52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 49) – The Rainbow: What it Truly Signifies (Part 1)

WEEK 49 (9th to the 15th of Iyar, the Second Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)
The Bow above Pointing to Heaven
Qasti is the Hebrew word used by Moses in Gen. 9:13 to name the rainbow that He set in the sky when He made a new covenant with Noah and his family (including all future generations) no longer to send flood upon the entire Earth to destroy life. Qesheth is the root of the word, which means bow, that is, the shape of the bow of an archer. Nevertheless, we must never, never minimize the power of the Literal Word and the Spiritual Word (the meaning of words or the higher meanings or ideas that words describe or convey) because together they reveal the many truths in the real world that so many of us miss. Why? Because we often only take the literal word 90% of the time and neglect the other meaning that should be the principal idea and not just the material or physical significance of words. (1 Corinthians 2:10-16)
The literal word and physical meaning of words are the containers of ideas that a mere child or an old idiot only sees and understands, nothing else. When a child sees the word “apple” or the picture of an apple, that is the whole truth its young mind operates on at that moment for several minutes, and nothing else. The child is now able to apply its newly-learned knowledge of the letter A, P, L and E. Being able to spell APPLE fills the child with enough wonder to realize that letters can form a word that refers to a real object or fruit that is red and tastes sweet. At first, it may mistake the picture for the real thing, but, eventually, it recognizes the word and the picture are mere symbols of the real thing. Today, so many do not read the Bible because they do not wish to grapple with the higher meanings of the words they read. They read “blood” and “death” in the Old Testament and the New Testament and get turned off by the violence; whereas the games they play or movies the watch are no less violent. Even words like “angels” and “Heaven” do not make any sense at all to them.

To Noah and family, the rainbow was as real as the sunlight and the shower that fell upon them that beautiful morning they would first feel the solid ground under their feet and breathe the fresh air that they had missed for over a year. More so, they would joyfully kneel down in thankfulness and humility before the Creator Who had saved them from the wrath that had destroyed all other living things on the Land. They had seen the Sun shine from dawn to sunset for thousands of times before; but that morning was unlike any other morning they had ever seen. They now saw white clouds which made them wonder what they were – only realizing they were not scattered flocks of sheep in the skies but moisture that fell as rain upon them. They were, in a way, immersed for the first time, in the clouds as they showered in the rain and refreshed their almost atrophied bodies. Likewise, they wondered at the bright, blue skies that gave the sense of endlessness as their eyes had been used to the deep-violet firmament that resulted from the presence of the Water Canopy before it fell down during the Flood.
When the rain stopped, the drizzle now formed a Rainbow above them and mesmerized their eyes and minds with pure colors of Light that they had never seen before. Yes, the many flowers and feathers of birds reflected colors that were bright and varied; but they hardly appeared as splendid inside the dark Ark as they did now under the Sun. However, the Rainbow presented an ethereal beauty that overshadowed everything else upon the Earth and underneath the Sea. It stretched from one far side of the horizon to the opposite distant side. And hearing the thunderous voice of the Creator made them feel even more euphoric after seeing all that they observed and experienced after a year of practically no sunlight and contact with the outside world.
Covenant as Metaphor or Parable
We already discussed the principle or covenant of marriage, which was inaugurated in the Garden, as a prophecy of the union of Yahusha and His Bride, which is His Body of believers and followers. It is also the same with this covenant or sign of the Rainbow. We see the physical sign, manifestation or display of the actual Rainbow during a rain shower; but not all see the promise of No-More-Flood and The-End-Fire coming. The Rainbow is Yahuah’s visible signature over the Earth that judgment over wicked human hybrids and monsters through WATER IS FINISHED; however, the future judgment of wicked angels, humans and hybrid-creatures through FIRE WILL COME AND, IN FACT, IS NOW NEAR.

While the narratives or parables of the Savior essentially used words or pictures-stories of ordinary events to tell spiritual truths or realities, the Rainbow presents in graphic or visible reality the surety of the coming realities at the end-times. Sure, the Rainbow, for those who believe the saga of Noah, includes the whole 121-years-long building-and-use of the Ark. Nevertheless, the Rainbow conveyed a concise and magnificent “logo” or “monogram” of a specific act of the Creator, just as the Ark was a “logo” or “monogram” of His act of destroying all life upon the Earth. All the legends or myths that tell the story of a global flood in over 200 nations contain that collective human memory of a divine act that truly happened. Whether it is a gigantic hollow gourd that the ancient Chinese picture as the vessel or a circular ark the Babylonians had preserved in their myth of the Flood, it points to one real historical event that has real, future fulfillment in human destiny.
Now, the Babylonians, who did not enter the Rainbow Covenant in good faith, but instead built a tower to avoid being destroyed by flood, were sent into confusion for their unbelief and their pride in their technology that they had inherited from the fallen angels. For the wicked spirits or demons that arose out of the Flood continued to deceive and use unbelieving humans to rebel against the Creator. Yahuah knew this would happen and intentionally separated his chosen root or seed through which the Promised Seed would come, that is Shem, from those of Noah’s other descendants that would arise from Ham and Canaan. The curse upon Canaan is a narrative we will have to deal with in the future; but for now, it suffices to say that through Canaan will arise the resurgence of the wicked demons that once brought corruption upon the Earth. And the coming evil will be so abominable that water will no longer suffice to purify the Creation. Only intense fire will be needed to destroy the entire Creation and replace it with a new, perfect and eternal one. What kind of fire is that?

The-End-Fire: The Fire that Will End Physical Creation
We said the Rainbow formed within the rain-shower or water droplets, which was in front of humans while the Sun shone behind them. Look at the photo of the prism above. The light (sunlight) coming from the right passes through the prism (water droplets) and is refracted into various colors within the prism. It is essentially fire – or the light energy produced by the Sun’s “fiery” fusion of Hydrogen atoms into Helium atoms – transmitted thousands of kilometers to the Earth and being refracted by water molecules to form the Rainbow which is seen by human eyes. We cannot see the rainbow with the Sun facing us; because the light entering the water droplet is first refracted then reflected to our eyes as separated colors of the once “unified white light”. For water has the property, among so many others, to segregate visible light into various wavelengths that determine the frequencies of visible light. This means that light allows us to see colors because our eyes were formed and designed to recognize these varying frequencies and which we recognize as colors. In the same way that our ears can sense tones or variable pitches of sounds. Moreover, our tongues can identify hundreds of different tastes as well. All these bring us back to the Creation of all things when plants, birds and animals were made for the sole use and benefit of humans, not wicked spirits or monsters.
But, humans fell because they could not maintain their allegiance to the Creator. Still, the Creator gives them opportunities to get back to His graces. And so, Noah and his family gave us that one chance to rectify things. However, fast-forward, we now live in Noah’s Days Part 2. The Flood is behind us and the Fire is before us. We must see the Fire behind the Rainbow; not because we want people to die but because it will bring about the New Earth and New Heaven prepared for those who believe the Gospel of Yahusha. For if you see something else in the Rainbow other than the covenant Noah made with Yahuah (such as diversity, separation or segregation and not unity in divine organic principles), then be reminded that the Fire will do its intended work and purpose in each and every person’s life. No excuses and no second-chances after the Judgment. When the door of the Ark closed and the Rain fell, those outside died.
When the Way to the Life is finally closed and the Fire falls upon all Creation, those outside the Pearly Gates will die the second death. If you have eyes, ears and taste buds, certainly you have brain cells and the mind that can comprehend the logic of the Logos or the Promised Seed Who did all He needed to do, even give up His life, to give us not just physical life but eternal life. Wicked spirits or demons know their time of judgment will come. For when their father, the Deceiver or Serpent, made a covenant with the fallen angels, they all swore to rebel against the Creator unto their own perdition. And so, so many today, swear by the same oath those demons made to do whatever their hearts lead them to do in order to satisfy their own desires, not the desire or will of Yahuah. Hence, if you know the will of Yahuah, you also know the will of Satan. If you have made your choice, then you also know the end of your decision. Divine justice merely follows and applies the consequences of every individual’s will which a person has chosen to pursue and do.
We were created in the image of Elohim, each one of us. Even today, we eat of the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The revelation of Yah clarifies all that we need to choose, just as it was given to those who were presented the chance by Noah to ride the Ark or not. The Rainbow was a fitting end to the Flood; for it showed what we can call a Full Spectrum Reset. From the darkness that set the whole world into the darkness of sin and violence, the Flood renewed Creation and was presented as a resplendent gift of Yah which He tied with a colorful ribbon in the sky. Although Noah and many generations after him never really saw the physical significance of the Rainbow and Light itself, today, we know much more about how they affect our life and our environment.
Looking as the colors of the Rainbow, we see red at the top, the low-frequency, low-energy range limit, which is reflected at about 42° which, according to biochemistry and quantum physics, is largely responsible for sustaining the life processes within all living organisms. Red has a wavelength of 700 nanometers (nm); while violet, at the bottom of the rainbow at the high-frequency, high-energy limit, which is reflected at 40°, has a wavelength of 400 nm. That means violet “vibrates” at almost twice the amount compared to red light. Notice that red light (such as organic light produced by candles, wood fires and incandescent bulbs) is conducive to maintaining optimal health and vision of humans and animals. However, the predominant artificial blue light (such as inorganic light from LED bulbs, PC and phone monitor screens and TV sets) disrupts natural physiological or bodily functions, resulting into loss of clear vision and many systemic illnesses. We need all organic wavelengths of the Light; however, we have reduced their value and use to our detriment.

Why the Rainbow is Curved
Before we consider the higher meaning of the Rainbow, we must consider another physical property of the Rainbow: its shape. The bow shape of the Rainbow is due to the spherical shape of the tiny water droplets that individually refract then reflect sunlight.
Without going deep into the complex ideas of Physics and Optics, we can consider Light as tiny packets of energy, whether waves, particles or quanta of energy. Hence, like the light coming from the projector of a movie theater, the tiny concentrated ray of Light passes through the thin, essentially-2-dimensional celluloid film and projects the image onto a flat screen. We know what happens: magical entertainment that brings all kinds of emotions and memories. We get lost in the present life into an alternative past, present or future life not of our own making. But nothing is real at all. Not even the words or the music that we bring home and recall long after the film has lost its virtual allure. But as we said in the beginning, the Rainbow, although an illusion, was as real to Noah as the Light they saw from the sky. And so is every Rainbow we see today. It is real although it is not a solid object: a light show that puts to shame any and every movie producer, CGI artist, painter or videographer.
Note that the shape of the Light source in a movie-house is spherical, that is, a light bulb that emits light almost similar to the way the Sun does. So, for all intents and purposes, there is no difference. Yet, the scene we see on the movie screen is rectangular. The spreading light coming from a tiny light source is somehow filtered through a “window” which determines what we see. Even the Sun can be considered a tiny light source, as the ancient scientists did, and came up with such inventions a camera obscura (a “dark chamber” with a pinhole to project real images), the modern camera itself, the telescope and so many others. Even the magnifying lens can focus light energy to a tiny point that we can produce fire. For Light is conducive to so many manipulative means humans can imagine to suit their needs. But the Rainbow aims to tell us the Truth, and nothing else.
We have established that Light can be a tiny packet of energy, just as we can assume that every water droplet can be a tiny point of Light. And since each point is independent from each other, there is no way they can interact such that what one droplet refracts or reflects can be directly affected. They can, of course, magnify or abet the way other droplets reflect the light, since they are closely packed beside one another and practically form a thick, overlapping cloud of water vapor in the atmosphere. However, we can disregard that obstacle by assuming further that the Sun is also a tiny point or Light source radiating pinpoint packets or quanta of energy on the Earth. We can then assume that each quanta of Light from the Sun is caught by each tiny, individual droplet independently and then reflected into our eyes as it is. All together, they form the bigger picture, so to speak. The Sun is the projector, the droplets are the celluloid film, and the screen is our eyes. What determines then the shape of the Rainbow?

It appears that the celluloid film, which in this case is the shower of water droplets in the atmosphere, is the culprit we are looking for. It is the shape of the individual droplets, apparently, for each droplet merely projects back a tiny point of Light, the overall shape of the “film” produces the final show. Look at the previous illustration above. We see that every individual person will see the Rainbow differently, depending on one’s location and point of view. The image of the Rainbow is actually occurring given specific conditions: the eyes have to be at 40-42° in relation to each individual droplet to see the Primary Rainbow, 50° or so to see the Secondary Rainbow; while the Sun has to be right behind the viewer, and the shower is in front of the viewer. The Rainbow is actually in the shape of a cone; and if the viewer moves forward or backward, the Rainbow may also shift in position, disappear or fade away. In fact, for pilots in a plane, they see a full Rainbow circle. Likewise, we see whole moon Rainbow halos because of the same principle. What we see while standing of the ground is half of the circle, as the horizon breaks up the circle.

Hopefully, we will provide a more complete picture of how the Rainbow forms in the next part. For now, we need to establish the essential physical properties of the Rainbow and the main spiritual significance it holds for us all.

Will Yahuah Ever Wield His Colorful Bow?
If you have held a bow and arrow, you might likely hold the bow with the left hand and pull the string, along with the arrow, with the right hand. The outer face of the bow which is away from you undergoes tensile forces, Meaning, the fibers of the wood, or whatever material the bow is made of, stretches or elongates as it bends. On the other side, the inner surface of the bow undergoes compression, that is, the material shortens. Now, since most solid materials have the plastic-like property to bend when a force is applied upon them, such as a spring that is stretched or compressed, while tending to return to their original shape, it will spring back to its former shape once the force is removed. That force of the bow to spring back to shape propels the arrow toward the target. And just as the bow undergoes different kinds of forces but functions as one whole unit, so it is with the Rainbow and its colors. While the various colors of the Rainbow may have their own different hues, appeal and functions, they all work to attain one purpose. After all, Light is life-giving energy; and all the colors presented to us by the Rainbow have their own unique roles to accomplish to benefit Creation.
That principle also applies in spiritual reality. The life-giving blood flowing within our veins does not only have red as its color but also functions in tandem with infrared radiation within the mitochondria in our cells to convert proteins into Light-energy to allow our organs to function and maintain our health. When the Creator, therefore, spoke Light into existence on the First Day of Creation, He already established that Life-sustaining power of Light. prior to creating all living beings. After having created all things and, later on, destroying corrupted flesh, He then reestablished the same principles with a more resplendent covenant, along with the old covenant of marriage He had already established. Noah and his sons had their wives. But they still had to bring into the New Earth a new generation of purified children who would sustain the renewed functions, principles and intentions of Creation. The Rainbow was not a simple, disposable sign we can neglect or distort for our own purposes. It contains a solemn promise and a fearful judgment.
What or where then is the bow intended for the Rainbow? Remember the movies you have seen where armies of kingdoms shot fiery arrows at each other? A single arrow may kill one person or animal. But a burning arrow can cause a conflagration and burn down a house or a castle along with humans and animals. So, with Yah’s Rainbow, when He releases His fiery arrow at all Creation, then all things will be burned down with fervent heat. Peter gave us this prophecy. Even Enoch and John gave us visions of the coming fiery end of Creation. Now, more or less, we know more clearly what the Rainbow truly is. Hopefully, we have also come to know more the Creator and HIs will for our lives and for this world.
“Sing a Rainbow”
Now, the beauty of the Rainbow could not be more appreciated without beautiful music to go along with it. We could probably imagine Noah and his crew also cheering and singing as they saw the first Rainbow. It so happens that many of us grew up with a popular song about the Rainbow and its colors. Many do not even realize Peggy Lee had originally sung it back in 1955 in the movie “Pete Kelly’s Blues”. The Flower Generation grew up with Cillia Black’s newer version. But here they are for anyone to sing along and celebrate the Rainbow.