Why Mainstream Christianity has Failed (Part 3) – The End of the Age of Churches

If you are insulted for the name of Masshiak, you are blessed, because the Ruach of glory, and of Yah, rests upon you. Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify Yah in this name. For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of Yah; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of Yah? And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man and the sinner? Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of Yah are to entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right. –
In Part 2, we retraced the history of how Christianity was coopted by kingdoms of the world from the time the apostles had all but departed to receive their heavenly crowns. It was not – and still is not – a pretty picture that not so many try to stare into it for fear of seeing themselves in the whole picture. Yes, we have all been part of it somehow in one way or another. But to remain a victim or participant of a failed experiment (such as Communism is), in spite of all the evidences presented and perceived by majority of humanity, is plain hardheadedness, if not suicide.
Telling the Truth is difficult, especially nowadays. “Cancel” used to be just a tiny icon we click onscreen. Today, it can mean public humiliation or losing your job — or your life. Yes, thousands of disciples knew the consequences of telling and standing for the Truth they lived by. Today, we need not die to live for that same Truth, although persecution happens in many places; however, that Truth has been so distorted and corrupted that it (that is, its adulterated form) has acquired a multi-faceted character that mimics the chaotic atmosphere of a public marketplace during the holiday rush. We have called it Mainstream or Denominational Christianity (M/DC). The following points enumerate why it has failed in its organic divine mission:
M/DC is utterly Divided
Google “churches” or “denominations of churches” and you will find no less than 7 or 10 major kinds of Christian sectarian titles. However, if you type in “how many different denominations of churches are there”, you get the answer “45,000 globally”! This happened as a result of registering a denomination with a government agency (and registering online, perhaps) for legal purposes. Do you think there were that many languages that arose from the Tower of Babel event? Not likely. For Google tells us there are only 7,000 languages in the world. And yet, our Savior only delivered One Gospel to His apostles and established only One Kingdom on Earth, with Heaven as His throne.

M/DC Erroneously Mislabels Itself
Granting that many within this conglomeration of sects consist of saved, faithful followers of Yah, what does it matter if they bear different labels or names? Many would even justify this diversity as “divinely allowed”; besides, He looks at the heart and not at the name. But remember: The disciples were first called “Christians” in Antioch, Syria. So, what were they called before that? Nothing. It was the unbelievers who gave that derisive name to refer to people who followed their Master and did not worship the emperor. (Please check this site: Got Questions.) In fact, the word “Christianos” (Greek for Christian) is used only thrice, one by Luke in Acts 11:26, mentioning that the word was first used in Antioch; then by Agrippa who reminded Paul, rather sarcastically, of being so eager to persuade him to become a disdainful “Christian”, apparently. It may have appeared too much for Paul to expect; but he was emboldened to preach just the same. The king of Yudea who had the duty of appointing the high priest in the Temple of Yah and whose country is a colony of pagan Rome becoming a “Christian”, that is, a man who does not worship the emperor? In Agrippa’s mind, that would be the worst political move one could make. He will not only displease Caesar but also his own people. But that was not what Paul had in mind, but the salvation of his soul in the name or by the power of Yahusha. Titles or names, in fact, kill; they also create chaos in this world. In Yah’s Kingdom, His name and power give life eternal.
Third, and most importantly, it was used by Peter in 1 Pet. 4:16, saying: “But if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed; but is to glorify Yah in this name.” (NASB) Notice Peter did not say in “His” name but in “this” name. He meant to encourage disciples to bear that insulting name and not just the fact they rejected the idolatrous beliefs of the Romans. Hence, the early disciples did not only submit humbly to persecution but accepted the derision or hatred of the world for believing in the Masshiak. Moreover, there is no evidence whatsoever that the disciples ever adapted that word as a self-descriptive title nor as a proper way to be labeled or denominated in the public eye. They upheld the message of Yahusha through their lives and their words but had no desire to imitate the fashion of others to be called by some respectable title, least of all, something coined as an insult, such as: Nicolaitans, Zealots, Essenes. Judaizers, Sadducees or Pharisees. Today, however, we have many descriptive names attached to being a Christian, such as: Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, Adventist, Mennonite, Methodist and many others.
M/DC’s Use of Labels is Confusing, Unnecessary and Dangerous
Denominational appellations are worldly tricks meant to confuse and divide people. Using that derogatory word would have been tantamount to calling themselves Abbaites or Yahites or Ruachites. Abba is the Father of all, believer or not. Yah reigns over all. Ruach is the free gift for all who believe. Do we know now what we mean by being superfluous? Yet, check the thousands of denominations and see how many use that derisive word proudly or many other related terms. We all love words and wish to play with them and also use them to give honor. But be sure we are truly giving due honor when we do so. Moreover, this seemingly harmless practice has historically been the cause of so much hatred, conflict and warfare since time immemorial. And bizarre as it may seem, to be anti-something can be so atrocious to those who are affected that, at times, it is considered criminal and subject to capital punishment by their laws. This extreme form of disdain for mislabeling has, therefore, put religion, in general, under a cloud of constant conflict, which M/DC may have unwittingly launched to its own detriment. If you have no brand, you have no brand-pride to lose — nor your inner allegiance.
M/DC, by its Nature, Carries and Upholds its Own Names, not Yah’s Name Alone
For those who may not fathom our point: A disciple who is forced to confess by a Roman soldier that he is a “Christian” is admitting that he does not worship the emperor but, rather, worships Christ or Masshiak. He could just as well admit to being a “Masshiakite”; but he will not because it is out of character for a disciple who is organically “undenominated”. So, bearing the insult of being called a “Christian” (or a declared emperor-denier) is preferable than lying and saying, “I am not a Christian because I worship the emperor.” Certainly, there were those who chose that safe road. The converse, however, applies: “I am a disciple and a worshipper of Yahusha Masshiak, the only true Lord; hence, I do not worship any other god or an emperor. Neither do I hate the emperor.” But if forced to bear or accept that name, Peter says, suffer the pain and punishment. For we suffer for His name or authority, not in His name; for there is only glory, victory and salvation in His name.

M/DC Justifies Its Idolatrous Use of Names as Being Innocent, not Offensive to Yah’s Will
We shall not be justified by the name we give ourselves or the name others give us but by the name Yah gives us. And that “white-stone” name, essentially, is individual and given in secret to each person. (Rev. 2:17) Why? So that when He calls, you know it is Him alone Who calls and honors you by that special name and no one else who might lead you astray. Yet today, we justify our use of so many idolatrous and meaningless words we invented or adapted from others. Denominational Christianity has utterly failed through this divisive and confusing labeling frenzy. The numerous names of divine beings, humans and other ideas incorporated into M/DC’s vocabulary is a veritable Babel of Tower scenario: St. Michael’s Church. St. Gabriel’s School, St. Peter’s Cathedral, Lutheran Church, Wesleyan Church, Immaculate Conception of Mary Parish, Holy Trinity College, Church of the Transfiguration, and thousands more. Is this practice a product of confused or deluded minds? This begs the question: By what name that has been given shall we be saved? If there is only One Name, why resort to this divisive and distractive practice? Besides, the early disciples never used His name in any formal or informal manner that resembles the use of it by M/DC.
M/DC Imposes its Own Interpretations on Biblical Texts to Justify its Faulty Practices
Yes, there were several “ekklesias” or assemblies in the first century – 7, to be precise, in Asia Minor. And they were the people who met or worked fluidly and freely within their communities in the 7 cities named in John’s revelation. Many today would visualize this historical scenario as being 7 distinct organizations or groups of believers that met or worshipped regularly within large, public buildings intended for such solemn events. Imposing our modern ideas upon the ancient ekklesia (the called-out) has led us to justify our own ways of doing things by the recorded organic history in reversed order. Who do you think thought up or propagated this fallacious assumption? In Acts 2, we see the disciples meeting daily in their homes and eating common or ordinary meals. Today, however, the conventional but non-organic way is to meet at specific times at a specific place and to eat a token meal, aside from the occasional potluck meals.
M/DC Has Subverted the Genuine Meanings of Worship and Fellowship
The highlight of the assembly, of course, is the “mass” or the “worship service” officiated in such a way that any divergence from the formal program could make the group or some people uneasy and even angry. The “worship assembly” or “fellowship meeting” follows a required program for convenience, obviously. The tone or mood of the event imposes a formal and solemn atmosphere that, for the novice or uninitiated, feels strange and unnatural in ordinary life. Undoubtedly, those who first came up with the idea wanted to imbue a feeling of awe, submission and piety among those who enter the chosen “sanctuary” or “worship venue”, as if they were like Moses treading on “holy ground” in the Presence of Abba. But do we recall any of the apostles acting that way in the Presence of Yahusha during His ministry? Yes, during His transfiguration when He showed HIs real glory to only 3 apostles. Yet, even John, who had seen His glory, reclined beside Him during Passover and leaned on His chest to ask who the betrayer was. Was he being improper or impious?

M/DC Has Made Formal or External Piety the True Measure Standard for Spirituality
So, how do we “piously” behave with the Savior, even though we do not see Him? Many kneel down in public or stand up with arms raised and eyes closed to pray or to sing praises to Him. But do they kneel down or raise their hands in like manner when they are at home? Maybe a few do so. But do we really need to do so? Do you think the apostles and disciples knelt down and raised their hands during a formal time of worship and reading scriptures and hearing a message from someone in the same manner we do today? Maybe or maybe not. Yahusha walked with the disciples, ate with them and worked together to heal and minister to the masses? Nobody never taught people to kneel down or sing songs to honor the Master Who came to visit, teach and heal them. He knelt before Abba during His solitary prayers at night. But He expected no one to treat Him as if He were a king, although He was. In fact, when they wanted to crown Him king, He left the crowd. Hence, in His presence, the disciples behaved as naturally as they would in the presence of a good friend or honored personality. Yes, they called Him Lord; but He expected their inner faith and genuine repentance, not their spoken words or verbal intentions. The true worship or faith He expected was internally-rooted, not externally-touted.
M/DC Has Only Succeeded in Restoring Temple Worship and the Priesthood
In contrast, the way Mainstream Christianity has programmed the assembly for the masses is to provide them with a regular, unified expression of adoration and jubilation for a fleeting moment. It may serve people’s needs well, as it has for millions throughout the ages, no doubt; but the way the Master did it to thousands and thousands put together in the small and meaningful gatherings of believers in their homes or fields in spontaneous organic or natural settings was sufficient for His simple pleasure. And that, without the trappings of organizational constraints, impositions and niceties that have become prone to human corruption. We know how the Temple became a center for “stock exchange” that led the Master to drive out the original bankers. Unsurprisingly, the descendants of those bankers have become the world bankers of today. Formal organizations are bankable, but not ad hoc, organic meetings.

M/DC’s Eagerness to Restore Temple Worship is Vain and Wasteful
“Making joyful noise” is not something assigned exclusively to professional musicians and choir conductors to manage but a product of happy, free expression of children and adults cheering, talking and singing to the majesty of Yah in a spontaneous or unfettered manner. Yes, Solomon had his psalms and hymns sung by trained choir singers and musicians; but they were a mere addition to the regular Temple rites performed by the priests, unseen by the people, except for the smoke of the burnt offerings and incense rising to the sky. With the singing, perhaps, the people clapped their hands and shouted as they also prayed individually, knowing their individual offerings were being sent up to Heaven along with their petitions and praises. Yerushalem was the first real mega-assembly of Yah’s people. Today, so many try to revive that glorious scenario in many opulent monolithic structures. But does Yah dwell in temples? And why did He destroy the Temple and has not allowed it to rise again? Are the magnificent structures meant to replace the glorious Temple and its ceremonies after it had been ingloriously destroyed? Why then do we exert the enormous effort and expense when we have already been shown the simple, organic way of doing it?
M/DC Engages in So Many Petty Matters
Many of us were kids when we saw the change from the mass being officiated by the priest facing the altar (his back on the audience) to one with the priest facing the audience. It was also the same time that the use of Latin was changed to English or the dialect of the people. Yet, today, the issue of going back to the Latin Mass has once more become a bone of contention among Catholics. But let us not forget that in many other churches, the issues that bring conflicts involve more petty issues like how many cups to use during the “Lord’s Supper” or if women should be allowed to pray publicly or not. Multiply 45,000 by at least 2 or 3 and you have an idea as to how many issues all these churches can raise to justify their choice to be distinct and separate from other groups. This kind of pink noise only distracts from the true and pure service demanded of us.
M/DC Has Failed to Uphold the Simple Truth and the Pure Paradigm it Engenders
There are certainly many practical reasons for people to assemble or call themselves by a unique name and to worship in a particular manner; but do you think the Lord never considered the practical and the particular circumstances that His message would undergo without providing for an effective way to establish unity, fellowship and love among all believers, not to mention the primary task of maintaining the integrity of the Truth of His Gospel? And all that was for the ultimate goal of honoring Yah through all believers supporting one another and living in peace and harmony in Ruach. The failure is not in the apostles and the Savior but in the inheritors of the message and what they inherited from the wolves and how they overlooked that pristine message revealed in scriptures. For the marked stance to maintain complete purity and be uncompromising with respect to the crooked ways and quirks of humans has kept the True Kingdom still an existential, although mysterious and even an unseen or undocumented, reality that M/DC has not even considered a real and valid possibility apart from itself.
M/DC Has Discarded the Simplicity and Spontaneity of Devotion
Nevertheless, the simple examples and the clear pattern of the early disciples remain a laughable and impractical practice that it has been rendered passé, anachronistic and impractical for Mainstream Christianity. Some families grew up for years in the ‘50’s to ‘70’s without ever eating out in a restaurant but were rather served and fed at home daily by loving parents. Today, eating out or ordering in is as common as karaoke and TikTok. Hence, today, we cannot imagine worshipping or studying the Word aside from doing it with others and inside the church, chapel or any sacred meeting place. Daily devotion to study or prayers, in general, has become public events and not just personal or done at home by the whole family. We cannot go back to the simplicity of the past; but do we have to surrender the simplicity and spontaneity of devotion? Homemade food tastes better and is more nutritious than commercially-prepared food, just as sincere, home-grown faith is far superior than generic, spoon-fed faith within assemblies. Why so? Because those who spend much time in self-study at home learn more than those who simply sit down in the assembly and listen without further self-study and self-improvement.
M/DC Has Isolated Truth and Spirituality within Itself and Away from the General Public Space
“Religion”, as a way of life or belief, has some value in a person’s life, but it is not the very essence of spiritual life. Spirituality is our aim, not adherence to regulations. Nevertheless, matters of the spirit, along with politics, are now considered taboo in events not intended for it – what we call “respectable circles”, such as group chats or public spaces. In confining “divine things” within church buildings, we took them out of society-at-large. Do we see laws being passed to outlaw them in schools and public places? Do you see believers being killed for professing their faith? Buildings and assemblies will not save us in the end.
M/DC’s Isolationist Stance has Made Yah’s Teachings Irrelevant in Most Areas of Human Life
Imagine the Lord being rendered irrelevant or incidental in any of the places He might have visited or resided in during His youth as well as in His adulthood, especially during His ministry. Remember the time He was invited to a wedding? He had not been publicly presented or introduced to the masses as the Son of Man. He joined, ate, rejoiced and must also have given a gift or a blessing to the couple. But as circumstances would have it, Mary requested Him to rescue the couple when the wine ran out. “My time has not yet come.” He had a timetable to keep; for that moment, He was just a plain citizen and human savoring the goodness of life among the living. Yes, He knew the deepest needs of the masses. And He knew He could help the bridegroom’s big problem in an instant. And Mary knew it, too. Yet, He did what was needed at the moment, not according to some rigid, unchangeable program.

M/DC’s Display of Power and Wealth Robs Glory from Yah
The Savior’s relevance is never curtailed by human bias, pride or rejection. Acceptance of His Being, Power and Majesty solves and aids each and every aspect of our lives. But limiting Him and His message within the constricted confines of our impractical and non-organic ways has led to His irrelevance in the perception of so many people and brought about the corrupt and sinful manner they conduct their lives before Him. People think they please the Master when they rise up like the Pharisees dressed in their gilded robes and shiny crowns to minister to the masses through elaborate rituals and magnificent display of worldly pomp and circumstance. Every step is measured, every word precisely uttered and every song modulated to please the ears. The Notre Dame reopening rites comes to mind. It was a majestic show supposedly to honor the Master and Savior; and the life of the global religious body depends on the leaders doing their part to maintain the stability of the organization in order for it to last for centuries more.
M/DC Has Utterly Failed to Eliminate the Gap Between the Rich and the Poor
The grandeur of the earthly kingdoms will not last – this we know. Yet, humans continue to prop themselves within that paradigm of impermanence and impertinence. And we talk not only of the big and the vast masses of the dominant churches but also of the many smaller ones that mimic the same character to the letter, as well as other non-Christian religions that have arisen from the roots of the ancient, pagan, monolithic religions. The Master served the best wine secretly and flowingly; but the fake masters drink expensive wine while the rest of the people do without even cheap wine – not even a sip. Others drink affordable wine along with bread crumbs. Why? Because it was what they had inherited from the Romans centuries ago. Meanwhile, the disciples in Yerushalem and those who still follow the Way were and are having agapes or love-feasts in their homes! Still, Romulus and his wolves continue to savor their own feasts, gorging on human flesh and blood. Do you know who feeds the demons to keep them busy and useful? The wealthy who suck the world’s wealth in order to fulfill their lusts, which, in turn, satisfy the demons.
M/DC Has Failed to Follow and Practice the True Way
Did we ever call those disciples who met in their homes in Yerushalem the “Church in Yerushalem”? Perhaps, some have. But they never did call themselves nor labeled themselves as so. The people called them The Way; but they never went about proclaiming, “We are The Way!” No, they preached and practiced the Way. For the Way is a Person. Their organic life was a picture of the Way in the exact manner that He lived and walked among the people in the streets and homes of Yudea and Galilee. Yes, Passover was a solemn feast those disciples kept out of reverence to their former tutor Moses. But they knew the Last Passover had been held and was fulfilled on Pentecost Day, ushering in a New Covenant. That New Covenant was exhibited primarily and effectively through their personal lives and as they related with one another “in their homes” and “in their lives”. Nothing superfluous was added to what they were already doing for their Master. But the wolves who secretly entered into the Fold changed all of that. The same vicious wolves remain at work today.

M/DC Historically Pollutes the World with its Partnership with World Powers
Remember, it was not only the wolves who infiltrated the Fold of Yah but also the dragon who spread its bloody and fiery colonial rampages over the whole world. And this was accomplished through the active and willful participation of Mainstream Christianity, particularly the predominant world religion and those other reformed sects which arose from it. Historically, these powerful branches of M/DC had supported and encouraged the conquest and exploitation of the colonized nations from the 15th to the 19th century. And the goals?
“In addition to the quest for gold (and glory), however, Spain sought to spread Christianity. To this end, missions were founded in present-day Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California — indeed, anywhere the Spaniards had influence . . . . The main goal of these missions was to convert Native Americans to Christianity . . . . Many claimed larger areas of land around them to farm and raise animals. Over time, these missions grew into villages and then cities. Some of today’s largest cities in the southwestern United States began hundreds of years ago as missions.” (c/o NatGeo)
And did it stop in the 19th century? No, it continues today, as many of the same major and minor sects within M/DC openly and morally support the hegemony that the unconquered dragon — the archenemy of Yah — has brutally unleashed to finally wrest His throne over His Creation — both organic and non-organic parts of it, or whatever clean or unclean earth-bound, living organisms and inanimate matter have remained. M/DC has not only failed; it has been helping the rest of the world to fail as stewards of Yah’s Creation.
M/DC Promotes Comfort and Convenience, not True Diligence and Humble Sacrifice
And every time persecution did come, the disciples carried their New Covenant with them wherever they went and kept living as they had before. For the Temple priests, the Jordan wilderness became their home; and they taught and baptized while storing the scriptures in caves in order to preserve them for posterity to discover and use later. Yes, they built mikvahs or baptisteries but not buildings for people to “assemble and worship in”. Synagogues were inventions of the Pharisees and the rabbis for formal teaching of Torah and the Talmud. But why would the Master encourage such a practice when He intended to write His Law in human hearts through Ruach? (2 Cor. 2:2-3) Yes, Paul taught in the School of Tyrannus, Why? He was old and tired by then after years of preaching in all corners of the civilized world. There are many reasons for avoiding the simple, natural ways; but people who have ulterior motives always tend to do the convenient, conventional and expensive ways.
M/DC Endorses Lifeless Religion, not Spirit-Powered Discipleship
All the Mainstream Christianity’s adherence to temporal and material means only end up limiting and reducing the effectiveness of the power of the Word to transform lives and nations. In fact, the division it has caused only proves the Truth has never been served by organized religion’s attempt to codify or structure the Truth through a wasteful and lifeless methods. Hiring and training teachers to learn a denomination’s doctrines (and defending it against other groups) has essentially left out – no, rejected – Ruach from His exclusive role of being the Anointing we receive and uphold in our lives and no one else. (1 John 2:20-27)
M/DC Offers Cheap Corrupted Wine, not the Life-Giving Wine of Ruach
Where do you need to go or what do you need to do to receive Ruach into your heart and life? Travel to Rome, London, Spain or any other city where ordained priests or pastors will anoint you? Do you need a degree or a formal education to do so? The apostles were recognized as uneducated working people who trained for 3 years with the Master. And the record of their training is available to anyone for review and for learning. Who will teach you the real meaning and the proper way to apply such learning? Any of the religious groups out there? If Ruach were to answer us, He would probably say, “My time had already come on Pentecost Day. The Savior gave you the best wine the world could offer. I offer the best wine Heaven can offer. Why not come to Me?” Ruach prepares us for our own glorious marriage and banquet in Heaven with Yahusha. He offers a sweet, savory taste of that wine through His message. So far, millions have only tasted bland, bitter wine. How many truly understand this parable? How many today drink of that wine? Not many. Why? They are drunk with corrupt and irrelevant wine.
Thus, we can confidently conclude that Mainstream or Denominational Christianity has failed in its avowed mission to serve Yah and to uphold His pure teachings. This not only signals the end of the Age of Churches but also the end of the supremacy of religious leaders over the lives of those they have led astray by their faulty messages and traditions. Any age or period in human history became possible through those who led or brought about the changes they introduced within societies, such as the Greek philosophers, the powerful conquerors, the ideologues and even Moses, who all taught great and wonderful things in their time, that have been replaced or taken over by new and better ways of doing things and of working together in communities. But the Age of Ruach Ha Kodesh was ushered in on Pentecost Day with great wonders one glorious morning to a group of people that eventually spread it worldwide, in spite of so many changes and additions from the original message to our day.
As we have seen, the predominant groups portray an unsightly picture we have presented briefly; and that, minus the passions, hatred, blood, war and destruction that went with it. If we can somehow deduce what Ruach delivered on Pentecost Day and how the first disciples steadfastly upheld HIs pure teachings, then we can confidently say that the Age of Ruach has continued and will continue till the day Yahusha Ha Masshiak will return on the Last Day. Those who confidently claim to know or have Ruach in their lives must be the first to undergo the true test of discipleship: what Peter mentions above, that is, the “time for judgment to begin with the household of Yah“. And that test simply requires “those also who suffer according to the will of Yah are to entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right“.
For what is the ekklesia but the called-out or those translated from the kingdoms of this world that seek to do wrong to the righteous and glorious Kingdom of the Son of Yah. If they had been called out and had entered the Kingdom in the first century, they can no longer be the called-out. That age has ceased and the Age of the Kingdom had come. Unless, we are calling out again those who have been trapped within all the worldly kingdoms reigning today.
We pray they will finally listen to Ruach Ha Kodesh and the whole message He delivered from the King of Kings reigning in Heaven. Hallelu Yah!