Why Mainstream Christianity has Failed (Part 2) – Why Paul Cried Wolf so Many Times yet No One Ever Heeded Him Up to Now

“Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the ekklesia of Yahuah which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.”
Are Priests and Pastors above Secular Leaders?
In Part 1, we laid down the primary reason for mainstream Christianity’s failure, which is unduly putting itself apart and above secular rulers. Yes, believers must be set apart from the world and its ways; nevertheless, that was applicable during the ancient times when rulers were, generally, unconverted pagans or believers who compromised with the world. Today, many of our rulers are mainstream believers who profess the same faith as the majority that professes Christianity. The only difference our leaders have with any ordinary church member, whether a hired minister or not, is the scope of one’s influence and weight of one’s work’s impact upon society. Generally, the ubiquitous pride of ministers comes from their respected role as messengers or ministers of Yah, the Ruler of all things and rulers, which supposedly elevates pastors (in their own estimation) higher than secular rulers. This is certainly true historically and existentially for the pope of Rome with respect to many, if not all, nations. But should this be so?
Every believer is a follower of Yah and is given a role according to his or her abilities. If one serves as a leader or ruler of many individuals within a church or religious group, his role and influence are no greater or less than other believers who rule over other people in business, politics or any kind of organization. One’s witness or service to Yah involves dispensing of one’s gifts and talents within one’s profession or career. Hence, one’s responsibility to “judge the world”, particularly the unsaved, applies only as an extension of Yah’s rule over all humanity through a believer who serves as His minister or ambassador. Just as the prophets declared the Truth and rendered judgment and dispensed justice upon all people, aside from the nation of Israel, a believer merely declares the Word of Yah and leaves it up to humans to respond accordingly. In the end, Yah alone retains authority and power over the lives of unrepentant unbelievers and even sinful believers. Religious leaders who tend to coopt divine authority through their arrogant, self-designated positions are blind, wicked leaders.
Nevertheless, the main reason we give preferential treatment to pastors or priests is their professed anointment as “servants of Yah”. Yet, we can equally claim that each believer is a servant in any capacity and over whatever role given to him or her within the body of believers or the commonwealth of a nation, which may be predominantly Christian. In the end, the pastor or priest owes his existence and loyalty to Yah as much as the president or public servant does. And so does every ordinary believer of Yah. The calling of every human being is to do good and to live righteously before Yah Who will judge all humans. The only advantage the believer has is the Presence of the Advocate, Ruach, Who will grant wise counsel along the way and at the end of the journey. Let us just say: Who needs a pastor or a priest if you have Ruach in you? (1 John 2:20-27)
We see then a dangerous path that has been taken by those who profess to serve Yah through their various exalted offices, titles or positions other than what the apostles had required to serve the needs of the Body of Believers. As we have said, compromising with the world’s corrupted ways and standards has diluted the pure and divine calling of the Earth-bond Kingdom to the point that Mainstream Christianity now shares the limelight and glory of worldly dominion set up by Satan. And we see how that has reduced the work of Yah and His exalted message of salvation into nothing but a cultural hodgepodge of religious choices among so many denominational groups, each one vying for attention and, often, even seeking dominance.

All Believers are Royal Priests
As a result of this distorted paradigm, the undue importance or preferential treatment we place upon ministers as workers in the Kingdom belittles the good and benefits we all derive from secular leaders who also work as servants of Yah in various capacities in their public or private areas. The centurion whose servant was healed received the same blessings as the ordinary citizens of Israel did from the Great Healer. The Master, in fact, showed His works as examples for those of us who wish to serve Yah through serving the needy masses – that is, in humility, sacrifice and selflessness. And yet, many leaders, preachers or not, use their constituents as tools to massage their egos or satisfy their endless greed.
The practice of formally organizing people within a church or denomination to distribute and facilitate the comprehensive work of the Body of Believers, which necessitates registering it as a corporation or legal entity, is superfluous to the material and spiritual duties of the Kingdom, such as feeding or teaching the poor. It subjects a part of the Kingdom under the rule of temporal systems. Meaning, a pastor then, that may have the Secretary of SEC as his church member, for instance, might have undue pressure over public duties and may even hold advantage over other churches or corporations on certain legal or financial matters. Likewise, the work and the personality of the “body” become subjected to the auspices and control of human government that may lead believers to compromise. Many churches do it for convenience in owning properties, managing financing and other reasons; however, are these at all necessary in the spiritual role of the Body as a whole? We know it is not. In fact, it is superfluous and only an unnecessary burden and trap for many.
We know the problems that arise from owning property and managing assets and people according to human standards and regulations. The Lord never stood between quarreling siblings over their inheritance claims, saying, “Man, who made Me a judge or an arbitrator over you? . . . Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” (Luke 12:14-15) That must apply individually, as well as corporately. Then, why do we put ourselves in between the Lord and the government over ownership and management of worldly riches and concerns? To do His work according to our own perception or to His own old but proven effective way?
Indeed, many believers have chosen or have merely acquiesced to this practice of complying with governmental regulations and have simply accepted it as the only or even approved means allowed by Yah in achieving “order and efficiency” in doing His work — as if it were us doing the work and not Yah. We seem to know no other way than what we were taught to do by those we trained under. As the world has dictated, the churches have obeyed accordingly. Constantine made Sunday the official rest day and Christianity as the official religion with official rites patterned after pagan religions. Did the early believers readily comply? Not at all; for they had been habitually observing the Sabbath Rest up to that point. So, what was another rest day other than a financial burden for those who had to close business on Sundays, giving them 2 consecutive days of rest?

Did you ever wonder why most Christian nations have a 2-day weekend instead of just one, which used to be Saturday (in Muslim countries, Sunday is the busiest day)? That is because of that Sunday Law enforced by Constantine. And since most Christians have inherited this law anyway and had scuttled the Sabbath Rest since then, many spend the day after Friday on weekend trips and “worship” on Sundays. This is how Mainstream Christianity compromised with the Roman world and absorbed so much of its paganistic beliefs and practices as well. (This is not to espouse for the return to Sabbath Rest as a religious or spiritual obligation. Yahusha already fulfilled the Rest promised to humans through His resurrection. Only the Final Rest for all remains. Please check this article why Sunday was never the day the Savior resurrected but Saturday: “When do we rest: Sabbath or Sunday?” . Based on this erroneous notion, Christianity’s adherence on Sunday as the “day of worship” is historically and scripturally untenable.)
Today, to become a legitimate church, one has to follow the rules of the land. Nevertheless, the examples of the Masshiak Himself and of the apostles point to the lack of compromise and partnership with any human or worldly organizations or systems. On the contrary, even before all the apostles had died, the Body had been deemed an enemy of the world that had to be persecuted and eliminated. Was the persecution a result of the believers’ refusal to compromise with worldly ways and beliefs and, as such, led them to be totally separate and autonomous as a group, hence, a rebellious set? Or was it merely because the rulers did not believe in their faith and causes for they (the Romans) had a different religion, as well as traditions?
We say Constantine changed everything when he stopped all persecutions and made Christianity the official religion of Rome. Can we then say that it was the world or Rome itself which compromised and submitted itself to the faith of the once-persecuted, although not necessarily to Yah in reality? Meaning to say, if the steadfast faith and perseverance of the saints alone motivated Constantine to adopt Christianity as the official religion of Rome and not his own sincere adherence to the teachings of Yahusha, then it was a huge trap into which many believers fell into. For it is quite apparent that Constantine had no genuine repentance or conversion in his life and continued to build structures to prop up his own honor and glory even above that of Yah and the Kingdom. And he, in fact, was only baptized before he died.
For all intents and purposes, he appropriated Christianity and molded it into a worldly faith-system through organizing it into an image of his own worldly kingdom in order to maintain his own grip over his kingdom and on the people, in general. Any wise emperor worthy of his throne would see the advantage of having such zealous followers of a religion to whom he gave rights and privileges as he did to any normal citizen of Rome while expecting them to pay equal tribute to him as loyal citizens, as they did in being obedient followers of Yah. Even Yahusha said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to Yah what is Yah’s.” That was his master stroke that gave him a great and peaceful empire while deluding the world he was serving the true Yah. Imagine Constantine saying, “Since I am Caesar, and the Lord authorized the giving of taxes to me, then why should I not submit to the Lord by protecting His people, who will obediently give their tribute to me.” Nobody never had a better tax endorser in history that the Lord, in a way – nor a tithe endorser even until now. With every head or leader of a religious group thinking that way as well since then, we had the making of a big money-making enterprise the world has ever seen. Every other Tom, Dick and Harry who learned the trick got his fair share of the pie.

In truth, Constantine continued to practice his own religion Mithraism. And that is how the Roman Catholic Church gradually incorporated many of the practices and beliefs of Mithraism. Yet, majority of its members and even Protestants and Evangelicals have merely perpetuated those beliefs and practices to this day, unknowing of the consequences of their actions. For it is without doubt that in incorporating Christianity as an official or an organized body of believers with certain beliefs and practices (albeit corrupted by pagan ones), all the other smaller and similar groups or churches that followed adapted many or some of its teachings and traditions. Hence, what we have today are thousands of denominations that have their own titles and ways of expressing their faith. And many call this diversity a gift or, at least, a compromise that Yah supposedly gave to believers in order to help humans spread His message in one way or another. Did He ever do that during the time of the apostles?
No, never! Did the end of persecution stop most Romans from worshipping their gods? If Constantine did not, what makes us think that most officials or citizens did? Rome only fell because the barbarians, as prophesied, weakened the empire because most of them embraced Christianity. The feet of steel had been weakened by mud mingling with it. Hence, not just Roman gods and beliefs entered into the formation of modern Christianity but also other pagan gods of the Nordic, Germanic and Slavic people. Sun-day, Moon-day, Tiw’s-day, Woden’s-day, Thor’s-day, Frigga’s-day and Saturn’s-day are just a weekly menu in our pagan diets till this day – a nice salad of Roman, Gothic and Germanic gods and goddesses. (Watch this video on how the Goths conquered Italy.)
Did the apostles then freely and lovingly offered their lives to Yah with total surrender and without compromising to the world’s corrupt ways only to give us what we have today: a divided and confused Christianity? Judge for yourself — if you can do so with sincerity and honesty. I know many cannot because they think and act according to the ingrained paradigm in which they find themselves embedded and not in the paradigm that the lowly and rejected apostles lived within. Official Christianity became the virtual beloved and wealthy empress and wife of the emperor of Rome, pampered and dressed with glittering gowns and precious gems. Her leaders became religious and political patrons of the masses who now found peace under Pax Romana and given freedom to practice their new albeit tweaked faith. The barbarian converts would not have known the difference, as long as it was the prescribed or conventional religion practiced by the masses and they were free to incorporate their own religious practices. And that is exactly what happens today; although we already have far more numerous varieties to select from. Eventually, what resulted was a Christianity that was patterned halfway between scriptures and the philosophical and religious beliefs of the pagans that now composed Roman society. The delusion began by Constantine would last far into the future; for until now the descendant of Constantine in Rome rules over millions of captive believers. The delusion was complete and remains so.
And that includes Protestant and Evangelical groups. For when we say “mainstream Christianity”, we refer to organized and formal faith directed at Yahusha. Our claim that it has failed is due to its very nature as a compromised faith-system created in the image of Rome and its ancient mixed-pagan character. For it is a fact that many of the Roman gods still play active roles today not just in visual or literal symbolism but also in actual practice through direct and indirect adoration of pagan idols, as well as hidden satanic or demonic application of dark angelic secrets used in sorcery or pharmakeia, warfare, astrology, alchemy, psychic phenomena and other abominable deeds now incorporated within modern scientific, cultural, literary, philosophical and ideological circles. The delusion is not only complete; it is as wide as the oceans and the continents combined.

Romulus and Remus: When Myth Becomes Reality, the History Rests
Paul prophesied that wolves would enter into the flock and deceive many. Romulus and Remus, as the myth goes, were cared for by a she-wolf as babies. Romulus became the founder of Rome. And before he killed his brother, Remus had founded cities that would become the seeds of the future greater Europe. Hence, together, the brothers gave birth to what would become the great ancient empire that still reigns today. Check out London, Vatican and Washington DC and you will see the same dome shape that towers over those cities that practically rule the globe. The dome shape and word essentially capture the essence of global dominion that these cities have endeavored and have managed to maintain. Could they have done it without the Christianity that Constantine established, along with its system of government that practically extends into the secular government?
Do you think that if Paul had remained alive until the time of Constantine he would not have recognized a wolf within the flock? How many of us can recognize a wolf? How do you recognize a wolf then? What are its characteristics that will tell us that you and others are in danger? Let us look at them one-by-one.
- A wolf speaks softly though you can sense its growl, if you listen closely. A sheep will always recognize a wolf because its instincts tell it so. But not all believers can discern wolves within the flock because they are so used to hearing a wolf talking to them and teaching them what to do day-in and day-out. Many of them preach at the pulpit. Others hold important positions of influence in many areas in government and business. These are the scammers, opportunists and liars who selfishly work to gain power and fortune. A sheep knows a wolf by its fangs aimed right at the sheep’s neck. Many believers, however, are eaten whole because they look at the wolf’s mouth and only hear words, not the growling of its stomach.
- The wolf is difficult for the sheep to recognize when it is in sheep’s clothing. This saying must have been taken from a trick invented by sheep rustlers who wanted to steal the sheep in a flock. Like a dog that can be trained to obey, a trained wolf can be clothed in sheepskin to infiltrate a flock. By the time a flock of sheep recognizes the wolf, it would be too late to escape. As we said, so many believers are easily deceived by teachers, especially when they are foreigners who bring financial support or other opportunities. That is how the colonists spread Christianity. If not by the cross, then by the sword. And if not by the sword, then by gold, which often works its magic. No need to review history; we know how a powerful global religion can turn the world into its own possession, as it did.
- The wolf exhibits great wisdom and intelligence. The sheep is such a harmless, quiet and humble creature that beside an unclean animal, such as a dog or a wolf, it looks almost stupid. All a sheep wants to do is eat grass and lie down to rest. It is always ready to be of service to humans. Dogs and wolves, on the other hand, love to romp around or lie down until summoned to eat. Wild animals know how to find food, especially meat that they have to chase around. Without speed and skills, they will not eat. A wolf is smart and must outwit the sheep to capture it. And since the sheep is slow, a shepherd has to protect the sheep from ravenous wolves. The believer who does not have the Word of Yah as his or her weapon will easily fall into the wolf’s trap. Rome, the great wolf, is the biggest predator of sheep. Remember that Romulus and Remus were taken cared of by a she-wolf when they were young. Who else would that wolf be in reality? Paul knew were wolves come from. Do you?
- The Protestants and Evangelicals were next in line in the preying order. They have been making so much progress and have taken over vast and wealthy areas around the world, particularly in the West, although incognizant of the deep roots of the old order that remain and still have stranglehold over the religious, cultural, economic and political aspects of these societies. In particular, the religious assemblies and rituals of the old church and the new churches remain the same in pattern and purpose, which solidifies our conclusion that what Constantine and the barbarians succeeded in bequeathing the world was nothing but a basic form of religion that is not representative of the character of the Body of Believers in its infancy. In fact, it is nowhere near the picture we find in Acts 2, no matter how so many may claim to be consistent with the pattern we see on Pentecost Day and thereafter. This may seem a harsh judgment. We have partially explained why and will further prove beyond doubt.
All that would not have been as worse as Paul had prophesied if some of the sheep had only prevented the wolves from coming into their midst. As it happened and as Paul warned, some of the disciples began to teach “perverse things” as well. We have seen some of these abominable teachings; and many of them remain in force today within churches. And so, like Paul, we cry at the top of our lungs: WOLVES IN OUR MIDST! But how do we really drive away wolves other than shouting out loud?
In the next part. we will provide evidences to the overwhelming reality that Mainstream Christianity has not only indeed failed in its claimed duty to serve Yahuah and His Kingdom but has also surrendered its once-accepted role as a beacon of hope and enlightenment to the world. Because of this continuing existential reality, we have reason to believe that the time has come for the so-called Age of Churches to end and to usher in a new era that will replace it and refresh the Body or the Kingdom of Yahuah on Earth according to His Pure, Original and Organic Way.