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  • Is anybody crazier than Filipinos? (What Elections 2016 is not all about)

    How crazy can crazy get? For Filipinos, craziness is a personal hobby, a social amusement and a lucrative profession. Some of the craziest (also happiest) people live in these islands because they have the ability to twist things — sublime or profane. You’ve heard of crazy-cut marble flooring, no? Well, look at the map of […]

  • When the Called-Out (Ekklesia) Enters the Kingdom of God

    (Please click the active links to read the NKJV passages.) Introduction For millennia, a lot of confusion with regard to the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been sown and continues to prevail, resulting in quarrels and divisions among people who claim to be His followers. We are talking of millions upon millions since the Lord […]

  • Great Love in the Making (Part 2)

    Phenomenal – a word that means extraordinary or incredible to describe anything that escapes our efforts to explain how it happened, why it is happening and why it continues to baffle us because of its unnatural nature. A phenomenon, after all, is a remarkable event that merits our attention, if not for mere curiosity’s sake, […]

  • Adeve, Antra and Aldub: Great Love in the Making

    History records instances when love – the rare and special kind – inspired and led couples to heights of romance, happiness and splendor. And we, hearing of those tales, are likewise moved and, often, tickled to our bones. Let us start with Adeve — Adam and Eve. Who is not mystified or bemused by our […]

  • Because of the Pharisees

    “However, no one spoke openly of Him for fear of the Jews.” – John 7:13 (NKJV) If the first-century people in Judea had Facebook then, what would they have posted? Selfies with Roman soldiers? Or a photo of a convict nailed to a cross? Or a picture of their children on their first visit to […]