
52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 41) – The Art of Husbandry: Raising Clean and Unclean Beings, as well as Monsters

Published on by Vincent Ragay under
Types of Living Creatures Humans Have Raised (c/o Google)

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the Creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Yah. For the Creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the Creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Yah. For we know that the whole Creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Ruach, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees?”

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of Yah which is in Masshiak Yahusha our Lord.”

Rom. 18-24;37-39

WEEK 41 (13th to 19th of Adar, the 12th Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)

The First Husbandman

Google defines “husbandry” as “the care, cultivation, and breeding of crops and animals”. The Art of Husbandry, then, involves the process of producing and reproducing plants and animals of the highest quality to benefit humans and their environment. The opposite of that is the propagation of plants and animals of the worst quality for corrupt purposes. Even the raising of horrible creatures or monsters can be an art in itself, just as war is considered by many as a craft worth pursuing and doing well while destroying lives and the world-at-large. Yet, in the beginning, husbandry, as an idea and as an activity, was intended to preserve and promote the perfect processes made by the Creator for the benefit of humans and of the planet itself as the home of all living beings.

As the Original Husbandman, the first thing the Creator did when creating plants on the third day was to allow them to multiply. On the sixth day, animals and humans were commanded to multiply according to “its own kind”. The Creator, therefore, had to invent reproduction to populate the Earth: each species producing each own species. When you produce other kinds by mixing them, you adulterate the pure seed. Yah hates adultery, essentially, because seeds are mixed. It results in the crossing of boundaries of covenants that were established in Creation as being sacred or separate by themselves. This violation happened primarily when the fallen angels mated with women. (Gen.6:1-2) It happened and still happens between men and women who are in separate marriage covenants. The products of adulterous relationships corrupt the Earth as well as life upon it.

Yahusha Casting Away a Demon (c/o Google)

Unclean animals, as we said, are acceptable as food when killed and eaten with thanksgiving. But their spirits will remain unclean and may even be hosts or hostages to demons. Remember the swine in Gadarenes? (Mark 5:1-20) A legion or about 5,000 demons possessed a human, effectively enslaving his spirit .When Yahusha rebuked them, they asked to be cast into a herd of swine. The demons prefer unclean spirits (even those of humans who seek or welcome unclean spirits). “Legion” wanted to simply “change residence” as a ruse to remain active in this world of the living. However, it appears that Yahusha sent the swine hurtling down the cliff and, thus, killed the swine by drowning them in the lake of Galilee, leaving the demons homeless instead. (This event reminds us of what happened to the Nephilim during the Flood. which we already discussed.)

We can understand why the people of that town begged Yahusha to depart from them. Unfortunately, those hog-raisers preferred their business over the True Husbandman. Or was Legion actually keeping watch over the unclean animals and giving the town its stable income? It seems Yahusha was not only healing one man from demon possession but a whole town! But a clean town with clean people, apparently, has no place in this world. Therein lies the danger from the invisible enemies dwelling in our midst: the unclean animals we keep around and in our homes. Beware!

Yes, we may pray for animals; but can we cause their spirits to become pure? And, indeed, we can tame and train animals to obey us. But do we have the power to command demons not to influence animals? Who brings diseases to animals and to humans? Why do we get sick and die? All these Yah holds in His hands. Best for us to let Him deal with angelic spirits and let us deal with animals according to His plan and examples through Noah. Rejecting the origin of unclean animals has led to so much misery throughout history brought about by people’s unbridled adoration of animals (pun intended), diseases spread by malignant animals and organisms, and violence and murder perpetrated by wild animals.

The Good Shepherd (c/o Google)

 The Art of Husbandry

The husband takes care of the wife and the whole family. As head of the house, he decides what needs to be done and what is best for everyone. Yah, as Head of all things, is the Father of all and is above all. He gave authority to the husband to establish order. Hence, Yahusha, the son of Yah, is pictured as the Groom of the Bride, which is the ekklesia or the called-out. He is the perfect image of Yah in human appearance, the model and mirror of divine perfection and power.

Moreover, the husband nurtures his wife who is one in flesh and in spirit with him by virtue of the union of the first man and first woman in the beginning. This original covenant is an eternal union that also pictures the everlasting, divine union of Yahusha and the ekklesia, His spiritual body. While that spiritual body exists within earthly conditions and undergoes great suffering, the power and love of the Head or Groom sustains and preserves the Body through all the hardships and trials of this world. Since the marriage remains to be accomplished, the Bride undergoes intense preparation involving purification, transformation and endurance through many trials and persecutions.

Thus, animal husbandry gives us a picture of what Yah is doing to humans as His children and inheritors of Creation. And the ultimate purpose of this art is to nourish and strengthen animals in order to provide sustenance for humans. While in the beginning animals served other basic and essential purposes other than as food source, today machines do the difficult job of carrying loads and transporting people, delivering mail and exploring underwater regions, Yes, animals did such things for humans while communicating with them and passing on vital information and catering various services we now derive through modern technology.

However, animals became dumb and, at times, wild and murderous. But not the clean animals. We still cannot converse with chickens, birds, goals, sheep and cattle; but they obey us and do practically what we tell them to do — even die for us. And that is how Abba, the Perfect Husband and Husbandman qualifies and presents Himself to us. For He sent His Son and nourished and nurtured Him like a sheep in order to offer as the final and perfect sacrifice for the world’s sins. And He even offered Him as meat, bread and wine for the spiritual sustenance of His Body, the Kingdom that His son established.

Noah and the Animals Enter the Ark (c/o Google)

Noah as the Prime Husbandman

In order to appreciate the work of a world-class husbandman, we must consider the person of Noah. Here is a man who must have lived for 500 years or more before finding a wife and then begetting 3 sons. How do you think he spent his life as a bachelor without feeling so lonesome or longing for female companionship for so long? Well, for one, as a child, he already knew what was happening to the world under the rule of wicked hybrid humans who had corrupted the Earth. He also knew what he was supposed to do to save himself and his family (as heirs of the Promised Seed of Adam and Havah).

Hence, Noah’s first task as a young lad was to acquaint himself with all kinds of animals. While he was still not allowed to kill and eat animals, he learned to offer clean animals to Yah. He also learned to grow all kinds of plants that animals needed to eat. Beyond being a husbandman, Noah also learned to become a designer and builder of floating vessels, from small boats to medium-sized vessels that carried loads to the huge and ultimate Ark. Noah’s job was perfectly laid out for him. Even his name told of his unprecedented role in bringing rest to his clan and his own family which will carry on the task of refreshing the Earth through the work of husbandry on a globe-wide scale. Can you find a more noble, more difficult and more glorious work? Like Adam, Noah practically owned the world; and it was all his to divide and distribute to his sons in order to rehabilitate it into its former health and balance.

At 41 weeks into the Flood, the Ark had served the purpose of lifting up the remaining life on Earth, preserving it above the waters, and setting it down upon the mountain peak, to allow life to multiply once again as it did in the beginning. With over 500 years of experience in husbandry, Noah would soon embark into another 350 years of renewing the Earth for many generations to come up to this day. As a true husband, of course, his greatest legacy was to nurture his family by training and guiding his sons and their wives to carry on with the work he and his wife had begun to repopulate the world with good human seeds.

Have we truly learned to appreciate what Noah bequeathed to us through the animals he delivered back on land to serve as their food and helpers in their many occupations as stewards of the Earth? Yes, we go back to the fact that Noah carried clean and unclean animals for a specific purpose that Yah had intended. And what was that?

Fallen Angel with a Woman (c/o Google)

The Origins of Uncleanness

The spirits of humans are unlike those of animals. We had earlier proposed that unclean animals had mixed in within them the spirits of the hybrid humans who had interbred pure species to create new life-forms not in accordance to perfect, organic Creation. Jubilees 7 summarizes what caused the Flood, which involved the “beginning of uncleanness“:

“For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to the fornication wherein the Watchers against the law of their ordinances went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness.

And they begat sons the Naphidim (Nephilim), and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another: and the Giants slew the Naphil, and the Naphil slew the Eljo, and the Eljo mankind, and one man another. And every one sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much blood, and the Earth was filled with iniquity.”

(Note: Enoch and Jubilees, apparently, refer to 3 races of human hybrids: the Giants, the Nephilim or Naphidim or Naphil and the Elioud or Eljo of decreasing power and size, leaving humans as the least and most vulnerable beings on the Earth. Could these be the monsters that roamed the Earth and which wreaked havoc on humans?)

Today, of course, interbreeding and mixing of genes and traits of humans and animals are common. This continuing corruption of Creation through science and technology has brought about further decay of Creation, leading to so many kinds of diseases and disorders of greater virulence and magnitude as time goes on, many of them intentionally designed to depopulate the Earth. Yes, population control is part of the modern art of husbandry!

How Noah and the Nephilim Differed in Lifestyle

And so, whereas Noah wrote a book on natural or organic herbal medicine, utilizing the potent rejuvenating and healing powers already placed within plants, the Nephilim used alchemy, magic, occultism, sun and moon worship, and sorcery to invoke dark, angelic powers to provide healing and achieve altered states of consciousness. Worshipping or fellowshipping with Yah was Noah’s way of achieving spiritual enlightenment and wholeness. Moreover, while Noah used natural food and means to nourish and heal his family and the animals, the hybrid humans used demonic or psychic powers to address their ailments. This clear divide between the organic and artificial means of managing health points to how humans practiced husbandry, as well as medicine, in general, before and after the Flood.

Noah kept clean animals for the future of the refreshed Earth. He knew it was going to be their only food source after the Flood. As a practical prophet, he would also make that a reality. So, he learned clean husbandry, so to speak. Yet, he also learned to deal with unclean and wild animals. Imagine the work Noah and his family had to do to tame and tend unclean, fierce and cunning animals to live and dwell with humans and clean animals. Today, however, it is so common and “normal” for unclean animals to live, sleep and eat with humans as if they were family members. In fact, clean animals are rarely seen or kept indoors with people. Like docile and meek sheep, animals such as goats, chickens cows and fowls are kept in pens and corrals to be fed and killed to nourish humans.

Which Do Humans Love More? Which Loves Humans More? (c/o Google)

When there is a husband, there is a wife. When there is a master, there is a servant. The one who takes care of an animal is the husband and master. However, today, pets are the new masters and the true servants or slaves are the humans who must pamper and feed pet-animals, which, when they die, cannot be and should never be eaten. Moreover, they must be mourned over and remembered like dearly-departed ones, and, sometimes, even interred in expensive cemeteries. But do we know the name of the cow or the chicken or goat we ate for lunch the other day? Did we mourn for the death of those animals? No, we must celebrate their sacrifice and their offering for our sustenance. Yet, it is no longer ingrained in our traditions and our culture as it used to be. Likewise, do we really know how we inherited the animals themselves from Noah and the Nephilim?

Yes, we weep and feel guilt at the sight and thought of the Lamb of Yah dying on the cross for our sins. And it was because of Noah that the Promised Seed would finally finish His work of redeeming humans many centuries after the Flood.

Noah’s Faithfulness as Husbandman

Yes, a faithful husbandman did the dirty work of choosing clean and unclean animals that would repopulate the Earth. And each time we bite into a hamburger or pork steak, we rarely remember and thank Noah for the tedious, year-long work of saving those animals that would now nourish us today. More so, and for giving us our life as well; for we are all his descendants. But a greater tribute would be to comprehend what he worked for and fought against in order to keep the “cleanness” of Creation and of humans until the return of the Promised Seed.

A good husbandman, most of all, must know how to love. Not just how to care for his stewardship. And the art of husbandry, as David himself learned as a lad, involved rescuing his wards in the wilderness from dangers and predators. Lost sheep will graze in dangerous fields where lions and wolves may dwell and eat grass that may be tainted or poisoned by trappers and predators. Sin and uncleanness abound all around us today and right in the palm of our hands. What you are reading now could be the ray of hope that will show you the way to abundant life or the way to death and destruction. Remember, Havah walked in the coolness of the beautiful and fruitful Garden when she met the serpent, the first cunning and sin-inducing animal. An animal can either give you food for your life; or you give it food all its life — or all your life. True and practical art is knowing what is true and what is good and doing it.

David and Solomon: King-Husbandmen (c/o Google)

Two King-Husbandmen

Two of the greatest kings in history were husbandmen as well. King David took care of sheep and spent time outdoors feeding, caring for and protecting sheep from robbers and predators. He also wrote songs about Yah being His Shepherd, the One True and Original Husbandman of all Who cares and lays down His life for His flock. Solomon, on the other hand, took care of other animals of the unclean kind: monkeys, horses and, perhaps, lions or cats. We know he married the daughter of Pharaoh and must have acquired the Egyptians’ fancy for animal worship. This vain obsession of Solomon led him to extravagant and self-indulgent living. We know the story well. He was practically a stud himself who had a stable of hundreds of mares he kept for his amorous pleasures. He took the art of husbandry to another level where he finally met his downfall.

Where did David’s purity of heart come from? Firstly, from his devotion to the word and truth spoken by the prophets, such as Noah and Moses, as well as the living seers of his time. He grew up as a tender lad surrounded by the beauty and purity of Creation. Likewise, he learned to appreciate the tending of clean animals as an essential task and duty of humans. The were symbols of Yah’s gifts of abundance and provisions and proofs of His enduring kindness to people. For sheep gave humans wool, meat, milk and cheese, aside from leather for various uses. As a warrior, David also learned to raise horses, unclean animals with practical uses for humans. We can understand the pragmatic intentions of Yah in preserving unclean animals for the use of future generations, such as the use of horses and camels in warfare and commerce. Had it not been for them, the Israelites would not have conquered Canaan and eliminated the children of the remnant giants that polluted the land with their wicked ways.

The Development of the Art of Husbandry into the Modern Age

Yes, there were still monsters in the Land of Promise. Animal husbandry was not limited to raising animals for food but for warfare and other deprave purposes as well. Today, we keep and breed guard-dogs and even attack-dogs for security and police work. What would have prevented ancient people from training wild animals to serve their military and predatory ends, particularly the hybrid Nephilim who waged war on the children of Yah? For indeed, the Nephilim raised and propagated hybrid animals for wicked ends. The Book of Giants, as we already mentioned in a previous article, tells us the history of what they did. (Please visit this link: WEEK 32)

Many of the unclean animals we now have may have arisen from the mixing of original clean animals created by Elohim. The dog or cat we so adore today is classified as an unclean animal that came from mixing pure or clean species of animals. Perhaps, an extinct form of a primeval dog species was paired with a goat or a sheep to produce the initial hybrid species of dogs that developed into the modern dogs today. And the modern cat may have come from a primeval cat species paired with another extinct primeval animal that was originally clean.

An angelic being mating with a normal woman produced the Nephilim or hybrid humans who were abominable to the Creator. So, pairing clean animals to produce hybrid animals angered Yah as well, although certain of those unclean hybrids were allowed to remain. This could explain why so many species have gone extinct or why certain species share common traits. Why, for instance, does the mammalian family of Felidae include 37 species of feline animals or “cats” of various traits and sizes, such as the lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, lynx, panther and the domestic cat? If all of them are hybrid, unclean animals, what was the original, clean cat? Biologists claim that dogs and horses come from original species of primeval dogs and horses that looked entirely different from the present species that now have acquired new traits that were not in the original species, having lost some of their former traits as they adapted to the changing global environment.

Mesohippus (“Middle Horse”) Before it Supposedly Evolved into the Modern Horse (c/o Wikipedia)

While scientists love to introduce evolution as the process by which animal species came about and while adaptation applies to a certain extent to produce physical traits and behaviors of animals, we know that all animals were created by Elohim as perfectly-and-fully-designed and speciated animals in the beginning. A sheep was a sheep and cried baa-ah-ah; and a goat was a goat and cried bleh-eh-eh. You cannot mistake one for the other. And Adam had a name for each one of them. Sheep and goats eat grass and leaves until now. They remain clean and docile. Unclean animals came about as results of experiments in breeding animal forms which violated the natural and moral laws of Yah. Dogs and cats were, most likely, intended by their wicked hybrid-breeders themselves (like masters, like breeds) to be wild and murderous and to serve their evil purposes, such as for hunting other animals and even humans.

Taming lions, dogs and cats does not make them clean or remove their innate wildness and uncleanness. Take away food from a dog or lion and it will, most likely, bite you. No, a lion might eat you first before its meal! A sheep or a dove, on the other hand, will never complain. But not all unclean animals are wild; their uncleanness may manifest in other ways we may not be aware of. The point is, Noah knew all such things; we still do not. Adam knew all kinds of clean animals, as well as their names, and may have left a record of it and passed it on to his children and grandchildren, including Noah. Our science is corrupted, so to speak.

Artemis or Diana: Goddess of the Hunt and of Fertility (Is She Cupid Hunting for Humans to Fall in Love and to Procreate?) Greco-Roman Marble Statue at the Vatican Museum (c/o Theol.Com)

The Role of Unclean Animals in Religion and Human Culture

Consider Artemis and Diana, the respective Greek and Roman goddess of hunting and of animals. She is pictured as the protector and keeper of animals. So, who is she hunting then? Animals? Perhaps, she is a benevolent guardian and noble executioner of animals to maintain the balance of the ecology. Yet, she is always pictured as having a lion or a dog along with her during her sorties. More so today, the dog is the archetypal predator among animals which can be depended on to obey its “master and friend”, the human. But what is Artemis truly hunting: animals or humans? Is she not the daughter of Zeus or Jupiter from an illicit union and is, therefore, a daughter of one of the Titans in ancient mythology? If so, Zeus and his children are the same Nephilim who bred hybrid-animals for the purpose ruling over and, thereby, polluting Creation? And in fact, physically, morally and spiritually, Artemis or Diana has been engaged in hunting for human bodies and souls for the purpose of offering them on the pagan altars to satisfy the wicked demi-god Baal or Satan who rules the world through his demons who were the spirits of those Nephilim that died during the Flood. And just as Ruach dwells in clean human hearts to lead people into the light, Artemis or Diana also dwells in unclean human hearts to lead people into the darkness.

The Most Unappreciated Bible Verse (And Easiest to Remember) (Photo c/o Google)

Beware of Dogs

Artemis had been worshipped by the Greeks since prehistoric times (7 or more centuries prior to the Christian era) in such cities as Philippi and Ephesus where magnificent temples were built to honor her role also as the goddess of fertility and the “protector of children and of women in childbirth“. While the Ephesians claimed exclusive right to the cult and protection of Artemis or Diana and built a grandiose temple in her name in Ephesus (now in Turkey), the cult was practiced largely by the entire ancient Hellenic world. Thus, when Paul warns the Philippians to “beware of dogs”, he knew the role that Diana played in the first century. (Phil. 3:1-6) Most likely, he was not only alluding to real dogs that acted as “Trojan Horses” carrying wicked, unclean spirits and, perhaps, even evil spirits, but emphasizing the presence of “workers of evil” and the “mutilators” among the believers who went about their way teaching the doctrines of demons that diverted the disciples from the pure Gospel. He mentions, in particular, the issue of circumcision which he presents as a spiritual and not a physical process of achieving cleanness of the heart and not of ceremonial or religious purity. Today, the issue of “evil workers” who teach and practice the “mutilation of children” in the name of gender-choice freedom revives the work of unclean spirits lurking in modern societies. The humans that demons now possess are sweet talkers; but their poison is more deadly than a dog’s or a lion’s bite. Cave Canem!

Those Nephilim, furthermore, succeeded in producing monsters we refer to as chimera: abominable creatures that had grotesque features and despicable traits. Think of dragons, dinosaurs, sea serpents and vampires. These are no longer limited to fairy tales or myths but documented phenomena, as real and present as UFO’s and demonic possessions. And it does not stop there. Monsters need not be so huge and visible at all. They could be as tiny and imperceptible as one-celled viruses and molecular-sized organisms that are as deadly and scary as any winged Pterodactyl or rabid Raptor we can imagine. And a virus is more real and fearful than any Jurassic creature from Hollywood.

And who breeds these modern nano-sized monsters and wild creatures today? They advertise themselves, as we know. For they openly display themselves with their unclean mascot: the ancient serpent which enticed Havah. Yes, the same serpent on the scepter or caduceus carried by the twin-brother of Diana, Apollo, the god of medicine. WE ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS. Yet, the ultimate monster will be the one that will utilize enhanced human intelligence but possessing spiritual or demonic abilities to deceive and destroy those who oppose it. We see all of these things happening now and being done so openly before our own eyes. If you still do not see it the way the prophets saw it way back when Noah and his forefathers saw it, then there is no other way we can tell how these Noah’s Days Part 2 will end to cause you to take action. But if scaring people is the only way to cause them to take action; so be it. The final goal is to put our focus on the One Who Alone can destroy this evil that is coming upon the world. Like Noah who prepared for 120 years to face the Flood, we are also given enough time to face the intense fire of judgment.


So, here we are in the 21st century living complacently. The only thing that remains of Paul’s warning to the Philippians (which we never attribute to him) is the sign at the front that warns people of our guard dog behind the gate: Beware of Dogs! Although we read of Noah fighting against the Nephilim over the souls of enslaved humans, of the Hebrews being attacked by hundreds of venomous vipers in the wilderness, of Joshua and Caleb warring against the gigantic sons of Anak, of David slaying Goliath, and of the apostles casting off demons from the oppressed masses, we hardly worry about wild animals, monsters or demons today. The worst we worry about are terrorists, robbers, and online scammers. Yet, the ancients knew better and even lived through worse times than we can ever imagine. In fact, our ancestors did a lot to rid the world of the monsters, although many remain hidden from us by those who either have control over them or have eliminated them from our consciousness to hide their existential nature. Like the boy who cried “Wolf!”, many are, thus, spurned or cancelled as theorists or psychotics for believing in myths. In that sense, the demons are one step ahead of modern humans in the ongoing final battles over the remaining spiritual, real-estate on Earth. And we mean your heart and mind, if they have not been captured already by an unclean spirit.

In the next article, we will proceed and consider the role and significance that the covenant of marriage plays in the entire plan of Yah in Creation (Week 42: Marriage is the First and Ultimate Principle of Creation).