52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 46) – How Biology and Geology Sidelined Creation and the Flood

“Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of Creation.‘ For this they willfully forget: that by the word of Yah the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.“
WEEK 46 (18th to 24th of Nisan, the First Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)
The 3 Forms of Human Knowledge
There are 3 forms of knowledge; just as there are 3 forms of Creation which we discussed in the previous article. The first was the Knowledge of Good and of Eternal Life, which is also consistent with the First Creation. This was what Adam and Havah had in Eden. All things that Elohim had created was Good, as humans shared in the Eternal Life that Elohim had built into Creation. A part of Elohim, as Ruach or Spirit, became part of Creation in terms of perfection and abundance and in terms of Divine Life and Knowledge in human beings.
Knowledge is awareness of things which our senses can access and then be comprehended by human intelligence. We see a flower and can touch it and smell its fragrance. For Adam and Havah, the flower was also a mark of Creation introducing itself through multiplication of various kinds of plants, as well as those of various kinds of animals. Adam knew that principle, likewise, even though he had no capacity to achieve it before Havah came along. His “loneliness” arose from his knowledge of a principle he could not realize even though plants and animals could. How was he to multiply his kind? Adam’s sense of fellowship, apparently an innate awareness, found no expression in his lack of a human companion of equal nature.
Thus, the first time Elohim noticed something “not good” in Creation was when Adam felt alone. The angels, being unable to reproduce or marry, were at the same level as Adam. Was Adam, perhaps, even “sexless” in the beginning, as the angels were? That is, he had no capacity to reproduce his own kind. Did Elohim intend to produce Adams by creating other humans as They had created angels?
Adam was created “good” at my beginning in the sight of Elohim for he was a perfect image of the Creator. We can assume that with all the angels at the command of the Creator and of Adam, all of the tasks needed to be done in Eden could be done easily and well. Yet, Adam, as the narrative goes, felt lonely. And so, woman came along as a “helpmeet” or a proper partner of man.
Could Adam’s loneliness (or was it envy of the animals which came in pairs?) have been the same feeling that the fallen angels felt when they saw the daughters of men? Most probably not; for not only were they enticed by the beauty of women but were intrigued by the idea of reproducing and creating beings in their own image. Nevertheless, since then, millions of humans have fallen into the same sins of envy and pride. Adam’s loneliness was a form of knowledge or, more accurately an emotional feeling, that did not belong in Paradise. And Elohim’s solution were the previous gift of woman and marriage. Ironically, millions today still feel lonely for one reason or another. But instead of turning to Yah for the solution, we have invented so many ways to address it in vain.
The second form of knowledge is that of the combined Knowledge of Good and Evil. Knowledge of good, as we have discussed above, is not merely awareness of Creation and all its goodness, privileges and potentials. It also includes the abilities to harness those gifts of Creation to build an environment where humans can have unlimited dominion according to the righteous laws of Elohim. Like Creator, like created. Like Father, like offspring.
Adam and Havah obtained the knowledge and the appreciation of the good as if they were like Elohim themselves. They ate good fruits and lived a good life by the providence and power of the Creator. However, combined with the knowledge of evil, knowledge of good results into the annihilation of good or goodness. Sin, or the knowledge of things not in keeping with the goodness built into Creation, led to death, which is the negation of life. The guilt humans felt after sinning effectively reversed the innocence, beauty and glory they once had and felt. Aging and death gradually crept into their own bodies and upon their lives from that moment on. Knowledge of Evil was now personal, no longer a fruit that hang from a tree in the Garden — hence, a part of their being. Perhaps, the Forbidden Fruit had components that were naturally neutral or harmless until the actual sin or violation against the command not to eat had been committed. (More on this in the next article.)
Death brings about the decay of the human body and its return to its lifeless, material form — dust. The ruah (spirit) of the human body returns to the Creator. The ruah may return in a degraded condition because of sin; but the Creator has the power to keep it in its condition until it is claimed back or redeemed for refreshing. As such, the curse upon Creation required Elohim to create a place for keeping the dead. We live in a cursed Creation where knowledge of good and evil is the rule. Satan saw to it that that happens; however, we know that Yahusha had done His part in redeeming souls and keeping them in Paradise. He said so before He died and resurrected. His triumph assures us the rule of death and of sin has been removed for those who believe and follow Him.
This second kind of knowledge is the kind of knowledge the present Creation caters to humans and which effectively rules the world; and it still leads all humans, sadly, to death due to sin. Yes, we have good and evil in this world; and we have no way to get rid of the evil until the curse is removed. Only then can the third kind of knowledge can become a reality. As such, the third form of knowledge was reserved for those who will inherit Life. This is the Knowledge of Perfection and Eternal Life to be granted in New Yerushalem which we have discussed previously. This cursed world will be perfected and made everlasting by Elohim. And the New Creation will include New Beings who are perfect and eternal, having the knowledge or wisdom Elohim possesses; for Elohim will live with them forever and will teach them the way of Divine Nature. Like Elohim, like New Beings. Like Father, like children.
Philosophy and science have accumulated and formed a kind of humanistic or worldly knowledge through the centuries that is devoid of these 3 forms of knowledge we have described. In the place of Divine Wisdom and Reason, human speculations and theories have reigned within human learning and experience, enslaving humans to a worldview based on a fallen or cursed Creation. Let us explain further.

How Philosophy and Science Replaced Divine Knowledge: Enter the Age of Enlightenment
The Age or Reason or Enlightenment during the late 17th-century to early 19th-century marked the rise of human reason as the key for humans to understand the basic principles of Life and the Universe. So-called advancements in science enabled thinkers to provide provable theories or beliefs acceptable to the masses who gradually neglected the biblical principles that had served as the foundation of many nations founded on the teachings of Bible-believers since ancient times. Pagan societies had their own beliefs and practices that clashed with the nations ruled by the dominant official religion launched by Constantine in the 4th-century. Nevertheless, we know post-apostolic and modern versions of Christendom, to a great extent, were hybrids of many pure apostolic teachings, pagan beliefs and practices and the many humanistic ideas that had crept in. That eventually led to the dilution of the Truth once taught by the Apostles. (Visit this link to know more about the Age of Enlightenment.)
The scientific findings of Galileo and Newton practically launched the growth of human enlightenment in terms of explaining the physical nature of the Universe, in spite of the fact that they were devout readers and believers of the Bible. Their power of observation and abilities to provide mathematical and experimental proofs of their reasoning allowed them to convince people to see and somehow grasp the mechanistic properties of Creation. Beforehand, people were simply trusting the power of the Creator to “hold and mold” the Universe according to His will. The so-called “secret things of Yah” were forbidden by church authorities, in general, and even condemned as knowledge coming from the devil. We know how Galileo was condemned (but pardoned centuries after) for saying the Earth moved around the Sun.
The Age of Reason reached its climax with further fine-tuning of the workings of the Universe – and Life itself – through the theories proposed by James Hutton (Uniformitarianism) and Darwin (Evolution). The former proposed that the Earth, contrary to the biblical account, had existed for eons and took its time forming its present geological properties through a slow but uniform process of weathering of rock materials, erosion of soil, sedimentation and consolidation of the same into new rock formations, and, finally, into the formation of continents, islands and mountains through geologic upheavals for millions and millions of years. Darwin took the time Hutton gave him to propose his own Theory of Evolution to explain the ascent of humans from the single-celled organisms.
That is how philosophy and science (for science began as a philosophy or a way of seeing things or formulating principles without actual mathematical or experimental proofs) replaced Divine Knowledge that the ancient people took for granted because they saw and heard with own eyes and ears the Creator and wrote down what they experienced. Philosophy and science, that is, the study of the present cursed world which Noah had condemned and cleansed for his children and for us, first had to remove the true foundation of this Universe before they could come up with their own version of Life and the Universe. While Galileo and Newton may have been guided by Divine Knowledge, they had no intention to sacrifice it in favor of a purely humanistic or materialistic philosophy of science. And yet, most of the educational systems of the world today have become: seats of learning glorifying the gods of this world and not the True Ruler of the Universe.

The Role of Occultism or Demonic Knowledge
This is not to give total license to Galileo, Newton and other thinkers as certified champions of Pure Divine Knowledge. As far as Newton was concerned, he was also into occultism and believed in the power of secret knowledge to divine the forbidden abilities taught by the fallen angels. We already said that alchemy, root medicine, hallucinations, magic and pharmakeia (sorcery) were just some of those secrets taught to humans since the time of Enoch and Jared. And do not think that those were ineffectual practices. On the contrary, they used those powers to create a world of hybrid humans, animals and plants that corrupted the world that was then condemned by Noah during the Flood.
With those dark secrets known to humans, the respectable power of philosophy and science now possess would give humans the unlimited power to rebuild the post-Flood world into what it is now. And when such powers are placed in the hands of religious leaders, you have the formula for world exploration and domination that began during the Age of Navigation that eventually led to the Industrial Revolution since the wealth of the explored nations had now fueled the economies and societies of the wealthy nations to maintain their hegemonic hold on the rest of the world. The whole foundation of the modern world stands on the ashes of humans and civilizations that once upheld the teachings of the Creator. In its place is the ruler of this world that is not content in what he has accomplished but seeks rather to eliminate all vestiges of Divine Knowledge through a Satanic One World Dominion. All that using the powers of an encompassing social-economic-and-political philosophy, along with the tools and benefits of science and technology.
People who read this may laugh because they believe this is the age when angels and demons only belong in novels and films. Moreover, they see Noah and the Flood as mere kids’ stories and not historical and geological events. Yet, the news abounds with sightings of UAP or UFO’s and contacts with aliens. Here’s a simple mathematical equation for all: Aliens = Demons. If you think the fallen angels’ offspring have remained using crude alchemy or root medicine or sorcery until now, you are gravely mistaken. As hybrid humans, they had to use material components to create their own world, coupled with their angelic powers of sorcery, magic, psychology and psychic powers, and to deceive people in order to lure them to buy their corrupt ideas and products now generating their engines of commerce and industries. We now have Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Chem cashing in on all this demonic manipulation and grinding people into pulp bits to be fed to their demonic rulers.
If you still believe in the agenda being sold by the globalists, who have no qualms as to when and where they will use their tyrannical philosophy, science and might to control and corrupt nations, then it is because the enslavement of human minds and souls is almost complete. The Days of Noah Part 2 is nearing its climax. People are partying or smugly enjoying their comfortable lives, unaware of the coming chaos and confusion that will finally befall them. Yes, we raise the placard of doom and damnation again because we have to. Not for any reason other than for the sake of the Ruler in Heaven and for the sake of those who might heed the warnings.

What Does Geology Really Tell Us about the Earth?
Anything that ends with the suffix “logy” deals with the study of a certain area of inquiry, such as zoology, which studies animal life, and psychology, which studies the psyche or soul of humans. Geology is the study of the Planet Earth, which was revered in ancient times as the goddess Gaia. Hence, the word Pangaea, the ancient single continent that geologists propose as the beginning of all the islands and continents. So far, the Earth has revealed only a portion of its secrets to humans. We still have to fully understand when volcanoes erupt or earthquakes occur in order to avoid or minimize the hundreds of casualties they take annually worldwide. As far as hurricanes and tornadoes are concerned, they can be predicted; however, the devastation they cause cannot be reduced or controlled so as to prevent any damage or death in many regions of the world. In short, we can observe or study the Earth; but we still have to have genuine and complete dominion over it. On the contrary, the Earth still rules as a virtual avenger or nemesis upon hapless humans who can barely survive during the cataclysmic convulsions of the Earth, let alone through human-made environmental abuse and destruction. What happened to the command by Elohim to Adam and Havah to have dominion over all Creation then? We lost it at the same time we lost Paradise and Eternal Life by eating the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil..
For, in general, Geology is a field of study that is practiced to tap the wealth and resources hidden underneath the Earth: water, oil, coal, precious metals, minerals, gems, geothermal energy, coal, radioactive elements and many others in great quantity. The tapping, processing and marketing of these wealth-generating materials require other disciplines to provide the infrastructure and civil works, such as the expertise of engineers, chemists, pharmacists, physicists, medical practitioners, manufacturers and industrialists. The geologist studies the Earth and provides the information as to what and where others can excavate Earth’s riches that will be converted into valuable products that will sustain the vital needs of human civilization. Geology, therefore, has served to make the conveniences of civilization: our phones, PCs, homes, appliances, transportation and infrastructure. Basically, what we see now upon the Earth once was hidden in the darks recesses of the Earth’s belly. Just as the bodies we have were once water and minerals that remained on the ground until we ingested them into our bodies in the form of food.
How Will the 3rd Form of Knowledge Be Applied?
In our study of the Heavenly Yerushalem, we saw how the Holy City will be converted into a Crystal-based Creation that is entirely different from our Carbon-based Creation today. Geology will cease to be a field of study in a place where perfection exists and the Maker of all things is Yahuah. What need will we have to learn how to tap the resources found in the Holy City if all essential things, such as food, water and dwellings, will be provided freely? We do not even need cathedrals or churches as the Temple there is Yah Himself. There is no need to mine, to process, to manufacture, to build, or to manage industries since all things work perfectly according to the will of Yah. That may sound like a boring life to many so used to the various burdens and tasks of this Creation. For people immersed within this cursed world and all its rules and requirements to remain as active, functioning and reasonably-happy individuals, the prospect of living in a perfect place or Utopia reflects in a topsy-turvy situation the Hebrews found themselves in at the wilderness.
As slaves working hopelessly under their Egyptian masters, the Hebrews now found themselves in complete freedom as redeemed children of Yah in the wilderness. They saw how powerful their Savior and Champion was in the face of the mighty Pharaoh of Egypt. They could have travelled in a matter of weeks to the Promised Land with such a loving and beneficent Father. But they did not know how to appreciate what they had received. They preferred the riches and deities of Egypt. Hence, just as we now fall prey to the comforts and delicacies of this cursed world, we also see New Yerushalem prepared for the saved as a place that has no real promises or opportunities for slaves of this worldly dominion. We only see a boring place where people sing with angels or look at the throne of Yah all day long. Like Hebrews seeing only trees and fields along the way and, sometimes, bleak and barren lands that scorched them during the day and froze them at night. They did not even have water and food to sustain their strength until they murmured against Yah.
We see New Yerushalem from a distance and yet we already see how beautiful and yet so unrelatable it is to our cursed world. It gives many the reasons to reject the vision Apostle John gives us as being “unrealistic” or uneven “nonsensical”. Yes, it is a beautiful and perfect city; but what will we do after a few days or weeks of living there?
The question, in reality, is unnecessary; since we are basing it on our ignorance of what the Holy City is truly like and what it offers its dwellers. It was the same with Adam and Havah in Eden. Did they know how to care for plants and animals? How to name animals and plants? Well, they even had to learn how to speak first before they could accomplish such a task. Did they know how to harvest fruits and seeds and plant them on the ground in such a manner that the pattern in Eden was followed? Did they have to collect or divert water that fell from the mist and stored them somewhere in order to use them for the new plants they had grown? And did they know how to help animals deliver and care for their offspring into health? So many other tasks we can imagine in Eden must have filled up their days in Eden. So, where did they learn all of that knowledge and wisdom to have dominion over Paradise? From their Creator.
Adam and Havah were created into a perfect world and began learning from Day One. In the same way, we will learn how to live and dwell in New Yerushalem through the help of Yahuah and His angels. Is it a city made for us or for angels and for Yah alone? Or is it a city designed for exalted humans? We have been given a preview of the dimensions and the materials used to build New Yerushalem even before we cross the great gap between glorious Heaven and cursed Earth. We will have the time and opportunity to become Yerushalists, not geologists, when we enter the Pearly Gates. It will be a completely-different place with completely-different rules and requirements for sure. If you want to become a “botanist” there still, there is plenty to learn about the Tree of Life which bears 12 kinds of fruits in their seasons. Or if you prefer to remain a “geologist”, what better way to spend your time than to study the 12 various gemstones that form the foundations of New Yerushalem?
But what will your knowledge of such materials serve there? Here, we put a tiny diamond on a golden ring and wear it all day long without as much as looking at it for more than a minute or two. We simply wear it to make ourselves feel good, mainly because only a few can afford to own such a rare luxury. We work, as cursed people required to sweat and toil until we die, to “own” such perks or possessions. Yet, we remain as Carbon-based beings who will die and decay; while the diamond remains clear and bright long after we die! And all the knowledge and pride we used to mine that diamond and turn it into jewelry disappear into thin air along with our bodies. Will that happen in New Yerushalem?
It seems, all the knowledge and intelligence we now possess through hard study and constant research will, therefore, be of no value in the Holy City. We have no need for the Sun there! No more buying lamps or even putting up roofs to protect ourselves from the heat or the cold. There is no death there! Engineers and doctors are not needed there; not even lawyers or philosophers! All human knowledge and intelligence will be replaced by a Divine Wisdom that defies our limited capacity to appreciate and fully grasp for now. If the Word of Elohim brought all things into existence — a concept so many refuse or find hard to accept or comprehend although Quantum Physics has proven it – how can we not accept the reality of New Yerushalem as a state of existence where even our own voice can bring into existence things we only conceive of in our minds or spirit? Which is to say: We will also become creators ourselves. For as children of Elohim, the Creator, the power of our own words can cause things to happen.
The knowledge we will gain while living in New Yerushalem will enable us to conceive and to create things or build places that will multiply the beauty and goodness of the Holy City. Just as Adam and Havah were tasked to increase Creation and its perfection and abundance through reproduction, husbandry and multiplication of all living things, we shall also be given the responsibility to multiply the blessings of the Holy City through the ever-progressive work we do there. Infinity is a concept and reality hard for us to imagine and validate in our cursed world. Math, Geometry and Logic may help us learn practical applications; but in the Holy City, our unlimited intelligence, just as Adam and Havah could, accomplish things we can never imagine here and now. For starters, an angel can teach us how to use a stadia to measure the city limits of New Yerushalem and the future cities we will establish according to our designs. Certainly, surveyors and engineers can appreciate how that will turn out to be for them. And for anyone else without prior earthly-life experience in surveying – how about simply learning to fly like an angel?
The key to knowledge, which this world has rejected, is Divine Truth. Whether you believe any of these visions or not will determine how much you have learned or how much you really know since you first entered a classroom.
- Previous: 52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 45) – The Heavenly New Yerushalem: Transforming Carbon-Based Creation into Crystal-Based Creation
- Next: 52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 47) – The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: Eating is Knowing, Being and Living