Manariwa means “be refreshed” or “be renewed”, from the root sariwa, “fresh”. It reflects the idea in Romans 12:2 of being changed by the renewing of our minds. Words and ideas are the powerful tools of humans to create goodness and to produce infinite change in the inner person and in the human environment. The challenge still stands: be perfect!
We probably wonder why James said demons believe that Christ is the Son of God and fear Him (James 2:19) whereas so many people do not even consider Him a real, historical person. Several passages describe actual conversation between humans and demons, proving these spirits do acknowledge Christ and tremble at His sight. Christ is […]
The Lord feeds His people. And He also teaches them to feed others. He meant His abundant Creation to be enjoyed and shared by all of His “creatures great and small”. His Kingdom fills the material and spiritual needs of those He has called to benefit from His magnificent works. When He said “Seek first […]
The word theology was coined in the 14th century from the Greek theologia, meaning “an account of the gods” (from theos, Greek for god, and logia, from the Greek logos for word). It comes from theologos, referring to “one discoursing on the gods”. Note the “pagan” origins of the word, being careful of the fact […]
Is there a way to trace the origin of erroneous faith, belief or teaching? Does the Bible – or more specifically, the Holy Spirit, our Advocate and Helper – have something to say about this? It goes without saying; but how did it exactly begin or develop; and what is the basic character of the […]
After having gone through a circuit tour through how life, in general, has progressed after the Fall, we need to go back to the ideal beginning and see what it really was, what it signifies to us now in the un-ideal world of fallen humans, and what is in store for those who will inherit […]