52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 50) – The Rainbow: What it Truly Signifies (Part 2)
WEEK 50 (16th to the 22th of Iyar, the Second Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)
In addition to what we have presented with respect to the physical properties and spiritual significances of the Rainbow, we now consider how it also points to several vital facts and future events that had been foretold in other parts of scriptures. Going back then to that illustration of the rainbow which shows how water droplets refract and reflect sunlight to a viewer’s eyes to form the bow-shaped spectrum of colors, we see other amazing things. If we were to set up an array of tiny, flat mirrors (as wide as the field and as high as it is wide) at one end of a football field, we will have a wall of mirrors as shown below.
If we stand at the other end of the field, we will see our image at the other end of the field (assuming all mirrors are vertical and facing straight toward the other end).
Now, if we were to tilt each mirror such that we can see our reflection in each mirror, each mirror would be tilted differently from every other mirror (see below). The array would now mimic the surface of the top-half of a concave mirror; and the light being reflected by all the mirrors would all converge on a person at the other end. For instance, the top-rightmost mirror will be tilted at a maximum, both inward and downward. The top-leftmost mirror will also be the same case, except that it is tilted inward in the opposite direction. Only the one mirror that first reflected our image would remain as is or untilted.
Now if we isolate the mirrors which are tilted 40° to 42°, inward as well as downward, and all the rest are removed, what we have left will be the shape of a Rainbow (see below). This remaining array of mirrors will, then, represent the shape or position of the water droplets that are producing the image of the Rainbow in the sky for us.
We must remind ourselves that where we stand at the end of the field is exactly at the center of the field’s width (as well as of the Rainbow) and with the Sun directly behind us. Furthermore, if we were up in the sky, floating or flying in the air, we would also be at the center of the Rainbow circle and the Sun directly behind us (see below).
Yes, we are at the very heart or center of the Rainbow and, therefore, also at the core of the Rainbow Covenant. Meaning, we are the focus of Yahuah’s intentions for the promises contained in the Rainbow Covenant. And we know that one promise is that of refreshing, renewal, abundance and eternal salvation for all humans who enter the covenant. Before we proceed, please take note that the array of mirrors need not be at the far end of the field. It could be at the middle or even closer to us; yet, it will still produce the same shape, although the mirrors that will reflect our image may not be the exact same mirrors. For as we said, the Rainbow we see is actually a cone of water droplets that converge or end up as the tip of the cone where we are – that is, our eyes. We can imagine the cone (or half of it, at least) to be a huge megaphone we hold before our eyes (see below).
Since the rain shower consists of dispersed droplets in the atmosphere, we can see in between the droplets, just as we can see through a dusty road or a foggy sky. The haziness of the Rainbow is the result of millions of droplets forming the Rainbow as deep or as thick as the shower of rain that falls. Therefore, too much water would reduce the light and affect the brightness of the Rainbow. Conditions have to be perfect to form the full size and shape of the Rainbow. That is why we often see only a part of a Rainbow or, sometimes, the image lasts only for a short while. Drizzles, after all, often come after a strong rainfall and make up the remnant of the condensed vapor in the sky. In effect, the Rainbow introduces the coming new, clear day for us all, in reality and virtually, like a multicolored-curtain opening up and revealing the bright sky behind it.
We are the Arrows of the Rainbow
While we see so many Rainbows and so many kinds of Rainbows, there is only one Rainbow Covenant. We must realize that the shape of the Rainbow is not accidental or incidental. What we often see as the bow above us has a spiritual purpose and meaning. It is meant to launch something upward, where it is intended to shoot the arrow. And the arrow is every person who is in the Rainbow Covenant. The cone we mentioned above, while it points toward us and to the Sun, actually means that we are at the tip of the arrow of colors that Yah will shoot to Heaven, where His Heavenly Light shines. Being at the center of the Rainbow, just as the arrow is held at the center of a bow, Yah’s hand alone is capable of holding us properly and sending us on our journey to His Heavenly and Holy City. That is upward to where He reigns in Heaven. The Rainbow is bent, under the divine pressure or will of the Almighty Who awaits the time when each arrow is wholly formed and ready to take that flight to the heavenly sky.
Many see the Rainbow and its colors; but how many see the real glory and resplendent beauty of its meanings, as Yah has revealed them to us. For there are those who see the Rainbow as a symbol of evil and immoral ideas. What do we make of that? In the eyes of Yah, it represents the other half of the Rainbow we do not often see. The buried or hidden half of the Rainbow points downward to the Abyss where the wicked angels dwell. Whereas, we see the bright Rainbow, those who see the Rainbow outside of the covenant with Yah only see darkness. They see physical colors; but their blindness does not allow them to see the spiritual colors or meanings. And unlike those who will fly upward as bright arrows, there will be those who will sink down into darkness, as arrows shot from the darkened Rainbow by the Angel of Death. In the next article, we will explain the sinister plan the wicked enemies of Yah have concocted to use Noah’s story and the Rainbow Covenant to establish a One World Order that will rule under their coming false Masshiak — that is, an anti-Masshiak.
As we said in Part 1, words have physical or material meanings as well as spiritual or heavenly meanings. Yah did not speak to Noah and his family and show the Rainbow merely to impress them with a magnificent spectacle or a 3-D painting by which to teach a lesson or remind them now and then of a promise. Yes, it was a reminder to help us remember real history and the coming future. However, it is also the reality of His own reality. We know, more or less, our own reality. But when we see a Rainbow, we are not supposed to be amazed at a scientific fact proven by Physics or an earthly phenomenon we know is but an optical illusion but the very Word spoken by the Creator back in the past that will be fulfilled sometime in the future. And by “fulfilled” we mean Yah will also utter the Word that will complete the Rainbow Covenant. In so many ways, the prophets and the Savior spoke like this: “This is what was spoken of by prophet so-and so.” Or, “Today, this scripture is fulfilled.”
And so, we can imagine when the final remnant of Water, which once created the Universe, drizzle down upon the Earth before it will be finally scorched by intense Fire, the Last Rainbow will form above the Earth and all those who have kept the Rainbow Covenant will walk toward the center of Yah’s Rainbow and His angels will send every saved believer toward the glorious Heavenly Yerushalem. And with His mighty voice, He will utter the words to every obedient disciple, “Good and faithful servant, enter into My abode through the way of the Rainbow, upon which I promised to Noah that water will no longer destroy life.” He did not say, “I will no longer destroy the Earth.” He said not by Water. For somewhere else, He said it will be by Fire. “And before Fire comes down to destroy this Old Creation, I will bring you up to the New Earth and the New Heaven prepared above.” Perhaps, the last Rainbow will be one gigantic Bow that will be seen by all to remind them of the Rainbow Covenant. As riding the Ark saved 8 souls then from judgment by Water, keeping the Rainbow Covenant would save us from the condemnation of Fire. What more amazing anticipation do we have than such a promise of salvation?

Reality Test: Light as the Foundation of Life
Do you believe the Great Flood and Noah’s Ark were real historical events? If not, do you believe the Rainbow is real? Yes, it is both real and not real, as we have said; for it is an illusion or optical enigma that has no substance. And yet, all 3 things were made or caused by the Creator. If you do not believe in a Creator Who created all things and brought about this epic saga we have chronicled for the past 50 weeks, which part of the story can you point out as being merely an optical illusion, an invented myth or a fictional concoction? The creation of Light or the Sun and the stars? The creation of humans and animals? The rebellion of the angels and the birth of their hybrid children? The building of the gigantic Ark? The year-long journey of Noah and his family inside the Ark? The selection of pairs of all the clean and unclean animals that would repopulate the world? The survival of Noah and his family throughout the whole Great Flood period? Or is it the showing of the first Rainbow and the giving of the promise by Yah? If all of those things were untrue or unreal, then we have wasted almost a year of nonsensical storytelling; and all the historical, biblical and scientific evidences we have presented have no value whatsoever, not even a tiny quanta of enlightenment for any person to take home and cherish in his or her heart to give some comfort, hope or good in this lovely yet chaotic, temporary, earthly life we have.
Light is not only for the eyes. Neither is it only for the health and survival of human physical life. It is even more than the spiritual enlightenment that we receive in our heart through Ruach Who reveals the Truth and Who is the Light of Life. Light, in essence, is the manifestation of the Glory and Nature of the Creator Who is Spirit. We see only a tiny spectrum of the total band of electromagnetic energy: the visible light. We have to have instruments and spiritual eyes to see behind all that Creation contains. Yet, Yah sees and knows it all. What we often read in scriptures may tell or show us only a shallow picture of the reality in the mind of Yah. Our discussions here were meant to reveal, if ever possible, certain truths or facts that may not be apparent to many of us. Not all we presented were meant to be absolute truth or undeniable facts to be accepted without question. Many were in fact possibilities or suppositions made within reasonable conditions. The whole point is that if we search long and deep enough, along with prayer and faith, the Truth will sooner or later come out of the darkness and present itself as it really is to us humans in our mortal condition. For as exalted beings with new bodies and spirits at the Last Day, we will see Yah and His Nature as He really is with our spiritual eyes, not our human eyes. For now, we see through blurry eyes.
Seeing with the Eyes of Ruach
True, we see with our human eyes and understand with our human mind. Yet, with Ruach living and guiding us, we are regaled by His Truth through the revelations that have not been delivered in reference to the “secrets of Yah”. For those who believe such secrets will remain as secrets forever minimize the power, love and intentions of Ruach. As the Helper, of what value is He to us in our human condition if He cannot help us in terms of the small and great questions and enigmas of life we go through all our lives? Is He only there to answer our call of prayer to allow us to “worship” Him in singing, studying, fellowshipping and adoration in the assembly? Or is He there to satisfy all our desires to know what Life and Creation are all about? And as they are presented to us in scriptures as history and revelation? Not to be limited to what we have been taught by others or what we read or understand by ourselves but to be open to His unlimited source of Truth and Light, especially so that the times call for the breaking of the seals that keep us from fully understanding revelation and the chaotic events happening all around us.
Noah saw and knew the reasons why he had to build the Ark. He did not need to have a TV set, the newspaper or a phone to understand what was happening to the world during his time. Yet, with all the tools and technology we have today, we can hardly tie up the things that repeatedly happen and cause the same kinds of problems and conflicts in this world for centuries. Many still refuse even to hold and apply the Word of Yah to find out if current events have any relation to prophecy or to the biblical records. So many, in fact, are easily turned off when a podcaster presents a solid and valid case that is based on belief in the “man in the sky” or on any kind of “religion”. Belief in an invisible Being and practicing a religion or a life of devotion according to certain rules offends skeptics and unbelievers. What we present is Truth based on all aspects of human inquiry, too many to mention again. If we were talking to a child who understands, the Truth would lead that child to lead a good and fruitful life as long as its diet of the Truth remains available. Otherwise, a child will starve, get lost and go astray. The reason we live in Noah’s Days Part 2 is because we are back to that dire situation of so many having lost their anchor to the Truth and seek to establish an alternative truth as a challenge to Yah.
When Noah and his family finally get down from the Ark, their way of life would totally change in relation to their past and the one year that they stayed in the Ark. Their struggle would no longer be to wage warfare or contend with wicked enemies who denied the Creator. It would no longer be to take care of and protect all the animals in their temporary, constricted pens and cages inside the Ark. It was to enjoy the new blessings of freedom, bounty and unlimited potential for growth and innovations opened to them in the New Earth. Each time we hear of a newborn child, we feel the excitement of the parents, as well as for the child itself and the bright future it holds in its tiny hands. Yet, its future all depends on what its parents and the entire world allow it to experience and accomplish in its life. The Rainbow was and is Yahuah’s sign of that great love and potential He gives to allow us to build our future and chart our own destiny through life. Obstacles and challenges abound everywhere we are. Yet, like Noah and his family who were given choices to be obedient stewards of Creation, we also have the same role and duty in relation to Creation today. We have seen how they did it and how they completed their tasks with humility and excellence. If their example serves to help some of us to live and work in the same manner, our task here would have been worthwhile.
The Illusion of Illusions
We went through quite a tedious and certainly boring task of explaining the tiniest and most-meticulous properties of the Rainbow. For what redeeming purpose?! Initially, going through it felt like a useless or dumb exercise or undertaking. Like Naaman the Syrian scoffing at the idea of dipping himself in muddy River Jordan to heal himself, as ordered by the prophet Elisha, when there were so many other clean and better rivers in Damascus. (2 Kings 5:1-15) Or listing down all the names of the generations that came from Adam all the way to the Savior. Not that our duty to teach is at all comparable to the great work those ancient people had done, but that every servant must listen humbly to the soft voice of Ruach within the heart and just do what it leads us to do without questioning its value in the present. Indeed, having finished the task, certain insights came to mind, as they always do.
When Elohim created all things, imagine how many human engineers, scientists and draftsmen would They have needed to make drawings and plans in order for all things to be made? Elohim’s power goes way beyond our comprehension. So, going through the trouble of the inner structure and design of the Rainbow is worth the effort if only to help us appreciate how much They truly care for all creatures and love us enough that They would expend so much wisdom and energy into bringing all things into what they are now. Yet, the Rainbow is just a tiny and fleeting event or phenomenon in the entire Universe that we still have to fully understand. What amazes us is how the Rainbow depends on each tiny water droplet that catches a ray of Sunlight and refracts then reflects it into a person’s eye, whether it be in any color — Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo or Violet. Yes, each droplet, depending at what angle it reflects the Light, as we said, has a specific hue to transmit. And there must be billions and billions of droplets in the atmosphere during a drizzle out of which only a portion must do that task for any particular person. In short, Yahuah speaks to thousands and thousands of humans through the Rainbow using all the elements and things in Creation (Light, Water, Gases, Eyes, Brains, Blood, Cells, Mitochondria, Electromagnetic Forces, etc.) to remind each one of us (state your name) of the Rainbow Covenant He made with Noah. For the Rainbow is every individual’s personal sign from Yahuah. We need not assemble anywhere or register at any office to be part of the Rainbow Covenant. He deals and talks to each one of us directly, not through an intermediary, a priest or an organization.
This brings us to the idea often expressed by unbelievers and skeptics that the Universe and Life are mere illusions and not existential reality. In keeping with their inability to fathom the existence of an invisible Supreme Being, they conclude that everything else is but a product or a construct of the human mind. That the brain itself, which allows our eyes to see and appreciate the beauty of the Rainbow, including the joyful and wonderful sense of glory it brings to the heart, is nothing to burden our intelligence with but just a vessel to carry temporary and unreal illusions we experience as we do when we dream. From nothing to nothing. What a senseless and needless use of so much energy and creativity only to allow highly-intelligent and moral beings to live for only a moment in Eternity!
That is why the Rainbow, as we have regaled it, is in itself a symbol and a beacon of Eternity. It has been almost 5,000 years since the Great Flood occurred and also the same length of time that humans have seen Rainbows in the sky. That is but an instant in the mind of the Creator but almost the whole history of humankind and Creation. For being the time we call Noah’s Days Part 2, we now approach the closing of this Creation Age when all of the visible works will be removed and replaced by a better Creation. From Nothing to Creation and from Creation to a Better Creation: That is the whole history and plan of Elohim. For before They revealed the inner workings of Light to human beings through our innate intelligence and through divine revelation, Light was like mere water humans drank and bathed with. Yet, how many still take Light for granted as the hidden energy within food that is produced by plants and digested in human bodies to provide them with sustenance to live? But now, we live in a time when almost nothing is beyond reach of human understanding. Like the people of Babel, we can now boast of being able to do whatever we want to do, with Yahuah’s approval or not. Sadly, much of what we have accomplished have been done without HIs approval or blessing. The rebellion in the Garden still finds its parallels in much of what we see today, in spite of His goodness in giving us wisdom to live abundant lives on Earth by His grace.
The magnificence and power of the Rainbow lie at the very heart of the promise of Life and Judgment. We all stand as witnesses to all the majesty of Elohim through Creation. The Rainbow connects us to the refreshing done during the time of Noah when Creation was given a new chance to abound and produce goodness for all living beings. We have told the entire story — well, almost. We approach the end of our saga, as well as the full narrative of revealed Truth in these last days. With 2 weeks left, we have shown how Yahuah has prepared Noah and his family to savor a New Earth and a New Heaven made especially for them and for us, their descendants. The Rainbow connects us to them as our ancestors. We inherited not just the Earth below us and the Heaven above us but also the better promises behind the Rainbow. Not a pot of gold but an entire City of Gold coming down from Elohim.
Only reality can produce myth. For even myths or illusions are by-products of Yah’s Creation, believe it or not. What you see (Visible Light or the Rainbow) is as real as what you do not see (Electromagnetic Radiation). Believe your eyes. Believe your mind. Believe Yah.