Manariwa means “be refreshed” or “be renewed”, from the root sariwa, “fresh”. It reflects the idea in Romans 12:2 of being changed by the renewing of our minds. Words and ideas are the powerful tools of humans to create goodness and to produce infinite change in the inner person and in the human environment. The challenge still stands: be perfect!
Before there was science, there was mythology. Lightning was not a mere natural or physical phenomenon but only one act among many acts of angry gods dwelling on a higher plane of existence than that of humans. Today, we still proverbially hike up Mt. Olympus, although we no longer believe that from its peak […]
US President Trump is notorious for many things and one of them is his stand (at one point, at least) that the Global Warming phenomenon is a myth. Whatever gave him the idea? We do not know; but I have my own reasons. Many world leaders and scientists have declared and defended Global Warming […]
The word “watershed” has been mentioned quite often in the ongoing Senate hearings for the confirmation of Sec. Gina Lopez as head of Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). What does it really mean? Should mines be allowed inside watersheds? Or should they be prohibited, as Sec. Lopez claims? We will leave the legal […]
Twice, Jesus wept. Once, before He raised a dear friend who had just died. And once for Himself, before He died and rose from death. We all know that death brings on tears; but study the events closely in order to understand what was truly happening. (John 11) The first time, Jesus had intentionally allowed […]
The history of casinos does not begin with “fabulous Las Vegas”. Casinos began in Italy in the 1800’s as part of a carnival. People have always had derived great pleasure when engaged in two things: playing games and making money. Combine both desires and we have a potent mix for one of the most […]