Manariwa means “be refreshed” or “be renewed”, from the root sariwa, “fresh”. It reflects the idea in Romans 12:2 of being changed by the renewing of our minds. Words and ideas are the powerful tools of humans to create goodness and to produce infinite change in the inner person and in the human environment. The challenge still stands: be perfect!
WEEK 6 (16th to the 22nd day of Shivan, the 3rd month of the Hebrew Religious Calendar) WEEK 6 would end on the 42nd day from the time Noah and his family entered the Ark from the 17th day of Iyar. However, it did not rain for 7 days; and we surmised that they […]
WEEK 5 (9th to the 15th day of Shivan, the 3rd month of the Hebrew Religious Calendar) Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters were on the earth. So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood. Of clean animals, of animals that are unclean, […]
WEEK 4 (2nd to the 8th day of Shivan, the 3rd month of the Hebrew Religious Calendar) It is now the 4th week for Noah and his family inside the Ark and it has rained for 28 days by the end of this week. That would place our water level based on the record rainfall […]
WEEK 3 (24th day of Iyar, the 2nd month, to the 1stday of Shivan, the 3rd month of the Hebrew Religious Calendar) How Much Rain Fell During the Flood? The unceasing rain fell upon the Earth and upon the Ark for another week. How much water had fallen since Noah and his family entered the […]
WEEK 2 (17th to the 23rd day of Iyar, the 2nd month of the Hebrew Religious Calendar) What is a Miracle? Yah closed the door of the Ark for Noah and his family on the evening of the 17th day of Iyar. We consider this a miracle or, at least, something we cannot logically explain. […]