Manariwa means “be refreshed” or “be renewed”, from the root sariwa, “fresh”. It reflects the idea in Romans 12:2 of being changed by the renewing of our minds. Words and ideas are the powerful tools of humans to create goodness and to produce infinite change in the inner person and in the human environment. The challenge still stands: be perfect!
Our opinion or belief about a certain subject matter will depend largely on our understanding of the thing, particularly — and essentially — with respect to the definition of the matter itself. The old proverb says it all: Two persons cannot argue, at least, intelligibly, between apples and oranges. And sometimes, they could be talking […]
The root of fear is sin. And since sin is violation of God’s law whose fruit is death, fear is also rooted in death. The surprising thing is that humans today fear death more than sin; and so, most of us keep sinning until we realize too late in life, if ever, that our sins […]
It goes without saying that faith is indeed the seed of Eternal Life. Without faith, there is no salvation and no assurance of heavenly glory. As Paul explains in Rom. 6:20-23, the seed of faith produces “holiness, and the end, everlasting life”. Although almost everyone knows and believes this gospel cliché, we need to review […]
Contrary to common belief, Truth is never a gray area. Truth is not inherently subjective and, as presumed, dependent on circumstances, conventions, traditions or prevailing conditions. The Truth had been established even before there were humans or there was even anything to see in the Universe. What we think is truth today is generally what […]
The second tradition we take up is the one most practiced throughout history and throughout the world. People probably perform it at all hours, except when they are asleep – but then, the world never sleeps, does it? Many unknowing, innocent babies (in the Greek Orthodox Church) do it, while many in their death-beds also […]