
52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 52) – Reinventing the World: Fallen-Hybrid Mode versus Refreshed-Human Mode 

Published on by Vincent Ragay under
How Noah and His Wife Compare in Size to the Ark They Built and Used for One Year. Compared to Creation, They Are Even Much Smaller. Their Amazing Work Should Humble Us All.

“Then God spoke to Noah, saying, ‘Go out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your sons’ wives with you. Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you: birds and cattle and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, so that they may abound on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth.’ So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him. Every animal, every creeping thing, every bird, and whatever creeps on the earth, according to their families, went out of the ark.

”Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, ‘I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.

‘While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.’” – Gen. 8:15-22

WEEK 52 (1st to the 7th of Sivan, the Third Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)

Many may not realize that, as we visualized it, the First Creation was PERFECT– or, as Elohim expressed it, GOOD. Remember, the word perfect did not apply in the beginning; because the word only arose in the presence of things described as evil, bad, worse, worst, good, better and best. Even the Forbidden Fruit was not called bad or evil. Eating it caused bad or evil things to happen. For when the Creator created and called something good, it meant perfect as only divine things can be and are, in reality and for eternity. As such, in Eden and on the Earth that was given to Adam and Eve, perfect climate prevailed. There was no rain and no floods (as we know from Noah’s story), no storms, no snow, no heat waves, no volcanic eruptions and no earthquakes. Well, the adverse and even catastrophic events we know today and saw happening during the Flood were part and parcel of the first and worst global climate change ever. They all came because of Yahuah’s fierce wrath and mighty judgment upon the abominable hybrid-humans and animals.

Yet, notice how, after Noah and family went out of the Ark, He pronounced that “while the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease”. We might think all these conditions were there in the beginning. Yes, that applies to seedtime and harvest, as well as day and night, since they were put into existence during Creation Week. We already proved that the initial geophysical properties of the Earth provided the entire globe with subtropical climatel; and that there were no ice caps on the Polar Regions, as proven by the presence of the remains of subtropical animals in the Russian tundra and even in Antartica. The Ice Age came during or became existent after the Great Flood. Hence, intensely-hot and extremely-cold weather came into being. And the best proof we have is the fact that Adam and Havah did not wear clothes or even build a house. They wore clothes not to fight the cold or heat but to hide their guilt. For certain, many years had transpired before the sinned; and when they finally wore clothes, the Earth had revolved around the Sun so many times and that all those animals living in the polar areas had also been living in subtropical climate. No winter, no summer. Only perpetual spring, as in many places in the Tropics today.

The idea of a modern Climate Change is seen only as a purely geophysical and, as it is being manipulated, a political and economic tool to bring people to work toward a determined goal, which is to align with a certain ideological doctrine that is contrary to divine, as well as human, historical realities. The Great Flood, a physical destruction, came as a result of a state of spiritual corruption brought about by hybrid-humans. Today, it is no different, although there is a reversal of the process. The so-called existence of Climate Change, which is nowhere near what we have seen in Noah’s story or other events in geologic history in terms of magnitude and devastation to humans and the ecosystem, is a mere scientific deception (debunked by many respected experts) or a hypnotic spell (a demonic delusion) poised upon nations through propaganda, as concocted by people who are spiritually-depraved and who seek to use natural geophysical processes and cyclical meteorological conditions that have existed for millennia. Dis-ingeniously, these people are pretending to be like they were Noah and telling people to get into their high-tech, AI-controlled Ark or smart rocket-ship to escape their bogey of an unprecedented climate-caused environmental collapse of global proportions.

Yes, the Ark was a physical tool designed by the Divine Mind but made by human hands. However, it served an ultimate spiritual goal and was implemented and managed by spiritual people under Heaven’s guidance. The programs of global organizations, on the other hand, only seek to make use of material resources to satisfy the selfish desires of the wicked elite that seeks to erase the powerful idea of and the popular devotion to the True Creator of the Universe. And they serve no other entity other than the same power of darkness that led the fallen angels to breed with human women to procreate hybrids. For such people, we can easily understand why another Flood will not suffice but a judgment by intense fire. If this still fails to convince you we are in Noah’s Days Part 2, we leave your fate into the hands of these deceivers.   

Great Flood Timeline    

To summarize the many events we highlighted through this series, here is a visual aid using a Calendar of Great Flood Events (above) with an accompanying Timeline (below). In keeping with the perfection we talked about above, we used 30-day months, as we assumed, and rightly so, that the counting of the Time according to the creative intentions of Elohim was to provide precise and intuitive markers or numbers in counting the days, the months and the year. Hence, the 360 days of the year is divisible by the 12 months in each year and the 30 days of each month.

We already discussed the fact that the Great Flood caused the lengthening of the year into about 365.25 days from the perfect 360, which we still use in measuring the angle of a circle. As a result, our weekly reckoning of the date does not follow the Hebrew Calendar, since each month we borrowed varies in length. Nevertheless, there may have been errors in our counting; so, we will have to retrace our steps in order to minimize the discrepancy of 10 days. It should have been only 5 days, being the number of days added to the year after the Flood. Noah was, obviously, using the old 30-day calendar; whereas, scholars try to apply the new calendar all throughout. As we said, Noah retained the use of the old calendar after the Flood but added, perhaps, a short month, as some ancient people did, such as the Ethiopians, while retaining the old calendar.

We have to emphasize that Noah and family, along with the animals, were “inside” the Ark for a total of 371 days: 365 plus 6 days when they were told to “enter” the Ark (Events 1 and 3Note: The verse should read Gen. 7:11-13) one week before the waters came, on the 10th day of the 2nd month. But the command to “enter” (to come in and remain inside) was on the 17th day of the same month. We presumed that it took them that week to bring in (enter) the animals into the Ark; meaning, they also entered but the door was actually closed only on the the 17th. In truth, this is still Week 52 in our series; whereas, there should be another week to go. But enough has been said, and even more than what is endurable for all of us. This does not mean we have exhausted (or ever will exhaust) the things we can learn from this story.

What Was the Great Flood All About?

Indeed, Elohim created a perfect world for perfect humans in the beginning, as we chronicled it here. As we close the saga of Noah and his family’s one-in-a-universal-lifetime journey, we ask the question: What was it really all about? The Fall of Adam and Havah and the whole family of humans brought a curse upon Creation which each one of us, along with plants and animals and the rest of the world, must all suffer through. For it is said that Creation itself groans. Perhaps, it is all about suffering and how we gained it through our failure to live up to the standards of the Creator. And yet, in spite of the greater suffering our first mother and all our mothers had to go through to bring us all into this world, we know there remains that hope of attaining relief and final redemption from the curse. Even from the curse upon Adam to eat of the ground by the sweat of our brows. If an inventor or creator can make something and that invention fails to work properly, he can also reinvent it and make it much better than before.

In the case of Creation, its perfection was intentionally withdrawn as a result of the creatures’ violation of the Covenant of Life in the beginning, thus, bringing death into the picture. It is so easy for many humans to put the blame in the Fall upon the Creator; just as we would fault Apple or Tesla, perhaps, for any faulty design or malfunctioning of their products. That is exactly the fallacy raised by Isaiah in the parable of the potter and the pot (Isa. 45:9): Does the pot ever say to the potter, “Your hands are clumsy; why don’t you give up?” No, the master potter may make mistakes; but he can always decide to redo his work. What more with the Creator Who sees His beloved creatures making mistakes by their own weaknesses, for lack of a better term. Sin is a willful violation of a command or a covenant between two parties. It is not technically a quality of weakness on the part of the Creator; neither does it arise from human impotence but, in truth, a willful decision of intelligent and perfect beings who commit an act with clear minds,  balanced consciences and free hearts choosing whether to enjoy goodness or to suffer through evil as they will.

The Fall was a Judgment on Humans. The Flood was a Judgment on Hybrid-Humans (c/o Google)

The Curse Came Before the Global Cleansing Yet Continues

The curse was commensurate or apt for the offense committed by our first parents. Death was the promised fruit of violating the command not to eat; hence, death was imposed upon us all since then. The world, during that stage in human history, was indeed greatly diminished in quality: FALLEN, as we would call it. Death became the heavy pall or the fatal sword that hang upon every person born into this world. And yet, the Law of Reproduction did not cease to operate. Humans and animals continued to multiply, as well as the plants which served to sustain life. Seedtime continues till today. Nevertheless, that ancient world was much, much better than the world we now have. Why not? Adam and his children to the 10th generation lived to almost a thousand years. A tenth of that is not even within our reach at the rate people are leaving this world. What could possibly go wrong to make that world less than that of Adam and Havah’s Paradise?      

It turned out, the next violation was not going to come from humans but from angels. All because 200 wicked angels became attracted by human women, much to our disadvantage. Hence, while we should be living up to 900 or more to this day, because of those fallen angels who produced hybrid-humans, we only live up to 70 to 90 or so. But thanks indeed to Noah and his family, what was once a Fallen-Hybrid World became a Refreshed-Human World, no matter how diminished it has become. Through it all, we cannot blame the Creator; although we feel we have the right to rant against the wicked children of fallen angels who lived before the Flood and have returned to ravage the world. And today, they are back in full force, ruling the world and even living next to us through our neighbors or fellow-citizens who surrender their wills to Satan’s ways.

Cursed Humans Mating with Condemned Angels and Procreating Hybrid-Humans Led to the Great Flood (c/o Google)

A World of the Cursed and the Condemned

Yes, the Great Flood was all about refreshing a greatly fallen and corrupted world, where “every thought was evil continually”. That describes perfectly the behavior of so many people we recognize as agents of Satan in positions of power and influence today. Unfortunately, while many people recognize the evil that others do, almost an equal number of people — or even more — see such people as good and even honorable. Not surprising, as we all know the Son of Yah Himself was rejected by His own people. The Flood did cleanse the world; but the hearts of humans gradually welcomed a lot of corrupting influences in, such that we are back to Noah’s Days practically and in reality. Transhumans and demons have taken over much of the world since the time of the Babylonian Empire and all the other empires that arose out of it.

Many of the deeds of those who reject the truth of Yah have been hidden behind the façade of fables, fairy tales and legends through manipulation of media (what we fancily call Literature, in general). Lewis Carroll, a favorite writer of many because of his stories supposedly fit for children, was actually involved in séances and talked to the “spirits of the dead” (that is, demons) in order to get inspiration for his books. Which brings us to the Harry Potter series of books and movies that have, likewise, mesmerized millions of children and adults. Where do you think Rowlings gets her inspirations from, other than from witches and warlocks? We will lose time and space if we were to consider where Hollywood producers get their inspirations for their tales about vampires, zombies, ghosts, monsters, superheroes, crazed warriors and psycho-killers.      

We were given Light, Time and Life in the beginning until now. And yet, like those wicked hybrids and corrupt humans in ancient times, we waste our time living senselessly. Unlike the hybrids in Noah’s days, we need not commit abominable sins or murder wantonly to deserve judgment by drowning in water; we can kill our own souls devoting our time in ungodly entertainment and activities. And we may feel safe that we are not committing such grievous sins as demons and genocidal armies perpetrate today; however, if we do not repent of our own sins, we will suffer the coming judgment by fire along with these abominable creatures. The refreshing and cleansing that Noah accomplished for Yah has been accomplished. The fallen angels reinvented the fallen world of Adam into a much more fallen world which had to be destroyed by the Great Flood. He rebuilt the world for His children until the Promised Seed would come. By the time He came, the Temple of Yerushalem had been overrun by a “brood of vipers”. Some may take that to mean figuratively; however, the fact that Yahusha called them out as children of Satan, the Serpent, He could have meant it literally. Hence, the Pharisees and their present descendants could really be literal hybrid-humans or demons in human-flesh form.

This could mean that the hybrid humans could have also reinvented themselves since the time of Noah and his children and have bred and multiplied themselves all over the world. For how else can we explain the exploitation and corruption that have wreaked havoc upon the world as if Noah’s work of cleansing never happened at all? We do not even teach Noah’s story in schools, only the Age of Navigation (a euphemism for the Era of Colonization, Subjugation and Exploitation of “Unchristianized Nations”) and that, from the point of view of the colonizers, in general. The independence attained by the colonies has not truly given them the right opportunities to express their own identity and potentials as sovereign nations because they remain essentially controlled by the political and economic interests of developed nations. As we said, we do not have to murder people to earn Yah’s wrath, although that also happens quite often today through the vast commerce of devitalized food, illegal and harmful drugs, human trafficking and other atrocious practices. The list never ends; just as the heart never ends in thinking of the next evil it wants to do.

As it is, the world is a dwelling place of those who became the children of Adam and Havah, who were cursed for eating the Forbidden Fruit. We carry the effects of the curse, as we also sin and die for our sins. While we can receive the payment for our sins through faith, we still live in a world also inhabited by those condemned hybrid-humans whose spirits have survived and retained their powers to cause harm in the lives of humans. Why this is so, we hope to discuss in future articles.

We Leave Noah’s Saga with the Fearful Thought of a Coming Judgment by Fire. But the Rainbow Covenant Gives Hope to Believers of Fire as a Cleansing Agent for those Who Obey and Endure (c/o Google)


The final cleansing will require fire, as we said. It will not take a year or even a month or a week. It is going to be fast and furious. In the twinkling of an eye. All elements, it is said, will be burned. Meaning to say, even Uranium itself will be burned or annihilated by a much greater fire or supernatural power that can erase all Creation in an instant. The picture some of the Gospel-writers use is that of a blanket being rolled or folded up. It does not simulate a powerful nuclear cloud that rises up into the sky, but a sudden closing of a huge and tall curtain that is taken aside and nothing can be seen behind it or before it. Even the curtain disappears. Consider the Flood that covered the whole surface of the Earth in Noah’s time. Was it not a thin layer of water upon the whole spherical form of the huge globe, like frozen Belgian chocolate crust when you dip an ice cream cone into a pot of liquid chocolate? Now, crack that chocolate and take it off to reveal the ice cream color. That was how the Earth was cleansed by the Great Flood. Like dark, dirty chocolate glazIng taken away. But now, get a butane torch and put the ice cream in front of the flame. The ice cream will evaporate. Such is the fate of the whole Creation. 

Every human theory, principle and law will fail in the end; but prophecies will never fail. The spoken message or revelation of Yah will not return to Him in vain. In the beginning He said ”Let there be”. In the end, He will say “Let there not be”. A beginning will have an end. The Final Rebuilding of Creation will be Eternal, Pure and Perfect. Demons and their impure followers have no place in that realm. While they reign and have pleasure today, their time will come when they will reap their reward for all their abominable deeds. Then Elohim will reign supreme for Eternity. Hallelu Yah! Amen!