52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 44) – Are Species Products of Creation or of Interbreeding (a.k.a. Evolution)?

“Then Elohim said, ‘Let the Earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the Earth’; and it was so. And the Earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And Yah saw that it was good.
“Then Elohim said, ‘Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the Earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.’ So Elohim created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And Elohim saw that it was good. And Elohim blessed them, saying, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.’”
WEEK 44 (4th to 10th of Nisan, the First Month, in the Hebrew Religious Calendar)
The Beginnings of Evolution as a Theoretical Concept
The Greek mathematician, astronomer and philosopher, Thales (born around 624 BC), believed that water was the “First Cause of all things” for water could take various forms, from being liquid, to being solid or being gas. He based his conclusion on the fact that it possessed all the attributes that all other things had that came out of it. Although it appears crude in its formulation, Thales’ observation seems consistent with the revelation that the Creator did indeed form the Earth “out of water and by means of water, through which the world of that time was deluged with water and perished”. (1 Pet. 3:5-6) While many would claim that he derived his theory merely through philosophical speculation, his uncanny belief reinforces the age-old belief that the word of the Creator is the First and Prime Cause of all things.

Thales’ student, Anaximander, however, considered water as being no different from other materials or substances and, thus, suggested that the First Cause must have resulted through metaphysical processes, which, while being invisible, were still conceivable by humans. He presented the concept of the apeiron, which he defined as the “boundless”, perhaps a “spatial or temporal quality” or “something inexhaustible and undefined”.
Both approaches of those respected ancient thinkers must have attracted many for they disregarded the perceived superstitious or crude belief in a Supreme Being Who created all things by the power of His Word. For them, an impersonal force or material process must have acted to bring about all living and non-living things,; thus, giving rise to the seeds of Evolution as a viable theory early on in human history.
The Fallacies of Evolution
Yet, even the theory or principle of Biological Evolution has a beginning; meaning, it also evolved or developed into what it is now, which is a branch of scientific discipline and inquiry on the origin of species. That presumes, further, that no one in the beginning knew or believed such a process existed or that it was even possible or, at least, existed in a setting that generally believed in a Creator. The ancient philosophers who would arise, not being theistic, merely invented or speculated on new ways to explain their existence. We can look at it this way: If Yah had created all things as perfect in form and function (for a supreme Creator would never do otherwise), then Evolution, as a process, would have been unnecessary and, as such, violated His character, His law and His creative means. That never occurred to the Greeks, in general; for they believed the human mind was the ultimate arbiter of truth.
On the other hand, in the absence of a Divine Creator, what intelligent force or creative process would have induced inorganic materials to interact such that they produced the crudest one-celled organism (in reality, a one-celled organism has a highly-complex structures) that then evolved through so many fortunate circumstances over thousands or millions of years? Furthermore, that organism must first reproduce itself before it expires, fine-tune itself and then somehow evolve further to become a more complex organism that must also reproduce itself at every turn and phase, and then, finally, produce all the living beings we see today and all those that have become extinct.
The “missing link” is defined, precisely, as the thousands or millions of intermediary forms of organisms between what we call “species” or organisms with defined traits and characteristics distinct from other species or kinds (min in Hebrew) of living things. Where are the “links” or “bridges” between the fish and the frog, between the frog and the lizard, and between the dog and the horse? We have none of such animals in fossil form or living reality.

Enter Genetics as Evidence of Evolution
Evolutionists have turned to Genetics to connect primates with humans within the evolutionary scheme. (Genetics, according to Merriam-Webster, is the field of Biology “that deals with the heredity and variation of organisms“.: Variations in hereditary traits within a species (black or brown hair, light or dark skin, etc.) were seen and investigated as small and slow steps toward the formation of new species. Yes, it is no different from saying that the mango tree and the peach tree must be related or connected in the evolutionary history because they share many similarities in terms of basic structural form, foliage shape, taste, and color. Moreover, it does not take much scientific observation to conclude that they both go through basically the same physical and biochemical processes to produce fruits having quite similar sweetness, texture, color and tanginess. So much so that Pilipinos delight in the ubiquitous peach-mango pies that combine the two fruits into one delicious delicacy, effectively “producing a third kind of fruit” we can call peach-mango. But do we mix them because they are almost the same or distinct in reality? Variety is a divine gift; but blending things together, as we do with food, can also be a divine gift, as long as we do not corrupt anything or anyone.
Nevertheless, humans (and even angels) have had the innate urge to mix or join things together to form new things, good or bad. But where did the different things or kinds come from anyway? Why are we not satisfied with what we already have? Take red roses and white roses. We interbreed them to make pink roses. And there are many other possibilities that Genetics provides us in order for us to tinker around with plants, animals and even humans for whatever practical or whimsical purpose we can conceive. How did humans lose the way and, thereby, forget the divine decree upon which all living beings were made: multiplying or abounding “according to its kind”? We know organic humans did not do it but hybrid humans who were children of fallen angels. Since then, we have been living with hybrids and other un-organic beings and products of this dire spiritual deviation.
For we know that, at most, we can mix two or more fruits within the same family to produce hybrids fruits. There are mango varieties conveniently called “peachy variety”; however, the two plants cannot be grafted into one another to produce a hybrid plant. Neither have we seen a hybrid out of a chimpanzee and a human, no matter how closely their DNA resemble one another. This tells us that for Evolution to produce everything we see today, mixing of species or, at the most fundamental levels of development, of cells or genes must be so conducive to reproducing its offspring and, likewise, interacting with other cells as to produce the innumerable species that exist today. And yet, we see no in-betweens among the distinct and even “similar” species of plants and animals.

It appears then that the origin of species neither involved spontaneous generation nor random selection of species. Spontaneous generation is a chance-based event where organisms with functional organs and unique traits suddenly arose from inorganic substances under the right or perfect conditions. Random selection is a related evolutionary process whereby traits of species occur at random and without any rational source or basis. Although the probability of both complex processes occurring is quite slim, Evolution presumes unrestricted potential for the origin of all species. On the other hand, Creation only allows the best, one-off species to reproduce itself to remain clean or uncorrupted. Interbreeding, as we can now see, reduces that original and organic species; making it unclean, biologically and spiritually. The Creator is Ruach or Spirit; anything from Him bears His spiritual nature as well.
In contrast, therefore, to what is called Creationism, Evolution assumes all living things went through a spontaneous generation of life from the lowest form of living organisms (one-celled organisms) to the most-complex organisms by random or accidental selection (primates and humans which are also assumed to be related as connected branches in the evolutionary ladder) and not as miraculous products of divine will and design. We have seen how species were made by a Creator and hybrids of species by “Uncreators”. We must reinforce the principle that species are totally distinct from hybrids, which are not organic species but unclean species identified by Noah and Moses and, likewise, easily identifiable by us today.

The Question of Whether the Species Is the End or the Transition in an Evolving Creation
Is the species the end or the beginning of Evolution or, at least, of adaptation? (Salt-water fish can adapt to fresh-water environment, supposedly making a new species, such as the tawilis or fresh-water sardines in Taal Lake, Batangas.) Or is a species a transitional phase? In other words, does the Evolutionary Tree grow indefinitely into more branches of species we have never seen before? Quite frankly, it has stopped, except for what many believe to be species but are, in essence, mere hybrids. Believing it is the beginning or original, as well as the end or final kind, is accepting Creation and believing in a Perfect Creator. A cow is a cow and will always be a cow, no matter how much it may vary or adapt through time. Assuming it is the transition to another species will lead us to accept Evolution, as many do.
Many today, therefore, see species as products of the unique environment where they are found. Polar Bears have adapted to arctic conditions, while brown bears have lived in the forests and mountains of temperate regions. Relocated somewhere else, these species may evolve or adapt accordingly to their new environment. It happens all the time. Yet, they remain as the species that they are. We never see a monkey learn to swim and develop fins and gills. Hence, even adaptation has its limits. Can we also place limits upon spontaneous generation? Certainly! It never happened and, if it does in some experiments, it will not develop into higher forms of organisms. It is not a matter of time and chance but of intellect and purpose.
The diversity among species is, therefore, seen by proponents of Evolution as the product of eons of development from the original single cell; whereas it is seen by believers as the product of Divine Creative Power within the period revealed in scriptures. Now, we know that the diversity within species is not an extension of the Evolutionary Process but the work of fallen angels who tinkered with Creation. This missing piece of history is the real “missing link” in the Theory of Evolution. It should be called “invisible link”.
Conclusion: The Demons Processed and Possessed Animals to Justify the Theory of Evolution
The demons produced the concept and practice of Evolution through actual experiments, the products of which we now see before our very eyes: unclean animals. Those who fall for it still have to see the real story behind the first 10 generations of humans from Adam to Noah. All the basic biology, physics, chemistry and geology they need to know are there. We see wild and fierce predators which we accept as natural consequences of Evolution and Adaptation – yes, the victors in the so-called struggle of the “survival of the fittest” species in the jungle of life. The Nephilim hybrids were extremely intelligent beings, much more intelligent than the many scientists and thinkers in the past and the present. They started all this mess and chaos about unclean species and organisms with which they corrupted the world and wrested power from the true children of Yah. Moreover, through all the alchemy, astrology, root medicine and pharmakeia they taught humans, modern civilization has evolved into what it is today. The true and organic belief in the Perfect Creator has become but a minor afterthought lying at the fringes of the artificial and unorganic belief-systems of the world.
Scientists cannot accept Noah and the Great Flood because the source of such truth and knowledge is not replicable or provable. Yet, we have shown all the geophysical evidences, as well as the anthropological, historical and spiritual evidences of that fact in human history. Well, we can even vet the fact that wolves, dogs, cats, lions, serpents and monsters were the predators that once aided the Nephilim in ruling over humans. But today, we pride ourselves of being able to tame such animals and put them under our control as pets or members of the family. Taking out Yah from the picture somehow convinces us that we have also taken out the demons from the picture. Not! On the contrary, that is exactly what Satan has achieved throughout the centuries: Deceive people to reject a Creator and, thereby, lead them to think demons do not exist either.
The Nephilim planted the seeds of Evolution in its patently materialistic and existential form. Today, it is a concept that sustains itself through the unclean products of those wicked beings who were hybrids themselves. However, since they are now invisible spirits working behind the scenes, many today miss their role in the continuing deception meant to remove divine truth and reality from the human mind.
Having done that before the Flood, the Nephilim have now given humans a window through which to see the physical world as the product of Mindless and Heartless Evolution. Nevertheless, speciation came as result of intentional or forced diversity of physical traits among animals and not as a random, natural process. If Adam and Havah and their children had remained faithful to the original and organic principles of husbandry, we would have no unclean animals or monsters today. Well, we would have no sickness or death, in fact, if we followed all divine principles set in the beginning. But the end of all things will see the restoration of all those original and organic principles that created a perfect and abundant Creation.
- Previous: 52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 43) – The Art of Husbandry (Part 3): The Spiritual Covenant of Marriage (Wedding of the Lamb and His Bride)
- Next: 52 Weeks in the Ark with Noah and Family (WEEK 45) – The Heavenly New Yerushalem: Transforming Carbon-Based Creation into Crystal-Based Creation