
52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 51) – The Noahide Laws: What They Mean and Where They Came From

Published on by Vincent Ragay under
Noah and Family Leave the Ark (Painting c/o Getty Images)

WEEK 51 (23rd to the 29th of Iyar, the Second Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)

Not many have heard of the Noahide or Noahic or Noachian Laws. Nor the fact that there are 30 of them, not just 7, as often reported. (Check this video.) According to one rabbi, the number 7 represents 7 general categories of laws and that there are 30 of them, all in all. What are these laws? Allegedly, these are the laws which Noah left to his 3 sons to keep and pass on to their children and the succeeding generations to come, up to the present. How does this affect Moses’ Law which had over 600 laws? The same rabbi claims that the Noahide Laws were integrated into and are now intrinsic part of the Laws of Moses, which Israelis still uphold, or at least, observe partially. Hence, as argued, an Israeli today is obliged to keep all 600 laws, whereas a “non-Jew” is only required to keep the Noahide Laws. As such, they call a “non-Jew” who keeps those laws a Noahide, who is distinct from a so-called Jew or Gentile. This is a new cultural or religious categorization that will (as it now does) add to the many other confusing racial or color distinctions or biases that divide nations and communities. And it is one we should fully understand and be wary of for the dire consequences it will engender for the world-at-large.

The appearance of these laws in our times is part of the nation Israel’s long-term plan to institutionalize these so-called “universal laws” by lobbying the US Congress and, perhaps, other nations’ parliamentary systems to pass a law that will sanction non-Jews who are non-Noahides. (Take careful note of these classifications; because they will soon become common and spell the difference between that of life with freedom and that of death or slavery for many people.) For we pass laws in order to protect the rights and sanction the behavior of the one who obeys and the one who does not obey, respectively. For instance, the command against theft aims to protect any person, good or bad, thief or not, against theft. It also prevents anyone from committing theft. In essence, the law is made for the lawbreaker. Unknown to many, Israel is working aggressively for the United Nations to impose the same laws upon all its member-nations. Once that happens, as we saw during the lockdown period, compliance will be monitored and any violations will be sanctioned by governments to remain in good-standing with the community of nations. The freedom of religion enshrined in many nations’ constitutions or statutes will then be directly affected, limited or superseded by these global laws, as the case may be. 

Now, we have almost finished the saga of Noah’s magnificent work during the Great Flood; but we have never mentioned any law that he received from Yah so far. Aside from the Natural Law of Reproduction, the Marriage Covenant and the Rainbow Covenant, we know of no other law. It is time for us to consider, therefore, what Noah received from Yah on the day he went out of the Ark with his family.    

Here is the text narrating what happened at the end of 52nd week of the Flood:

“So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man.

‘Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man. And as for you, be fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply in it.’”  – (Gen. 9:1-7)

Notice that the commands given to Noah were essentially what were originally given to Adam, namely:

  1. Be fruitful and multiply, fill the Earth.
  2. Have dominion over all living things.
  3. All plants and animals are given to you as food. (The classification of clean and unclean animals pertained to the type of animals which were allowed to be eaten, although it is not mentioned here. However, we find this in the Laws of Moses.)
  4. You shall not eat flesh with the blood. Meaning, blood was not given to them as food.
  5. You shall not commit murder.

We can, therefore, say that what Noah received merely reinforced the same principles of life that were originally established in the beginning in Eden The eating of animals became a necessity after the Flood since there was not enough food from plants right after the Flood to feed the Ark passengers. Whatever little vegetation growing on the dry ground may not have been sufficient to feed all the animals; however, for humans, only the assured supply of surplus clean animals were available as food. Which also tells us, indirectly, that unclean animals were not meant to be eaten at all as there were only single pairs of unclean animals in the Ark. Any unclean animals born inside the Ark during the Flood period would have been either so young or so unpalatable and abominable to Noah and his family. Why else call then unclean if they were meant to be eaten by clean humans?

We have discussed the origins of those unclean animals and know why they could not be eaten until such time when they would be considered fit for humans. Until then, Noah’s generation up to the generation before the time of the apostles were forbidden to eat unclean animals. However, there is another view that we have not considered which would alter our previous conclusion. Before we do so, however, let us list the Noahide Laws.

Here are the so-called 7 Noahide Laws:

1. Do not deny God (no idolatry).

2. Do not murder.

3. Do not steal.

4. Do not engage in sexual immorality.

5. Do not blaspheme.

6. Do not eat of a live animal (no eating flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive).

7. Establish courts and legal systems to ensure obedience of these laws.

The 2 additional laws (1 and 4) came as a result of the wicked human hybrids who were the children of adulterous angels who had mated with women. In essence, fornication was not just a simple case of having sexual relations with another person’s spouse but also included angels mating with humans and humans (and even angels) mating with strange flesh, either that of animals or of hybrid creatures that we said were products of the hybrid humans’ experiments done in breeding various abominable species, creatures and monsters. Moreover, the sin of idolatry, obviously, came as a result of humans adoring angelic beings or their “mighty” children who were endowed with power, beauty and intelligence. They were essentially the “demi-gods” or the “Titans” that roamed the Earth in primeval times and who ruled over humans and enslaved them, even making them a source of food and recreation during their pagan feasts and games.

2024 Paris Olympics Tableau with the Greek God of Winemaking and Ritual Madness, Dionysius, Being Served as a Sumptuous Meal to the World Before the Games for the Gods (c/o Indiana Express)

Being worshipped by humans and hybrid humans and creatures, apparently, came as a pleasant bonus or prize of pride and honor for those fallen angels and their children which they greatly cherished and promoted ever since. The Olympics were not all about athletic prowess and skills but a grand spectacle which provided those gods with all sorts of diabolical and abominable entertainment. The pantheon of pagan gods we have always thought to be but mythical stuff was a historical reality borne by biblical revelation, That we have proven extensively with scriptures, science and archeology. Sad that majority of preachers and theologians, until recently, have consigned such ideas as being irrelevant, spurious or fantastic. The return of the original intents of those ancient games many already saw during the last Olympics in Paris. No, we did not see hybrid beings, such as the centaurs, satyrs and the chimera, but transvestites and other transhumans-in-the-making. Noah’s Days Part 2 is clearly a recreation of the original Noah’s Days. We now live in Noah’s Days 2.0!

The Tanakh (Tenach) or Old Testament and the Talmud as Book Sources for the Noahide Laws (c/o The Third Well)

The Origins of the Noahide Laws

Oxford Academy posted this abstract on the origins of the Noahide Laws, as follows:

“The chapter maintains, contrary to prior scholarship, that the concept of the Noahide is absent until the first century CE; that is, it is a rabbinic creation. While theology can discover the beginnings of the Noahide laws in the Torah, their historical starting point can only be established following the social, demographic, and religious dislocations of the Second Temple’s destruction in 70 CE. For the rabbis, these laws originated prior to the Sinaitic revelation; they were the moral standard for the entire gentile world, and that world of course included the ancestors of those who would later accept the covenant at Sinai. Israelites before Sinai, then, were Noahides. The Noahide laws were also considered obligatory for all time, and would be the measure by which gentiles would be judged.”

This is supported by other non-Jewish sources who claim that “the idea of a formal set of laws given to all humanity (all the sons of Noah) comes from the Talmud (Note: not the Torah) and is therefore extra-biblical.” However, the official homepage of the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement “that promotes Judaism and provides daily Torah lectures and Jewish insights”, asserts the following regarding the Noahide Laws:

“These laws were communicated by G‑d to Adam and Noah, ancestors of all human beings. That is what makes these rules universal, for all times, places and people.

Laws made by humans may change according to circumstance. But laws made by the Creator of all souls over all of time remain the same for all people at all times.

If we would fulfill these laws just because they make sense to us, then we would change them, according to our convenience. We would be our own god. But when we understand that they are the laws of a supreme G‑d, we understand that they cannot be changed, just as He does not change.”

It appears these laws have benevolent intentions for all humans of any creed or culture. However, we must be take great care in understanding the steps proponents of these laws take in order to enforce them. Obviously, the seventh law mentioned (Establish courts and legal systems to ensure obedience of these laws) was never mentioned, whether by Adam, Noah or by any of the apostles. Who will be charged with setting up these court systems? And how will they be managed or supervised?) The answers to these questions should lead us to be really concerned and, thus, to become vigilant.   

United Nations Logo: Mixing Symbols from Noah’s Saga and Pagan Gods’ Legends — The Better to Rule the World By (c/o Pleaders)

What These Laws Were Designed to Accomplish

The renewal or the revival of Noah’s so-called laws as a legal code to be observed by all humans today did not come as a mere accident or an afterthought. It is a plan that is integral to the establishment of a world government that will be run and supervised from the capital of modern Israel. With the coming of their emerging “Messiah” and the rebuilding of a Third Temple, the Noahide Laws will incorporate the entire world under this sinister global system that is now gradually moving into position. And this will not be achieved without the medical emergencies being rolled out in order to force all nations to succumb to a global judicial authority that is already clutching the necks of the captive leaders in many nations. This is not a theory anymore. We know it is an open and declared plan set to be finally in place by 2030. The next 5 years will see the rapid acceleration of many of the UN’s and the global elites’ maneuvers to remove all obstacles to the ascendancy of the so-called “chosen ones” in order to implement their pre-programmed control of all religions, all territorial jurisdictions and all social-political-and-economic systems according to their satanic supreme leader’s dictates. The fruits of this “state narcissism” we see daily in the ongoing and endless genocide of thousands of children and women in the Middle East. (For those who wish to find out more about what these laws are all about and how it is already affecting people worldwide, particularly those with ethnic roots in Israel, please click on this link: “Former Zionist Christians Speak…LISTEN!”

The refreshing of the world during Noah’s time seems so fleeting, it seems to us, who neither saw nor experienced even a partially-corrupted remnant of it in our lifetime. All of us living today were born into a greatly-diminished global ecosystem that was made even more degraded through world wars, environmental degradation, moral corruption and spiritual decay that have aggravated further the world’s bedeviled conditions. Imposing Noah’s so-called laws is nothing new in reality. They were basically the same commands given to the Gentile converts in Yerushalem by the apostles in Acts 15. Is this coincidental, perhaps, or an intentional move to ingratiate many Christians to follow the apparent benevolent designs of the rabbis? Let us investigate.

The Apostles’ Dilemma

The growth of the early assemblies of followers of the Way or the Good News of the Kingdom, especially in the Hellenic world, ushered a deep source of conflict between those who adhered to the Mosaic Laws (Jews and others from the “10 lost tribes of Israel” who were, incidentally, being finally recovered in many parts of the world, contrary to popular belief) and the Gentile converts. Paul was particularly careful not to offend the Jews who assiduously kept the feasts and the practice of circumcision. Hence, when the situation finally became so unwieldy, the apostles met in Yerushalem to settle the matter. And so, they put down the following rules for the Gentiles to follow, while appeasing the Jews in their desire to remain under Moses’ Law, thus, requiring the Gentiles:

“(to) abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.”

In essence, those instructions can be listed as general dietary and moral guidelines:

  1. To abstain from things offered to idols.
  2. To abstain from immorality or fornication.
  3. To abstain from strangled animals.
  4. To abstain from blood.

Rabbis use this event in the life of the apostles as proof of the continuing enforcement of the laws which Noah received and also of their universal applicability. Now, if these so-called universal laws which they wish to impose upon the whole world, regardless of religion or nationality, was only recognized or, as it seems, formulated only after the apostolic era, why should it be given more authority or validity beyond and above the authority of the apostles and, more so, of the recognized Masshiak Who left His teachings to those apostle? Apparently, these Noahide Laws, which were never even mentioned in the Old and New Testament as such and in their modern form, is nothing more than a legal invention made by a group of people working for a political organization or under the auspices of a certain national government no different from any existing country that creates a constitution to run its legal affairs. In this case, they want to create a global constitution by which they could rule the entire world. This is an unprecedented move that looks eerily sinister and quite familiar to us, coming out as we just recently have from the pandemic period.   

What the Creator Serves Us and We Receive with Thanksgiving to Him and to Noah (And What We Buy from the Market)


Before we leave this matter, we present a possible scenario that many have missed yet is quite apparent in the text. In the quoted verse above from Gen. 9, Noah was told this:

And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.

It clearly states that all living organisms were given as food to humans, with the dietary and moral restrictions, of course, Noah received. Blood was taboo, as well as eating strangled animals. Perhaps, this could have been a prophetic utterance, considering the restrictions we already mentioned against unclean flesh, as reiterated in Moses Law later on. Was the Great Flood then and the Ark a global cleansing that included the purification of unclean flesh on behalf of humans? They are given into your hand. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. It could not be any clearer than that, as highlighted. We have reason to believe it was declared so; however, its implementation was set at a time when the final and perfect cleansing will have been done, as already discussed in the cleansing and salvation of the Gentiles (the human counterpart of spiritually-unclean flesh).

In the final week of Noah and his family inside the Ark, we will sum up all the vital principles and ideas we have gathered and apply them all more directly to the prophetic events that are now unfolding all over the world. Time is running short for the enemies of Yah; that is why they work ceaselessly and shamelessly to create mischief in all areas of human endeavors. The wars and chaos in many places had been foretold. We must be ready and alert at all times. For the spiritual battle has been engaged for over 5 millennia. And we now live within the final stretch of this cosmic drama we have chronicled in the past year.

For believers, however, Life is Eternal; and the End of this Creation is but the Beginning of a glorious everlasting glory. Yahusha Ha Masshiak, the Alpha and the Omega, had already revealed Himself and has proclaimed through His prophets His coming return in glory. We find great courage, comfort and strength in the assurance of His Words of Promise. If we abide in Him and seek His guidance each day, there is nothing Satan’s armies can do to us. Halleluh Yah! Amen!