52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 32) – The Great Flood and the Mystery of Uncleanness in the World
“The next day, as they went on their journey and drew near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance and saw Heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the Earth. In it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. And a voice came to him, ‘Rise, Peter; kill and eat.’
But Peter said, ‘Not so, Yahuah! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.’
And a voice spoke to him again the second time, ‘What Yah has cleansed you must not call common.’ This was done three times. And the object was taken up into Heaven again.”
WEEK 32 (2nd to 8th of Tevet, the 10th Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)
The Hebrew word for “clean” is tahore, for clean or pure. Something must have happened between Genesis 1 and Genesis 7 that made clean animals to become unclean: from pure to impure. Same thing happened to humans. From one pure human couple, thousands of impure humans soon polluted the Earth and caused Yah to be so angry as to send the Flood. Only 8 pure humans had remained.
It now appears that among the 200 fallen angels lured by their leader, Shemihaza, to rebel against Yah, not one recognized the power and sovereignty of Yah over their lives and over Creation. That was how deep their rejection of Elohim was. (Book of Giants) For each one took an oath to breed hybrid-humans with women. Hence, if we assume they mated with 200 women, there were, at least, 200 hybrid-humans at the start. In a matter of 10 years, there must have been, at least 1,000 to 1,500 hybrid-humans. And if we can accept that each of those wicked angels mated with more than one woman, their hybrid-children would have easily numbered more than 5,000 in 10 years or so. Adultery and promiscuity would then have had such sordid and depraved beginnings indeed to make it such an abominable sin to Yah, sins that non-hybrid humans would soon adapt wantonly. And more reason for Him to be so grieved and angered by the sins of the people during Noah’s time.
From the time of Jared to the time of Noah and the Flood then, a period of about 1,200 years, there were most likely millions or so hybrid-humans. Someone has even estimated the population before the flood to be around 4 billion, taking into consideration that humans lived to about a thousand years then. (Peter Goeman) If so, we can safely assume a quarter of that or even more could have been children of fallen angels. Which means further that they were capable of reproducing themselves. Why else would Yah choose to destroy them if they could not propagate themselves? Like Adam, perhaps, who was eternal, hybrids could have been half-mortal, half-immortal. It all depended on their science. That is why they practiced sorcery, in order to attain immortality. Medicine, alchemy, magic, divination and psychic powers led hybrids to tap the secret knowledge of angels and humans to live long and become “renowned”. They had special abilities ordinary humans did not have. That was how they drew gullible humans to follow their fallen ways. The same way science and technology today leads millions to go the way of the neo-Nephilim in our midst and their potent, AI-based gadgetry now being unraveled and applied to complete their plan of conquering the world.
One of the most-despicable things they did was to also create hybrid-animals. Apparently, each one of the original fallen angels took 200 animals of certain species of animals and interbred them among themselves. (This could also mean there were only 200 species created in the beginning.) Meaning, if they had chosen 3 species of animals, say, a sheep, a goat and a cow and interbred them, there would arise a sheep-goat, a sheep-cow, and a goat-cow — that is, 3 distinct hybrids. Or even more, depending on how they came out during the experiment – a one-horned sheep-cow or a two-horned cow-sheep, whatever was the dominant species that determined the particular type of hybrid. And they would be “impure” or “unclean” animals.
We know that the organic instinct of a male sheep is to mate with a female sheep; but a hybrid sheep-goat might desire both sheep and cow, perhaps. Hence, Eve was meant to mate with Adam. As a corollary, humans were meant to eat pure fruit only; but they were led to sin by eating “unpure” or “poisoned” fruit. In like manner, fallen angels caused corruption by leading animals to become even more impure by their base character and desires contrary to Divine Creation. Interbreeding those original animals diluted their former purity or goodness as creatures of Elohim and were, therefore, used by the Nephilim as substitute creatures to Yah’s living creatures.

With our assumed 200 original species, therefore, you can create, at least, 200 distinct hybrid species. With 400 such original and hybrids species being interbred, you can create 400 sub-species and multiple more of sub-species as you can. The majority of the thousands of species could have come from this intentional dilution of the original 200 species. Of course, our assumption is that exactly 201 angels rebelled and took the same number of distinct women to mate with – along with 200 animals that were available to interbreed. More heinously, those fallen creatures could have also mated with animals to produce even more corrupt species by utilizing the dark, secret knowledge of their angelic parents. This abominable sexual sin called “bestiality” would remain until the times of the apostles and even today. (Jude 1:5-7; 12-19)
Which somehow reinforces the idea that there were not that many species that Elohim created in the beginning. And so, the only thing that made the Ark spacious was because Yah accommodated the unclean animals, by His incomprehensible mercy. That is exactly one-seventh (1 unclean to 7 clean ratio) of the Ark floor space available, assuming the same number of clean species as unclean species. With more unclean animals than clean, as there might have been, the ratio would have been much higher. It might even have been loaded in favor of unclean animals by 2 to 1 or more, as visualized by the rough illustration above showing more than double the ratio in fact. (The Bible Channel)
The sinister plan was precisely to totally change Creation into an alternative angel-created Universe. All the dark, angelic secrets taught to humans were intentionally used to pattern a fallen Earth according to an ultimate Satanic kingdom we are beginning to see evolve rapidly in our times. When the plan failed to stop the Seed from accomplishing the cleansing work of Creation, Satan has redoubled his efforts through his minions in order to prevent the final victory of Elohim in the final days. What we see today is not a drill but a real thing; because they have been drilling their teachings into our minds for millennia.
All the kingdoms of the world have been run by Nephilim-taught rulers, one way or another. Only One Kingdom remains clean and pure. Noah’s task was to make way for that Kingdom to be established. Yahusha established it through His life and sacrifice.
Perhaps, among the unclean hybrids created by the fallen angels, many Yah found to be worth saving and keeping for human use and convenience. Such animals as horses, cats, lions, wolves and dogs have served humans in many ways under a fallen world indeed. What other animals can best deal with other destructive or despicable animals, such as rodents, snakes, hyenas, and other destructive hybrids or pests other than these predators that learned to kill by evil design (including killing their own kind). We may have tamed many of these wild, murderous hybrids spawned by demons; yet they remain unclean.
Taming an animal had become an art and a science during the time of Solomon. The wise king imported peacocks and monkeys from Ophir. For what purposes? Art, science and vanity. Remember that he married pharaoh’s daughter and probably had a palace built there and in many other places, along with his stables of fine Arabian and exotic horses. Solomon studied the behavior of animals, both as a practical scientist and as a creative artist. Moreover, he was an entrepreneur who must have bred and sold exotic animals. He needed money to sustain his vain lifestyle and traded goods with nations. Animal trade has come a long way since then, whether for food or domestication or other purposes.
Noah’s work required saving the lives of humans and animals. Today, humans strive to enhance the lives of animals, sometimes to the detriment of their own lives and the lives of other humans. The use of animals for such activities as entertainment (circuses, aquariums and water sports) and gambling (cockfighting, horseracing and hunting) portray how we treat creatures originally designed to serve basic and essential needs of humans in agriculture, husbandry, manufacturing and medical purposes. Biological weaponry has also become a potential source of military and economic power for the rich nations. Depravity spirals rapidly downward.
Through dealing with Egyptians, Solomon learned to inordinately appreciate and even worship animals. His temple had golden lions surrounding his throne, made of finest gold from Ophir. The prophets would even use symbols of those unclean animals to represent the power of Yah. Yet, they also pictured Satan as a lion who lurks and waits to in the darkness for his victims. As yeast is used to represent both spiritual corruption and spiritual growth in the New Testament, the bible-writers also use unclean animals to portray good and evil. Knowing the difference is vital; nevertheless, so many still stick to the negative connotation without properly knowing and applying the positive to their advantage. So many of organized religions have fallen prey to this error quite often. This proves how Satan has successfully clouded our minds to the organic and essential intentions of the Creator.

Unraveling the Mystery of Uncleanness
The issue about clean and unclean animals has been misunderstood, in general. Moreover, not many have fully considered the real origins of the state of uncleanness itself. Many have simply assumed it has something to do with ceremonial requirements established by Moses during the inauguration of the priestly laws given to Aaron and the Levites. We have, however, presented biblical and historical accounts as to how “unclean animals” came into being. In fact, Noah already knew how to determine the clean from the unclean animals, long before the Law was given. (Please refer to WEEK 18 article). And we know that Elohim created all animals, as well as humans, to be “good” or “pleasing” in Their sight. That means all created things were pure, uncorrupted or perfect creations in the beginning. There has to be a more fundamental principle that we have missed and which we must still comprehend in order to avoid traps or errors in dealing with “uncleanness” itself and with “unclean things”, specifically, whether they are inanimate or living things.
So, what really happened in the Garden when humans fell? How did that affect the state of animals and their nature, if ever? Was the serpent, which many assume to be Satan himself, created originally as an “unclean animal” placed in the Garden to test humans if they would choose to obey or disobey? Or was the serpent, like angels and humans who would rebel later on, made like any other living creature to have self-will or freedom of choice? It was supposedly “more subtle” than the rest of the animals; perhaps, having more “adventurous” tendencies that led it to cross divine boundaries of goodness and evil. Perhaps, it was; because why would it have chosen the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as its battleground to launch a movement of rebellion against “pure creation” and targeting the first humans as pioneer-recruits to subvert divine authority? Did it have infinite foresight that it could plan out such a rejection of Perfect Creation way into the end of the ages and, thereby, create an alternative creation designed to offer would-be rebels a better deal than what Elohim had made? If so, that would give almost infinite power and wisdom to a mere known-reptile. Unless, of course, the serpent was indeed a tool that a more powerful entity merely manipulated. Whatever it was, the temptation it offered was accepted and led to the cursing of Creation, including the serpent itself.
Note that when Yahusha called Satan the “father of all lies” and a “murderer from the beginning”, He was not referring exclusively to the temptation in the Garden. (John 8:44) There was no murder in the Garden but only when Cain came along. Satan was behind both events without a doubt. Which seems to tell us that Satan was not necessarily the serpent per se in the Garden who tempted Havah; nor was he Cain per se who killed Abel. Satan is the father or the source of all uncleanness among animals and humans. How he accomplishes his deeds we must recognize and understand fully.
Notice how Elohim cursed the serpent to lose its ability to walk on its legs (4, we presume) just like most animals have. Crawling on the ground without the use of limbs or appendages can be a most-humiliating punishment for the serpent; demoting it within the category as that of creeping and creepy things, such as worms, slugs and snails. At least, salamanders, centipedes and scorpions have legs. Elohim cursed the ground for the sake of Adam (because of his sin); for he had come from the ground itself. Notice that having received life as a lump of clay formed out of the ground, Adam would return as scattered dust (formless, lifeless and breathless) which we all now consider rightly as “dirt” or “dirty”. (In contrast to holy ground where Moses met Yahuah and where Yahusha transformed into His divine glory. For in Yahuah, there is no uncleanness.) Adam and all humans would become “unclean” as the cursed ground, living and dead. That is, until the Promised Seed would redeem us from the curse. It follows that crawling on the ground, for the serpent, was akin to being brought down so low, physically, biologically and spiritually, that it even became a mortal enemy of humans, the only creatures created in the image of the Holy Creator. And yet, how many today adore or worship the serpent and its image even above that of humans and of Yah? Do you know anyone? WHO? Take a simple guess.
Here then is the scenario we often miss from the narrative: Two pure or clean creatures conversed in the Garden of Eden and made a transaction to violate the law of Elohim. This we presume to be between two intelligent beings (the woman and the serpent), making a choice between holding on to the good or choosing evil, between life and death. They knew goodness, as they both had it and experienced it in the Garden. Their adventure was to know and experience evil, as it was supposed to be within the handiwork and wisdom of the Creator, that is, along with the goodness and the bounty. That is precisely what we all are experiencing now! We have knowledge of good and evil, as well as the experience of both, which leads ultimately to death. Elohim had decreed it to be so.
Did the serpent, perhaps, also eat of the Forbidden Fruit? That is. it was wanting to taste it but that it wanted someone to do it with? For why would Elohim curse the serpent, a formerly pure and, most probably, a beautiful creature, to crawl on the cursed ground and die as well if it had not eaten of the fruit? Tempting, as we know it, may not seem such a grievous offense; but committing a sin and leading another to do the same is definitely grievous. Whatever happened, the serpent was condemned more harshly than humans were; for there appears to be no hope given for it except for its coming evil seed or offspring to be crushed by the Promised Seed. That has been fulfilled, by Yah’s grace. Yet, the serpent has remained an unclean and a detestable animal, along with so many others. Perhaps, being the subtlest animal in the Garden, the serpent ultimately made a pact with Satan to be his embodiment itself and the prime-mover on Earth through its most-wicked and most-unclean descendants who are hybrid-human-reptilians disguised as holy or clean beings. In other words, unclean wolves dressed as clean sheep.
However, through that event also, humans became impure as a result of the curses upon them. In fact, the uncleanness of humans became even more intense to the point that Elohim would destroy all living creatures that had followed the examples of fallen and extremely-depraved humans, those that lived upon the land, except for 8 remaining clean or pure souls.

The Ark as a Floating Garden of Eden
Enter Noah and his family then, along with their menagerie of clean and unclean animals. The rest of the unclean Creation was condemned to die a violent death through drowning. Note: Uncleanness can only be removed or destroyed through a full washing that leads to death. This principle is the underlying tenet that we can now derive from the Global Flood which we strove to illustrate in a weekly, awe-inspiring, blood-curdling, horrific cosmic reality. Peter talks about this and uses it to illustrate another kind of washing of the spirit that is ultimately what Yahuah wants us to fully comprehend. (1 Pet. 3:18-22) But more of that point later. The unclean and wicked hybrid-humans who brought so much corruption and evil upon the world had rendered the whole of Creation an unclean place deserving of a total rehabilitation through the planting of the Pure Seed in order to fulfill what was promised in the Garden. Remember that there is only one pure human seed – the one that came from Adam an Havah. And though that seed had been also tainted with sin or uncleanness, a future complete washing will refresh it and make it again clean or holy – to be perfected by the Promised Seed.
What Yahuah destroyed, therefore, was the physical and spiritual filth that had spread all over Creation. At that point of condemnation, practically all living creatures were unclean or impure and had to be removed from the face of the Earth. When a Nephilim or an animal, whether classified as clean or unclean, drowned, therefore, it was by His will that it would cease to exist and benefit from the blessings of Creation. Both the body and spirit of that being died immediately – removing whatever uncleanness it had. The body decays and goes to the cursed ground; and the unclean spirit goes back to the Creator, wherever He may put it. However, since such creatures do not deserve to dwell in the presence of Yah, we assume their spirits were sent to the so-called abode of the departed, Hades, perhaps, in the lowest and darkest part where they are separated from the faithful departed. Others believe that lower Hades, called Tartarus, is reserved for the spirits of fallen angels and that the spirits of the Nephilim roam the Earth today as demons or disembodied, unclean spirits.
But what happened to the spirits of animals? If we are to follow the belief that demons do exist in our world today in ”dry places” and have retained certain powers that they had learned from their fallen-angel parents, then they could very well be the spirits of both the dead Nephilim and animals that perished in the Flood. What many consider the “spirits of the underworld” or those dwelling in Nature — the sylvan creatures, nymphs, fairies, genies, dwarves and monsters in caves and mountains — could well be the manifestations of both demons and animal spirits in seductive, ghastly and various unimaginable forms we can find in almost all cultures since time immemorial. We see many biblical and historical evidences of these demonic possessions and manifestations; and they seem to be proliferating today in more sophisticated or, if you please, scientific and practical ways that make them appear to be products of well-intentioned or even altruistic designs of individuals or corporations.
But did all the clean animals that drowned deserve to die along with the unclean? Certainly not; but what could Noah do with such a limited cargo capacity for his 7-to-1 pairing ratio of both animal types? Perhaps, we can see the Flood as a global offering of all clean animals for the sins of the ancient world and for the salvation of Noah and his family. Certainly, many of the clean animals that drowned had remained as such: clean and not tainted by the hybrid humans. In fact, they could have been targeted as a whole by the Nephilim for extermination, if they were not used for hybridization or taming for wicked purposes. Whatever the case was, many clean animals were offered by Yahuah Himself for the sake of the few clean animals – their offspring — that Noah brought in the Ark.
We can see then that the Ark became a virtual Garden of Eden that housed 4 pairs of clean humans and a motley group of 7 pairs of clean animals and 1 pair of unclean animals. But we can say: There were no unclean animals in Eden! True. But Yah’s decision to bring in unclean animals inside the Ark would serve as a prophetic-metaphor for what He would plan to do with humans before the Pure Seed would arrive. He could have killed all the unclean animals along with the rest that drowned; but His grace and wisdom compelled Him to save them to show us how we must properly deal with His Creation. For even though the demons, through Satan’s orders, succeeded in reviving their plan to overcome the world and enslave humans, propagating their teachings and producing humans that served their ancient evil ways, Yahuah worked to eventually undo their work by sending Yahusha and offering Him as the True and Pure Offering for the cleansing of millions and millions of sinful humans.
All the talk about clean and unclean offerings in the Old Covenant stems from the short history we have presented. Yah still had to purify the unclean animals that Noah brought in the Ark. He had to release them back “into the wild”, while keeping the clean animals as human source of consumption and occupation (agriculture and husbandry) while using them in ceremonial needs of His chosen people. Even the calf had become a symbol of purity in ancient, unclean Egypt. And we know how the Hebrews even relapsed into idolatry in the wilderness at a moment when Yahuah was still tutoring His chosen people how the long, cleansing process was going to be accomplished through them as a nation. The Old and New Covenant – the offerings of young, clean animals and the offering of the young, pure Son of Yah – would accomplish the grand plan that would make whatever impure life there is into a pleasing body and living sacrifice in the glorious Kingdom of Yah’s Begotten Son on Earth. (Rom. 12:1)
Remember the basic principle in the Flood: “Uncleanness can only be removed or destroyed through a washing that leads to death”? Animals offered on the altar at the Temple were the best, clean animals chosen from among the flock. Their shed blood foretold the true, pure blood to be offered by the best and only sacrifice that could wash away all the sin, filth and impurity of the world: Yahusha Masshiak. Although like the lamb or the calf on the altar, He was pure, sinless and perfect, He died to achieve the cleansing process that must be availed of by those who believe and follow His principle of dying in our uncleanness and living into our cleansing and our renewed being. (Eph. 2:1-10)
When we read then Peter going to the Gentiles, the people whom the Israelites considered unclean humans, and preaching to them the Gospel of Cleansing through Faith, Yah showed him a form of an Ark made of a square fabric tied on the corners and let down from Heaven with all kinds of four-footed, of winged and of creeping creatures. Peter’s protestations against the command to eat unclean food disappeared at Yah’s reply: “Whatever I have cleansed, let no man call unclean.” The Gentiles had been given the path to a cleansing of their lives. No, they were not cleansed automatically; just as not all Israelites were cleansed from sin. The way to purification or salvation from sin and worldly principles and deeds has been granted through Yahusha’s teachings delivered by Ruach Who also descended upon the Gentiles. And just as the fabric was taken up to Heaven, those whom Ruach cleanses will also rise up to Heaven, perhaps, including animals, as it would seem to appear.
A serious question arises: Does it also mean that all unclean animals have become clean? For that was what Peter saw, animals he despised and yet made clean for his consumption, apparently. At first glance, we can see the vision as pertaining only to the Gentiles as having been declared free to accept salvation through faith. A Gentile who then comes to repentance and confesses Yahusha as Savior and is immersed will also receive Ruach, just as the Jews did on Pentecost Day. This is the fulfillment of Yahusha’s parable of the birth in the Kingdom in John 3. Unless one is born of water and spirit, one cannot enter the Kingdom. Water is for cleansing, both of body and of spirit. He was talking of spiritual rebirth, which requires spiritual cleansing through faith in the King in Heaven. We obey and follow the King and enter His Kingdom or Rulership. And since He died, we, impure and sinful creatures, must also die. How? As Paul says: through immersion. The old sinful person must die and the one who rises is a new person cleansed of sins. (Rom. 6:1-11) At that moment, Ruach is given as the indwelling gift to lead one along a New and Living Way that one must follow and remain in to gain Eternal Life.
The death of our “old person covered with filth and sin” makes us new creatures in Yahusha, no longer bound by the Law and all its burdens, nor by the world and all its unclean ways. It is a tough walk, one we can only walk and remain clean and whole through Ruach as our Advocate and Only Teacher. As a result, we must also see the condition of unclean animals in the light of this vital principle. Yahuah’s command to Peter was: KILL AND EAT. Did Peter really kill a dog or a rabbit or a cat and eat it? No. But we can apply the same principle of death-and-renewal to this basic issue. When we, therefore, kill an animal, whether clean or unclean, we render it cleansed of its uncleanness. The unclean spirit it may have had (for it to be classified as “unclean”) is freed form the body. Its body, however, like a believer’s old body that remains in the watery grave of immersion, remains dead. Unlike the believer who rises as a new person, the animal does not rise up as a new animal. What we might eat is essentially flesh or meat. Whatever religious or ceremonial uncleanness we might impute on such an animal no longer applies, if the vision of Peter is to be followed.
With the fulfillment of the Law, through the shedding of Yahusha’s blood, therefore, no other offering is necessary. Hence, all the requirements of the laws pertaining to an animal offering, as a result, have become irrelevant. As Paul would say, then, in consonance with Peter’s vision, anything eaten with thanksgiving is allowable. But that pertains to food or slain animals that have no unclean spirit in them, whether offered to idols or not. The weak or unlearned may have his or her conscience tainted by meat offered to idols; that is Paul’s concession. One must decide accordingly without judging or being judged.
Nevertheless, we must remember that as long as unclean animals are alive, they continue to possess unclean spirits that could still affect us or lead us to become unclean in our thoughts, our deeds and our relations. The same principles that applied during the time of Noah must still apply to us with regards to this issue. For we are still dealing with creatures or living spirits that can still be easily influenced or enslaved by demons or fallen angels. The dangers are many; and yet so many people have not recognized the traps that have been laid out before them right in their own homes and surroundings. But this issue we will discuss further in the following week.

Uncleanness in History and the Present World
Jews had always looked at uncircumcised people as unclean. Even early believers thought that way long after the apostles had declared circumcision was merely of the flesh and not of the heart. Yet Paul acceded to the Jews’ qualms. (Acts 16:1-3) Today, many still adhere to this old bias against various forms of ceremonial uncleanness. For traditionally, Israelites did not touch unclean things or eat unclean flesh. Many religions consider certain types of food, customs and beliefs as taboo. However, there is no longer Jew nor Gentile; for all are one in Yahusha, Who has cleansed all from sin through the washing of regeneration. (Gal. 3:28; Titus 3:3-5) The Ark also symbolized the Jews and Gentiles, the clean and unclean. Both were saved and made clean through Yahuah’s grace.
And, in a way, unclean animals were rendered as permitted-food through their death in order to sustain human life. The command to “kill and eat”, likewise, figuratively applies to all believers. We die to our sins or to our uncleanness in order to live unto holiness before Yah. Killing and eating, physically and spiritually, makes the unclean clean. The shedding of blood illustrates the removal of filth that controls the life of the body. Yet, the blood of innocent animals and the sinless Savior brought about the ceremonial and real cleansing of all unclean humans under the Old and the New Covenants, respectively.
We conclude with a comment on animals. As in the Ark, both kinds of animals were saved and preserved to sustain human life after the Flood. Animals, essentially, are meant to be raised as food. It even appears that right after the Flood, “all living things” (plants or animals) were given to humans as food. That was the command given when Noah went out the Ark:
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man.
– (Gen. 9:1-7)
Yet, Yahuah deemed it necessary to revive the idea of uncleanness under the Law of Moses. Apparently, humans were not ready to accept His benevolence without being rebellious and unrighteous. For humans looked at animals, especially unclean ones, as being beautiful and adorable creatures not deserving to be slaughtered for consumption. But raising them to a level higher than that can lead to idolatry and other unclean practices and superstitions. How many keep cows or goats or sheep as house pets? No, they only eat clean, fresh grass which they must chew properly, and not devitalized processed food; and they are “boring” pets, for their clean, timid spirits lead them to behave meekly and to become “martyrs”, not vain royal pets, to help humans survive. To be pampered and be a source of pride for humans can only come from vain and selfish spirits and could cause humans to become less sacrificial and submissive to divine calling as well.
Remember Solomon who brought so much uncleanness into his life and into Judah. And as far as vanity is concerned, so many have become virtual Solomons today that they have even surpassed his capacity to spend much time in petty and vain things that lead them away from the truly valuable things in life. Look at our modern cities and the infrastructure: Solomon would have gazed in awe at the splendor we have built. But within and underneath all the vain and shallow beauty and glory we have built, uncleanness, like the wild grass, grows tall, thick and shabby.