1521-2021 (Part 2): The 500-Year Reign of Greed and Terror

Events in the Year 1521 that shook the world
When the Spanish explorers arrived in 1521, the natives of this Kapuluan (archipelago) lived in peace and abundance and traded with the surrounding lands nearby, such as China, India, Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as with far flung regions, including Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece and Israel. Rizal noted this in his annotations of Antonio de Morga’s book Las Sucesos de las Islas Felipinas (History of the Philippine Islands) published in Mexico, 1609. Hence, de Morga described “Felipinas” and listed down its extent as composed of the following island territories in Chapter 1: “. . . as rich in precious stones, gold, silver, and other minerals, as they abound in fruit and grain, flocks, and animals. Some of the islands yield all kinds of spices which are carried away and distributed throughout the world. These islands are commonly designated in their books, descriptions, and sea−charts, as the great archipelago of San Lazaro, and are located in the eastern ocean. Among the most famous of them are the islands of Maluco, Celeves, Tendaya, Luzon, Mindanao, and Borneo, which are now called the Filipinas.” (Highlighted) Later on, after several attempts at “pacifying” (in other words, “to reduce the natives to peace or obedience of his Majesty”) the islands for their gain, Morga wrote: “. . . besides those islands which had peacefully submitted to his Majesty, there were many others, large and rich, well−inhabited, and abounding in food and gold.” (Highlighted) That news must have reached and tickled the Spanish King’s ears as a sweet-sounding melody of an ancient and undying refrain. Finally, everything Spain touched became gold!
When Pope Alexander the Sixth apportioned the conquest of the new world to two kingdoms under his ecclesial jurisdiction (Spain and Portugal), it could have been with the knowledge that other “pagan” kingdoms not in his scope would be brought in and, as their modus operandi says, “reduced to peace” (which somehow presumes those kingdoms were either in constant turmoil or the colonizers brought it and, therefore, had to quell it). For it is suggested that this Asian archipelago Magellan visited extended way beyond the present territorial boundaries of our modern era and was known as the ancient Kingdom of Maharlika.
Pigafetta recorded in his chronicles that the native tribes living in the islands had numerous galleon-sized paraos or djungas (junks) which as he recounted in his journal, numbered up to two hundred and, at one time, a sizeable armada battled against the 3 remaining galleons of Magellan, whose superior firepower routed and burned the natives’ paraos and kidnapped the son of the Panay king. What were those boats for? For fishing? For pleasure cruises around the islands? Or for trading purposes? And if many of them were as large as the Spanish ships, could they have travelled only within the archipelago or journeyed as far as they could and wanted to barter their gold, silver, lumber, pearl, onyx, ivory, grains, nuts, oil and spices for silk, porcelain, metal implements, pottery, tea and other products from China, India, Egypt, Japan, Phoenicia and Greece.
So, what did the Spanish discover in 1521? A land which they claimed was even richer than China and surrounding regions. A land that was a center of commerce and trade for it sat squarely at the crossroads of the major trade routes and where foreign ships passed by from the north to the south, from the east to the west and vice versa in every direction. For though the Europeans did not know before 1492 the Americas existed, those islanders already traversed the breath of the Pacific Ocean and could have heard from the Polynesian islanders that a great continent lay beyond their shores toward the east. For why would we assume that the ancient Polynesians travelled only within the confines of the Pacific Ocean or to the western Asian islands and not to the eastern American portions as well of the great ocean? What do you think: Do the Polynesians look more like the Far East Asian people or to the ancient Aztecs and the Incas of South America? Could they have been Aryan in origin and mixed with the Asian people through marital and trade relations; thus, forming an in-between cultural distinction according to their own territorial identity eventually? Look at this study made at Duke University entitled “Possessing Polynesians”* which literally claims that the ancestry of those Western Pacific islanders was leaning more toward being white than either to brown or black.
This may sound as speculation to some; but it has bearing on the historical origins of what the European colonizers eventually found already existing thousands of year even before those “discoverers” reached their state of 16th-century civilization which gave them the so-called authority and mission to conquer and, well, possess the rest of the “uncivilized” world.

Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s fiery novel that remains relevant today in our societies that enforce the wearing of masks and face shields and prevent large assemblies
With Jose Rizal’s pot-boiling twin books, Noli and Fili, raised nationalistic fervor to explosive uprisings in 1898, the natives finally got rid of the Spanish colonizers after 333 years, only to fall into the hands of another rich and hungry newcomer in the person of Uncle Sam. Greed knows no nationality, religion or creed, only the color of gold and the smell of the fertile earth. That fresh bunch of Pacific-Ocean-plodding sailors merely followed the wake of the early galleon-sailing marauders who once “discovered” and “ruled” Americas and were, at that time, at war with Uncle Sam. The old had to somehow give way to the new, as history often tells us; and in this case, the new colonizers did not take time at all to open the roads to the mountains to the “gold in dar dem hills”. Kennon Road was built as soon as the Americans had landed and gained foothold, after having momentarily dealt with the triumphant revolutionaries whom they duped to accept money for a peaceful armistice under the Treaty of Paris of 1900. Since then, balitok from deep within the bowels of the Cordillera Mountain Range got “discovered” and brought to light and shipped back to line the gold reserves vaults of Uncle Sam for over half-a-century, at least.
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo mustered his forces while on exile in Hong Kong and began another round of revolutionary war against the new colonizers, only to surrender two years after. For more than 40 years, this archipelago would learn the ropes of modern democracy, adopt a new form of Christianity quite different from the one the Spanish brought but opposed to it in many ways, and engage in world trade through the auspices of the highly-industrialized US which kept the islands a perpetual green basket and an exclusive lode of rich minerals and ores for fueling the colonizer’s economy and industrial growth. Whereas Spain “reduced (the archipelago) to peace”, US literally reduced it to underdevelopment from its former wealth and glory, not to mention “reduced to peace” once more.
When you visit Madrid, Barcelona and all the wealthy European cities and stand in awe at wide avenues lined with imposing, historic buildings designed in splendid late-19th-century architecture, think of the wealth the explorers sucked and shipped out of their “discovered” territories through the burdensome and oppressive labors of millions of enslaved natives who tilled the land, mined the ores, fished the seas and loaded the goods on board ships that stole away those riches originally bestowed by God on those freedom-loving and peaceful natives in the ancient worlds of the Americas, Asia and Africa.
You tour the western cities and you tour the history of greed etched in their gleaming granite stones, polished marble tiles, golden goblets, ivory chests, diamond tiaras, ebony beds, brass ornaments and steel pedestals. And what do the despoiled territories have? The privilege to trade and deal with those rich nations by selling the very same resources until now so that, in return, they can afford to buy the latter’s expensive goods. Yes, to this day, these post-colonized (sic) nations have hardly preserved and developed their own cultural, political and social heritage and to attain their own economic stability as independent nations instead of being tools of the global economy imposed by the developed nations. Do you really think things have really changed just because we have what the rich nations also have? For one thing, we ate fresh, organic and nutritious food and breathed clean air before they sold us on their devitalized and polluting ways.
You may ask, “How come Japan and South Korea, and now China, were able to develop their own capitalistic economies as independent nations?” Precisely, by following the western pattern of development, and emulating the innovative form of economic-colonization used by the West without the use of military invasion, these Asian countries have cornered a vast portion of the world’s markets through the sales of cars, construction equipment, farm machineries, industrial equipment, consumer products, communication equipment, military material and agricultural products. We do not say these nations are greedy or as greedy as their old counterpart. We just mention that the rich often prey on the poor to make their wealth. And the poor (Poor, poor people!), often have no choice but to sell their resources cheap because their leaders are, more often than not, paid servants of the rich nations. I think we call them puppets or lackeys. Or we call them aristocrats or oligarchs who become richer by pandering to their masters while acting as benevolent patrons of the poor.

Lapu-lapu, Datu of Mactan, Defeats Magellan
Back to 1521: Lapu-lapu was the first real native hero worth our respect in today’s complex world. His choice was as simple as giving up his freedom and his hard-earned goods or not. If a stranger entered your land and demanded for a regular payment just because he claims he now owns your land; what would you do? A meek believer would give in, knowing the stranger was not a believer himself. But what if the stranger was also a believer, for so Magellan was supposed to be! He even carried a big cross (and a shiny Toledo sword) to prove he was a “Christian”! I would say, “Brother, shame on you! Go home and plant your cross on your backyard and kneel down for forgiveness to the One who already left that cross and reigns in Heaven.”
Perhaps, Lapu-lapu did say that in his own way and tried to parley a peaceful truce. If he had heard those explorers talked to Rajah Humabon about a loving Savior who had died on a cross and that they were servants of that loving and forgiving Son of God, surely there was some decency in those white men. But Lapu-lapu was left with no choice when Magellan attacked his people. Magellan had two choices as well, to plant a cross where he was welcome or to plant a sword where he was not. He gambled and lost!
Let us stop looking at Lapu-lapu as merely a petty, pagan tribal head who missed his opportunity to become a Catholic. We should rather rethink and relearn what those Spanish explorers brought and showed our ancestors when they came and finally took over these islands. Did they bring the love, joy and peace of Christ’s Kingdom to our people? Try again. Did they bring brotherly kindness, compassion, fellowship and goodwill? Again. How about tolerance and respect for their properties, their freedom and their way of life and preservation of their means of livelihood? Eccchhhh!!! You’re out!
The Papal Bull was very clear: Claim, explore and Christianize the lost natives! They were lost even before they were found! No, they were claimed even before they were found and only to be explored after! Magellan, like Columbus, was as greedy as the rest of the explorers who came before and after him. He could tolerate no rebel in his territorial claim; after all, he had the Pope and his signature to back him up. Well, in his heart, he believed God had sent him to claim the islands for His Son, if not, at least, for St. Lazarus. Whatever he thought, he thought he was perfectly on the right. Such are the deluded and wicked conquerors of this world, from Nebuchanezzar to Genghis Khan to Hitler and many more. But those explorers could not have been greedier than their kings and ecclesiastical masters who had divided the world among themselves and connived to milk the “raw land”. Many real estate developers today have the same mentality.
The means used may be totally different. But the greed remains as fierce and as fiery as before. Aside from the former tricks they had used from inside their deep bag of dirty tricks, they could be using other tools, such as drugs or vaccine, to get their way with nations today. No, they could be using a sickness or a plague to wage war against those who rebel against their way of controlling events and, thereby, controlling people and ruling the whole world ultimately. Yes, the same world their mentors claimed before – or what many of them actually inherited from their early mentors.
The reign of these greedy spirits, ruled over by higher and darker principalities and powers in heavenly places, remains as real and present as ever, although most people refuse to recognize or work against them. Why? Well, if Magellan could be led all the way across the Pacific Ocean to claim what is rightfully not Portugal’s, not Spain’s and not Rome’s but someone else’s, what would make people today believe that their hearts, souls and lives belong to someone else other than God? Simply put: Magellan claimed tribute for the king of Spain who, in turn, owed allegiance to the pope in Rome, just as Magellan did. That is the simple economy of religion. St. Peter’s basilica depended on it, among other sundry expenses of the Holy See. Magellan was but the final link to that vast and grandiose global enterprise. We now call it global economy run by globalists. And for a while, a lowly datu had spoiled the great plan. Two galleons and a handful of straggling sailors sailed home with a few gold trinkets and some bales of spices. It took Spain 4 decades to get over Lapu-lapu’s checkmate, whereas it took only 2 decades for Magellan to correct Columbus’ mistake and finally discover Ophir. Yes, again, he found gold. It is not conjecture but historical fact.
Spain did try to send more expeditions after Magellan but all of them failed until Miguel Lopez de Legaspi arrived in 1565. And now, we are slowly discovering for ourselves the real stories hidden from us for centuries by those who obliterated our history, our culture, our wealth and our identity so that they can receive the world’s acclaim for saving Ophir from so-called paganism and introducing a religion that became a bane more than a boon to the people, so much so that their National Hero died exposing the sins that bedeviled society then as they still do now. Although we keep saying Magellan’s name here, we point to other powers higher than him and the king of Spain controlling the destinies of the nations from the time of Noah to the present. Their tools are many and diverse, with religion being the most effective of all. For a while, we have seen how communism can control the minds of millions; but it is not as effective and as long-enduring as religion. In fact, Babylon invented the ancient religion which Abraham of old once practiced. He left that old life by God’s direct command. Today, the great mystery religion of Babylon remains strong and in place in millions of hearts. John prophesies the final destruction of this beast in the end-times, or should we call it soon-times?
Where great religions reign in this present world, as they did in the past, there is great wealth and great power. Where the corpses lie, there will be the vultures also. And think of the greatest religion on the world today, and you will find the wealth of Ophir. No, we are not just talking of the gold the explorers and colonizers shipped out of Ophir in recent centuries but the gold that David and Solomon bought to decorate the Temple in Jerusalem. Babylon carted the gold during the captivity. Then the Assyrians took the gold and later the Egyptians. Where that gold is, there you will also find the blood of millions who worked to get that gold. Even Hitler’s henchmen and the Japanese emperor’s generals rolled their armies to cart away gold from all over Europe and Asia. Where could all that gold end up going other than where the powerful nations decide it should go? We can level down the choices to a few key cities in the world based on biblical history, colonial history, global war and contemporary history. Forget it, go to YouTube and the road will lead you like a baby to the Promised Land flowing with gold, milk and honey! Perhaps, they may not have actual possession of the gold; but they have the political, economic and religious clout over people who possess the gold. It is by far easier and cheaper to have puppet rulers as well as loyal altar-boys than have physical possession of a country.
As long as we remain blind to our own history and the true history of the world, we will remain shackled by the beliefs and practices that Luther, Rizal and the early apostles taught against. The Pharisees in Christ’s time, in case we do not know, descended from the Persians who had learned the pagan religion of Baal from Babylonia. Their religion reigned over Palestine and took over the temple of God; hence, His anger at those false Jewish rulers. Today, our anger against the modern Pharisees who continue to practice the ancient Babylonian religion Mithraism (Mystery Religion) in the form of a so-called Christian religion (the better to convert them, my dear) must reawaken and seethe against those who support the deception of the world through a false gospel and a false faith-system.
Our series on Organic Faith traces the way from this Mystery Religion that has incorporated itself into many human institutions today. Today, their greed is fully supplied although still unsatisfied. They seek to utilize fear to hammer the final nail to the coffin of humanity. We remember how the Americans finally won the war against the native rebels after having defeated the Japanese in WW2. Guerillas who had helped fight the Japanese continued to fight but now aimed their guns at the Americans. They were led by Luis Taruc, a peasant leader from Tarlac, who formed the Hukbalahap (Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon). They were called Huks, for short.
The CIA concocted a clever way of discouraging the Huks from fighting by killing a few of them and leaving the body with two punctures in the neck. The bodies were then hanged from a tree to drain the blood and left them along the road sides to make people believe they had been killed by vampires. Since the natives had always believed in vampires and enchanted creatures, the story spread and greatly reduced the movement of rebels. And you can also imagine the fear it brought to people who closed their homes early and kept away from strangers in their towns. Leave it to the CIA to make such plans work. In fact, one of their supporters and operatives here, Ramon Magsaysay, eventually became president.
While the Spaniards used divide-and-conquer tactics, the Americans used another trick of using superstitious beliefs to instill fear among the people. Today, the fear of a pandemic could be as effective a method to keep people in their homes and to make them follow narratives they would not easily suspect for being false or, at least, hyped up. This global fear being created is clearly a tool for reconfiguring the global economy using a pandemic and a vaccine to shepherd people into blind obedience. Unlike religion which you can examine through the Word of God and confirm its veracity and purity, it is harder to filter news and information passed through legal or authorized sources. A pope, a president, a pariah or a preacher can always proclaim something to be true, yet every person is called upon to look into his or her own conscience and determine the final decision to be made as to its truthfulness and reliability. Upon that decision will rest the final judgment of God upon every person in the end.

Ancient pagan mythology remains and reigns today through principalities and powers in the air
It is a time to do sober thinking with regard to what is happening and will happen in the near future. Satan’s leash has been shortened, it is said, and he is forced to make moves that will endanger his position in that he will have to expose himself and reveal what he has been doing all along for centuries. 1521 was a landmark year for the whole world then. 2021 will also be a landmark year for the world. 2020 is a mere awakening and preparation for what will happen soon. If what is happening now does not scare you, then what we are saying will not affect your complacency either. And yet, we do not wish to create fear but to create true knowledge that will allay your fears of what Satan is doing and will be doing soon. How sure are we? Well, as sure as we have seen the workings of Satan since the Fall of Adam and Eve, the Great Flood, the death of Christ, the dividing, exploration and despoliation of the world, and now the closing of our economy and the restricting of normal human life, we can be quite sure that Satan’s chosen angels of darkness ruling in heavenly places will bring things to a head until the very freedom we still have to talk against what he is doing is also taken away. When that day comes, remember how this one voice cried out in the wilderness of unbelief. And there are many of such voices today.
So, enjoy your Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Zoom while you can. When a cyber-lockdown comes to pass, guess what will be the best way to communicate? By the way, do you know what operating system runs your computer? Or what network powers your smartphone? The gateways lead all the way to the darkness of hell.
Note: Photos used above courtesy of www.google.com