Manariwa means “be refreshed” or “be renewed”, from the root sariwa, “fresh”. It reflects the idea in Romans 12:2 of being changed by the renewing of our minds. Words and ideas are the powerful tools of humans to create goodness and to produce infinite change in the inner person and in the human environment. The challenge still stands: be perfect!
WEEK 17 (10th to 16th of Elul, the 6th Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar) Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and […]
WEEK 16 (3rd to 9th of Elul, the 6th Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar) Thus the Heavens and the Earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day Elohim ended Their work which They had done, and They rested on the seventh day from all Their work which They […]
WEEK 14 (19th to 25th of Av, the 5th Month in the Hebrew Religious Calendar) Then Yah said, “Let the Waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the Earth across the face of the Firmament of the Heavens.” So Yah created great sea creatures and every living thing that […]
WEEK 13 (12th to 18th of Av, the 5th Month in the Hebrew Religious Calendar) Why Noah Lived to 950 The life of Noah, and his work, for that matter, parallels the history of the world. He was 480 years old when he began building the Ark. He took 120 years to build it; hence, […]
WEEK 12 (5th to 11th of Av, the 5th Month in the Hebrew Religious Calendar) Then Elohim said, “Let the Waters under the Heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry Land appear”; and it was so. And Elohim called the dry Land Earth, and the gathering together of the Waters They […]