rushing of great volumes water upon the slopes and across the plains of continents, hills, valleys and mountains brought with them organic materials, boulders, rocks, and soil materials and carved out canyons, valleys and gullies upon the face of the Earth to become what we essentially we see today. Yes, contrary to the Uniformitarian Theory of Geological Evolution through millions and millions of years of weathering, sedimentation, consolidation, drifting and mountain-building, the Flood did it only within 150 days or even more. Once the land dried within one year, Noah’s New Earth and New Heaven had been finished for him and his family to dwell upon.

Science may have kidnapped our minds into rejecting this biblical timeline which, ironically, is fully supported by sound scientific principles. It takes faith to accept this holistic view; but so it is for science and its contrary views. Our greatest ally in this view, aside from the Creator Himself, is Noah and his family. Yet, the Earth itself offers sufficient, solid proofs that the Earth expanded and produced all the geological features upon the Planet Earth. Moreover, other planets in our Solar System remarkably show the same undeniable evidence; and even more convincingly because like the Moon and Mars, which have no atmospheres, water and clouds to hide and erase their primeval features, exhibit evidences of geologic expansion without the process of weathering and sedimentation having taken place.

Finally, the movement of the Ark itself parallels the growth and movement of the Earth, specifically on its surface. For as the waters that flooded the Earth raised the Ark high above the corrupted, old Earth, the Earth also increased in size. For the Creator made all things out of and from water, Apostle Peter wrote. The New Earth was likewise made out of and from water, literally and geologically. And just as the waters receded and the peaks rose up from the depths (showing a continuous growth of the globe), the Ark also landed upon the mountains that were growing bigger in height, both through the apparent descent of the water surface with respect to the mountain peaks (by subsidence), and through the physical and geological growth of the Earth and the mountains (by expansion). Meaning, the water would not have receded without the Earth expanding. To bring the water down by half in a swimming pool for kids to safely swim, we open the drain until we hit the half-volume mark. If it were an expandable pool, we can increase its area by increasing its length until the depth is half the original – the water volume remains the same, as it did with the Earth.

Likewise, we can think of an egg pie which we will bake in an oven: it is initially a wet mixture and even has syrupy liquid over its surface. As the pie heats up, it dries up, expands and becomes crusty, although much of the moisture remains within it. But the floodwaters remained upon the Earth and did not evaporate into outer space. How it receded and where it went had more to do with the reconfiguration of the Earth’s shape and size as a whole, as well as its dynamic internal mechanisms, and not just the illogical movement of the Earth’s crust (horizontal force) brought about by the slow, gradual increase of the weight of continents that causes magma to rise (vertical force). Again, even in a fixed-sized Earth, that is not possible. The least that can happen is for the surface of the Earth to evenly break out like the cracked, dried bark of a tree trunk as it grows in diameter. The broken bark pieces will remain where they are; but no lateral movement will occur. On the other hand, the apparent lateral separation of the continents is brought about by the increasing diameter of the Earth, as a balloon grows and the small printed letters also expand in proportion.
Hopefully, this brief discussion will provide a compelling evidence to the multi-faceted wisdom applied in Creation and as He allowed cosmic changes to happen that the prophets had observed and recorded for our own enlightenment. As time goes by, we will come to know more fully the overall purpose and the intentions the Creator had set for His magnificent handiworks.
1A discrepancy of 3 days between our counting and the biblical record could be accounted for by the uneven counting of months in the post-Babylonians calendar used by the ancient Hebrews which we are using, whereas Noah was using the even 30-day month calendar he inherited from Adam. Note also that Noah’s log referring to the “seventh month” could be taken as the 7th month after it rained and flooded and not the 7th month of the calendar year. For we started in the 2nd month and are now in the 8th month of the Jewish Calendar; that is, 7 months have passed as the text says.